Sarah Said, “…we…”

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Sarah Palin did something tonight that SHOULD cause a chain reaction of terror in Washington DC. She might not have won on technical points or gotchas or whatever barometer a pundit or spinmeister chooses. However, she did tap into the chord that Americans are pissed off at the finger pointing, at looking back, and doing the same ole same ole. They want a change in Washington, and a hope for a new future. Obama promised that once, but he’s changed. He’s campaigning old school. Instead of making bi-partisanship (something which he has no experience in) his core theme, he’s abandoned it to gotcha politics, name-calling, half truths, etc. Instead of promising real change, he’s put it on a podium and a banner behind him like every other marketed product. He used to talk about how there are no more red states, blue states, just red, white, and blue states.

Tonight, Sarah Palin picked up Obama’s baton. She did it when she said, “Never again. Never again will we…” and the rest was irrelevant. She didn’t say Republicans or Democrats, or Bush, or whatever.

Sarah said, “…we…”

That might sound like nothing to some people, but to the people that matter in the last 4 weeks of the election-people who don’t follow politics with a passion, people who are sick of politics, people who are sick of partisanship, and incumbents, and lobbyist payoffs, and tax loopholes for Puerto Rican Rum makers…to those people “…we…” makes all the difference.

Now we get to see if the campaigns noticed.

Thank you Sarah

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Still have to go back and watch the whole thing but I did notice that Palin spoke about “we”, while Biden spoke about “them.”
BIG mistake. People will notice, if only subconsciously.

One of the major battle-points between my wife and I her tendency to say “I”, and “you” when “we” is the right word to use.

I noticed early on Palin’s tendency to say “we” or “John and I” and to always be talking about a brighter better tomorrow, never mentioning the past except in the context of things “we aren’t going to do anymore.”

Interesting point on the subconscious effect of the word “we”. On Fox News they pointed out that their focus group spiked the support meters when she said that. They weren’t responding intellectually at that point but emotionally. When asked about it, a number of them explained it as a “We’re mad as h*ll and we’re not gonna take it anymore” moment ala the movie “Network.” She definately tapped into something there.

Some of us gun-thumping, Bible toting…..hmmmmm….anyway, some of US think WE are important and WE think the gooebermint should stop being THEY and join US in making OUR country a better place, instead of treat US as people to be damned and oppressed.

palin is a we, she is pissed also. that is good, we love sarah.

So Sarah Palin said “Never again will We…” So did President Bush after 9/11. So does all Politicians. All that matters is who you really believe means it. I think She means it.