I thought his choking up was a bit too much too. Something seemed off. It’s not like Gov Palin accused him of anything. For me, I think it was the culmination of realizing that he’s a washed up Presidential candidate, and if he screwed up, or if he loses in Nov…that’s it. Someone else had a better take on it.
Liberals, and no doubt their willing accomplices in the MSM, are making much of Joe Biden’s “spontaneous” outburst of emotion at the end of the debate, and Gov. Palin’s SUPPOSED gaffe in not reacting to it:
Very moving. I liked it even better when he “spontaneously” choked up about it on the campaign trail LAST WEEK:
Well, it’s a hard thing to get over, no doubt. Those of us who have had tragedies in our lives can relate to how fresh the pain can feel, even after many years. Tragedies like BEING NOMINATED VICE PRESIDENT BY BARACK OBAMA:
He does seem to get “choked up” in front of television cameras a lot. It’s almost as if he’s doing it on purpose. Almost as if it’s an act to garner sympathy. Almost as if he used the deaths of his wife and children as a pretext to turn on the waterworks, so everybody feels sorry for him and gets distracted from the fact that he is another empty suit Democrat with nothing to offer but the same watered-down socialism and peacenik rhetoric that the American public has reject time and time again.
Almost EXACTLY like that, as a matter of fact.
And Sarah Palin saw right through it.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
Joe Biden calls himself “Scrappy form Scranton”,
Sarah-cuda showed him up as “Weepy from Washington”
I’m pretty sure Biden would be willing to experience what John McCain went through in Hanoi ten times over to have his child back. This post is as callous as it gets Scott. I am really ashamed people can get this crass over politics.
Maybe he’s plagiarizing from his own material?
I agree and disagree here-that’s why I posted it for discussion. People were all over Hillary for her tearing up (real or fake?). Me, like I said, I think he choked up for real, but I think it was a culmination of other things, and the only reason I think that is because no one said anything about him not understanding what it’s like to be a single parent. He opened his response by saying he was too passionate, then closed with a choked up response to something no one ever said.
Callous. Yep, but is it possible the son of a car salesman is playing us? If not, then why does he bring this thing about being a single parent up? To show his passion? If that’s the case, then yeah…he’s making a play.
10 times?! Whoa!
Joe Biden’ll never have his child back; his child’s an adult making adult decisions in life.
Sounds like Joe Biden has his head screwed on straight right there, echoing what McCain and Bush, and those on the right of this have been saying.
I don’t think you know what we’re talking about here Wordsmith.
No, I understood perfectly. I was trying to shift the goal posts.
Where did the “single parent” topic come from?
I am as sentimental as the next person, but this is ridiculous. I noticed you didn’t say that Joe would go through McCain’s hell to get his child and WIFE back. That omission is telling. If Governor Palin had choked up at any point, she would have been crucified.
What’s odd is that we admire tears in men but not in women. Men who cry are “sensitive.” Women who cry are “weak.”
When former Congresswoman Pat Schroeder cried during her 1987 exploratory run for president, critics said she set back women’s chances for the White House by 20 years. That would pretty much make 2008 the perfect time for Governor Palin to succeed.
“For men, crying has become this mandatory rite of passage,” Schroeder says, “but for women, it’s still not O.K.”
That was Biden’s “I have a bracelet, too!” moment.
Willmoor Kendall, one of our new posters, has a few clips of Biden’s campaign tears up on his blog today the first being last night’s incident.
Perhaps, after 35 years, it’s comforting for Biden to share this experience with millions of people across this country, he must still need the sympathy or, he’s using it as a campaign issue. Guess we will have to watch and see, always the cynic.
We lost our brother 58 years ago to polio, he was four yet he lived on in our hearts like he never left us after we all went though our grieving. My parents did a lot of volunteer work through the years for March of Dimes, spoke of what they went through losing a young child, but I don’t remember any tearing up when the subject of polio came up as it frequently did. They focused a lot of energy helping to stamp out polio. My other brother left us 3/19/03 because of an asthma attack yet we are able to keep our emotions in check.
After 35 years, one should be strong enough to discuss the loss, that’s why others see it as a ploy.
I am at a loss to understand why Biden did this. Palin never even mentioned being a single parent did she? I mean I watched every second of that debate and I don’t re-call her saying anything of the sort. After his “moment”, it went back to Sarah and I thought, okay, will she mention this or pretend it didn’t happen? She pretended it didn’t happen, again showing how much class she has. I don’t think she was being mean spirited, I think she truly thought “oh boy, poor Joe just had a weak moment there remembering the child he lost, I’m just gonna shut up and move along”. Thas my take anyway.
Biden has shamelessly exploited their deaths for votes. He’s even gone so far as lying. He claims the man in the other car was drunk. He was not-and that’s per the police.
I don’t know about you people, but for myself, a President or a Vice President that chocks or cries in a speech gives me goose pimples. How can a man that can’t controll his emotions in public be President or VP of this great nation? Very, very scary! Just for that reason he doesn’t qualify. United States needs a strong man to lead not a bad actor of a daily soap opera.
America’s at war. We need warriors not lawyers. We need people in the White House who are prepared to kill other human beings, and that’s a cold, hard, ugly fact of being a commander-in-chief of the most powerful nation on the planet during a time of expanding global war.
Biden’s tears are not confidence inspiring. I think he cried for the same reason Hillary cried.
“It’s so hard to get out there everyday….” and lose.
“Stand-up Chuck!”
LOVED when he stumbled and ran-home-to-momma and gave his old Presidential stump speech. I think it was in the “what would you do as vice president” part. That was too funny. Would love to see the Youtubes of that.
Hey Joe, our adversaries are watching.
If Putin ever cries, he won’t do it in front of the entire world.
Wow! Thanks for the link! I made the big time!
I swear I’m not crying right now.
I’m waiting to see Obama cry when conceding defeat. That will be his defining moment.