It’s funny. We should be worried what Palin said in her interview with Couric but not what Biden said?
Katie Couric: Why do you think Roe v. Wade was a good decision?
Joe Biden: Because it’s as close to a consensus that can exist in a society as heterogeneous as ours. What does it say? It says in the first three months that decision should be left to the woman. And the second three months, where Roe v. Wade says, well then the state, the government has a role, along with the women’s health, they have a right to have some impact on that. And the third three months they say the weight of the government’s input is on the fetus being carried.
And so that’s sort of reflected as close as anybody is ever going to get in this heterogeneous, this multicultural society of religious people as to some sort of, not consensus, but as close it gets.
I think the liberty clause of the 14th Amendment … offers a right to privacy. Now that’s one of the big debates that I have with my conservative scholar friends, that they say, you know, unless a right is enumerated – unless it’s actually, unless [it] uses the word “privacy” in the Constitution – then no such “constitutional right” exists. Well, I think people have an inherent right.
The case that somehow, someway, said that abortion was guaranteed under the Constitution is justified because it was good for “social peace?” On top of that he continues on with the “living Constitution” baloney.
Oh, and there is a consensus on abortion?
Is he high?
How in the world could anyone say that?
Then when asked which SCOTUS decision he disagreed with he describes a violence against women case but never names it. Did he know the name? Isn’t he a numbskull for not knowing the name? Or maybe he had the case in his recollection because he was instrumental in writing the part which the Supreme Court threw out?
Not only that, check out Karl on his other idiotic assertion:
Biden lectures Couric about the trimester framework of Roe, which he calls as close to a consensus as America can get. In reality, the Supreme Court ruled that the trimester framework had “proved to be unsound in principle and unworkable in practice” in the 1989 case of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services. The trimester framework has been bad law for 19 years.
But we should be worried about this instead:
Couric: What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?
Palin: Well, let’s see. There’s, of course in the great history of America there have been rulings, that’s never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but …
Couric: Can you think of any?
Palin: Well, I could think of … any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But, you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a vice president, if I’m so privileged to serve, wouldn’t be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today.
Uh, yeah….sure thing.
Lets see, a leftist view on the Constitution in which he says there is a consensus on abortion, when there most certainly is not, compared to a VP candidate who isn’t sure which Supreme Court decision she has disagreed with.
He doesn’t really even pretend that the Constitution actually says what the Court pretended to find in it in Roe. He makes a vague mention of the privacy right, but attributes his support for Roe to the notion that “it’s as close to a consensus that can exist in a society as heterogeneous as ours.” Even if that were true, would it mean the case was rightly decided? Biden then concludes with an erroneous description of our abortion jurisprudence and of the 14th Amendment. The great statesman strikes again.
Listen, she has been a mayor and Governor in Alaska. No one is shocked she stumbles over these issues. But a man who has been on the Senate Judiciary Committee should know better.

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I just found out last night while watching the O”Reilly/Dennis Miller segment that Palin did the Couric interview the day she saw her son off to Iraq. Remembering back to the time we sent our loved ones off, we definately would not have had any kind patience for Couric’s needling questions.
I would have used the property rights case, but right now, I can’t think of the name of it, get stressed and feel pressured over silly things such as getting all my gardens closed up and things slip my mind. Nothing like sending a son off to war and then have to do an interview being broadcast across the US with an ingrate who desires to ruin you.
Yes, Sarah Palin is Governor of Alaska running for VP and because she is running on the Republican ticket, she has to be perfect. It’s like that old adage the feminists used way back, something about the woman having to work twice as hard for half the pay,etc. Palin vs Biden is a prime example.
coulodn’t have said it better missy, although i do think that couric is jealous of palin. for many years women wanted to have katies hair, make up what ever. now even dem women want palins hair, her glasses, her shoes, her clothes. palin has rocked the scene, she is making a name for herself. i really think couric is jealous of katie, katie has always had trouble being taken seriously in her profession, now she is turning that onto palin in a verytrashy manner.
Couric: What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?
A gotcha question if I ever heard one. If Palin had given her a straight answer it would have been blazed all over the media “Palin disagrees with Supreme Court”. How can she be vice president if she does not agree with the laws of the land.? Just like when asked about abortion she said she was against it. That was all over the media as if it were a crime.
Let’s be realistic here and put some perspective in all that BS. If Palin was a dummy, everybody would ignore her. The only reason they are trying so hard to put her down, proves to all of us that she is NO DUMMY and that she scares the hell out of them.