And it’s that same three ring circus, just like the “truth squads” of prosecutors threatening free speech if it’s critical of Obama, that we would all suffer from if the “dear leader” is elected.
Yomi Mizuhara
16 years ago
They forgot about Andrew Halcro!
joe from chi
16 years ago
If Hillary can be this close to becoming Pres just bec she was first lady, the Obamanation is already thinking about running Michelle O in the future…. They don’t want Palin to have the chance to be the first female Pres.
Fit fit
16 years ago
People are starting to switch their testimonies now that they are under oath. Not a good sign.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
this is nothing but a witch hunt, anyone with half a brain can see it.
The Branchflower investigation has so many leaks of partial info… most of which is fed to a press determined to smear Palin in order to help Obama… that it continues of the path of a witchhunt instead of an unbiased investigation. There is a reason that Alaskan law requires their Personnel Board investigations into ethics violations of the Executive branch are confidential until the final report is made. Even tho Palin waived her right to confidentiality.
But the press has this nasty habit of trying people in the media. Look how long the Duke La Cross three had to endure the smears before the truth finally came out. But the media and the world pegged them as guilty, because they only had bits and pieces of reality. One would think we have learned our lessons with the media. But noooooo….
Such is the same with Branchwater, and the press who feeds on the Hollis run investigation’s every saliva drop. The media and Hollis are looking to try Palin, but with even less information than Branchwater has… and no overview of the complete issue.
At question in this particular event is Wooten’s possible abuse of a workman’s comp claim. Fit, you may want to make this seem like some big conspiracy of executive office abuse. But if someone is abusing the claims system, collecting cash for pre-existing conditions and engaging in off-duty sports that they are supposedly not able to do, then there is reason to investigate that abuse.
What the process and legalities of that process are, the Personnel Board’s investigator will find out. However it’s entirely appropriate, as the Deputy AG said previously, that these abuses should be investigated by the hierarchy in and of the Public Safety Commission… and that falls under the Governor’s office jurisdiction.
Or perhaps you believe that Trooper Wooten should abscond with $11K benefits over three months time (that’s a lot of compensation per month…), while taking snowmobiling trips for pleasure… sans any question? So you don’t mind when the govt wastes funds, and doesn’t bother to check into abuse of govt benefits? Well, you and I disagree. I believe much of our welfare and benefits programs is in need of a housecleaning for those that are abusing the system.
Interesting thing is, had Wooten easily collected a workman’s comp claim that he wasn’t entitled to, and no investigation of abuse occurred, the press would probably be on the bandwagon, screaming “nepotism!” instead. When they’re out to get you, events can always be twisted in half truth reports to plant sinister intent.
Result of that workman’s comp event? They cut off his benefits (which they’re trying to blame Palin for now…after the fact). Wooten grabbed a lawyer and sued. They ended up just settling the affair (sometimes the cheapest way out of a frivolous lawsuit) by helping Wooten get an operation for his back – something that was a pre-existing physical condition on his application, and not a result of his claim. I’d say he came out just fine.
And, BTW, Wooten did not name Palin as part of their claims lawsuit. Well, if she were at fault, why not? Oddly enuf, that accusation doesn’t come up until over a year later… by others, and not Wooten… because Palin’s a veep, running against Obama.
My my… how convenient. But of course, it *can’t* be political, right?
As far as changing testimony, still no one is implicating Palin herself. Many references to “Palin’s office”. Well, we already know that Frank Bailey went outside Palin’s authorization for interference and actions. So we still have no information but what a biased press reporter wants to leak out. And that’s not happening with the legal investigation… just as it should be.
The difference between the Legislative Council witchhunt, and the Personnel Board, is the former is trying to investigate Palin to find something she did wrong. The latter is investigating an ethics charge, and trying to determine if there was a violation, and who was responsible.
Do you see the difference? One is a witchhunt based on a subject suspect… Palin. The other is an investigation based on a complaint.
I suggest that instead of living for whatever dirt and tidbits they can drum up daily, you wait for the investigation results. Because until you can see everything in context, thru an unbiased investigators eyes, we know nothing.
16 years ago
You are talking to a brick wall. Fit’s whole attitude is whatever it takes to win do it. Integrity is a dirty word to him/her. He/she is one of those trolls who cruise the right blogs to sow dissension and doubt and is probably paid by the Obama campaign. If they are not paid they do it for love idiots that they are. Too dumb to realize the tactics used against us can and will be used against them if they fail to conform to the rules of their “Dear Leader”.
Obama is getting creepy. His Chicago politics are so like the gestapo.
16 years ago
Barbara, you are so right. Fit Fit has been reading this blog for a while. He has all the right facts now, and he still denies reality. He is a lost case! I still can’t believe that there are so many Fit Fit in your country. It’s a shock to me. In my opinion, Americans are brillant people. But when I read Fit Fit and alikes, I fall off my seat. I prefer thinking that they must be immigrant Muslims… US/bashers.
You guys would really prefer to spend your time shouting into an echo chamber and never being challenged on anything at all?
I consider myself to to be rather well mannered and reasonable compared to your average internet troll. I even voted Republican for SC US Senate yesterday (Mike probably understands why…).
16 years ago
“I consider myself to to be rather well mannered and reasonable…” (Fit Fit)
It’s true, you are not insulting. What gets us mad is that you never get your facts right and always try to pass your false information. That’s the only thing we have against you. You read the facts here and you deny them. What the hell for? Usually, it’s trolls who acts like that.
Just to let you know, Craig… Fit Fit, Doug (1) and Dave Noble are regulars here. In fact all three pre’date me, who arrived on the scene somewhere around Mar or April of this year. As well as many of the regular more conservative commenters as well… Aye Chi, Udderchaos, Stix, etal. Then we have the left of right types too… CentFla, for example… also pre’dates me.
All three of these regular left commenters I mentioned first have tough skins, and have engaged in regular battles.
Now I’m not sure what the definition of a “troll” is technically. But I always think of them as drive bys/hit and run types. That’s most certainly none of these three. They’re more like the black sheep members of the FA family because they do hang in here regularly.
I suspect if I met any of them at an FA family dinner gathering, we could do serious political battle in a corner, and still break bread with a smile.
There are others more in the drive by troll description who’ve come here. Generally they don’t last long…
16 years ago
Thanks again Mata. I guess Americans and Canadians do not have the same idea of what a troll is. In Canada, we view a troll as a person who comes on a blog on a daily base, but only for the destruction and the distortion of the facts. They read the thread and then they search desperately on Internet to find something contradicting the facts. They couldn’t care less where they find that false information… they just want people to read it and doubt reality. This is why I think that Fit Fit and his alikes are trolls.
16 years ago
Valid point Mata, It’s not like fit fit is being nasty, I don’t mind a little debate or devil’s advocate myself.
The whole thing on the “Troopergate” investigation is it’s a total was of Dem time and money. Let them. Less money for Acorn to be given for more voter fraud. Palin was his boss. He worked for her administration at her whim. As an Alaskan judge pointed out when she was mayor and fired people. It’s all a moot point. She didn’t need a reason to fire him. Many people have been fired without “just cause”. That’s the true purpose for why unemployment insurance was created. You take your case to them & if they think you have a case you are awarded a fraction of what you earned while you seek other employment. But hey, he didn’t even qualify for that because Palin gave him a different job in her administration. So Monegan has nothing to weep about & Obama’s lawyers & the biased investigation has no case. The outrage is they are wasting taxpayer money with a bogus witch-hunt investigation that is technically illegal in itself by Alaskan law. By Alaskan law the matter falls soley under the jurisdiction of the personnel office to pursue, and they could only investigate if there was a complaint. There was a later complaint on Monegan’s behalf, but that was withdrawn. Hence no case. The “October surprise” gambit is a ruse. This is standard magician performance technique to get us looking at one hand to distract from other actions being taken. As Bullwinkle might say, “Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my ass.”
I have to tell you all… I have no idea what the common, accepted definition of “troll” is in internet language. When I look it up, it’s about those who post to deliberately antagonize, but do so in “off topic” ways. (is this my famous “thread nanny” title emerging?? LOL) I don’t see that from our regulars. They generally remain on topic for the most part. Antagonize? No… just different opines offered for debate.
In that sense, FA is composed of many with more than varying degrees of a-different-slant. Like us all, every one is a mixture of conservative, moderate, liberal.
I never mind dissenting voices. Those I just can’t abide just belch out soundbytes with little that backs up their opinion. Ya know, I can read the media headlines myself. Repeating them here doesn’t make it viable or true. I expect more from this community.. and most of the time, all (even those of different stripes) deliver.
So I, like many others, try to call each other when we just make blanket statements without backing up why we believe that way. I expect them to do the same.
But all in all… a “choir” is generally boring….
16 years ago
Mata……there is another term to describe such people. Die hard liberal partisans (beyond thought, intellectual honesty or personal reflection) are often called “Cool-aid” drinkers. It’s a term that orginated from the Jim Jones cult masacre. Under the orders of Rev. Jones, hundreds of obedient lemmings drank poisened cool aid hours before authorities were to arrest Jones and his co-horts.
And it’s that same three ring circus, just like the “truth squads” of prosecutors threatening free speech if it’s critical of Obama, that we would all suffer from if the “dear leader” is elected.
They forgot about Andrew Halcro!
If Hillary can be this close to becoming Pres just bec she was first lady, the Obamanation is already thinking about running Michelle O in the future…. They don’t want Palin to have the chance to be the first female Pres.
People are starting to switch their testimonies now that they are under oath. Not a good sign.
this is nothing but a witch hunt, anyone with half a brain can see it.
The Branchflower investigation has so many leaks of partial info… most of which is fed to a press determined to smear Palin in order to help Obama… that it continues of the path of a witchhunt instead of an unbiased investigation. There is a reason that Alaskan law requires their Personnel Board investigations into ethics violations of the Executive branch are confidential until the final report is made. Even tho Palin waived her right to confidentiality.
But the press has this nasty habit of trying people in the media. Look how long the Duke La Cross three had to endure the smears before the truth finally came out. But the media and the world pegged them as guilty, because they only had bits and pieces of reality. One would think we have learned our lessons with the media. But noooooo….
Such is the same with Branchwater, and the press who feeds on the Hollis run investigation’s every saliva drop. The media and Hollis are looking to try Palin, but with even less information than Branchwater has… and no overview of the complete issue.
At question in this particular event is Wooten’s possible abuse of a workman’s comp claim. Fit, you may want to make this seem like some big conspiracy of executive office abuse. But if someone is abusing the claims system, collecting cash for pre-existing conditions and engaging in off-duty sports that they are supposedly not able to do, then there is reason to investigate that abuse.
What the process and legalities of that process are, the Personnel Board’s investigator will find out. However it’s entirely appropriate, as the Deputy AG said previously, that these abuses should be investigated by the hierarchy in and of the Public Safety Commission… and that falls under the Governor’s office jurisdiction.
Or perhaps you believe that Trooper Wooten should abscond with $11K benefits over three months time (that’s a lot of compensation per month…), while taking snowmobiling trips for pleasure… sans any question? So you don’t mind when the govt wastes funds, and doesn’t bother to check into abuse of govt benefits? Well, you and I disagree. I believe much of our welfare and benefits programs is in need of a housecleaning for those that are abusing the system.
Interesting thing is, had Wooten easily collected a workman’s comp claim that he wasn’t entitled to, and no investigation of abuse occurred, the press would probably be on the bandwagon, screaming “nepotism!” instead. When they’re out to get you, events can always be twisted in half truth reports to plant sinister intent.
Result of that workman’s comp event? They cut off his benefits (which they’re trying to blame Palin for now…after the fact). Wooten grabbed a lawyer and sued. They ended up just settling the affair (sometimes the cheapest way out of a frivolous lawsuit) by helping Wooten get an operation for his back – something that was a pre-existing physical condition on his application, and not a result of his claim. I’d say he came out just fine.
And, BTW, Wooten did not name Palin as part of their claims lawsuit. Well, if she were at fault, why not? Oddly enuf, that accusation doesn’t come up until over a year later… by others, and not Wooten… because Palin’s a veep, running against Obama.
My my… how convenient. But of course, it *can’t* be political, right?
As far as changing testimony, still no one is implicating Palin herself. Many references to “Palin’s office”. Well, we already know that Frank Bailey went outside Palin’s authorization for interference and actions. So we still have no information but what a biased press reporter wants to leak out. And that’s not happening with the legal investigation… just as it should be.
The difference between the Legislative Council witchhunt, and the Personnel Board, is the former is trying to investigate Palin to find something she did wrong. The latter is investigating an ethics charge, and trying to determine if there was a violation, and who was responsible.
Do you see the difference? One is a witchhunt based on a subject suspect… Palin. The other is an investigation based on a complaint.
I suggest that instead of living for whatever dirt and tidbits they can drum up daily, you wait for the investigation results. Because until you can see everything in context, thru an unbiased investigators eyes, we know nothing.
You are talking to a brick wall. Fit’s whole attitude is whatever it takes to win do it. Integrity is a dirty word to him/her. He/she is one of those trolls who cruise the right blogs to sow dissension and doubt and is probably paid by the Obama campaign. If they are not paid they do it for love idiots that they are. Too dumb to realize the tactics used against us can and will be used against them if they fail to conform to the rules of their “Dear Leader”.
Obama is getting creepy. His Chicago politics are so like the gestapo.
Barbara, you are so right. Fit Fit has been reading this blog for a while. He has all the right facts now, and he still denies reality. He is a lost case! I still can’t believe that there are so many Fit Fit in your country. It’s a shock to me. In my opinion, Americans are brillant people. But when I read Fit Fit and alikes, I fall off my seat. I prefer thinking that they must be immigrant Muslims… US/bashers.
Fit Fit is a nit wit.
You guys would really prefer to spend your time shouting into an echo chamber and never being challenged on anything at all?
I consider myself to to be rather well mannered and reasonable compared to your average internet troll. I even voted Republican for SC US Senate yesterday (Mike probably understands why…).
“I consider myself to to be rather well mannered and reasonable…” (Fit Fit)
It’s true, you are not insulting. What gets us mad is that you never get your facts right and always try to pass your false information. That’s the only thing we have against you. You read the facts here and you deny them. What the hell for? Usually, it’s trolls who acts like that.
Just to let you know, Craig… Fit Fit, Doug (1) and Dave Noble are regulars here. In fact all three pre’date me, who arrived on the scene somewhere around Mar or April of this year. As well as many of the regular more conservative commenters as well… Aye Chi, Udderchaos, Stix, etal. Then we have the left of right types too… CentFla, for example… also pre’dates me.
All three of these regular left commenters I mentioned first have tough skins, and have engaged in regular battles.
Now I’m not sure what the definition of a “troll” is technically. But I always think of them as drive bys/hit and run types. That’s most certainly none of these three. They’re more like the black sheep members of the FA family because they do hang in here regularly.
I suspect if I met any of them at an FA family dinner gathering, we could do serious political battle in a corner, and still break bread with a smile.
There are others more in the drive by troll description who’ve come here. Generally they don’t last long…
Thanks again Mata. I guess Americans and Canadians do not have the same idea of what a troll is. In Canada, we view a troll as a person who comes on a blog on a daily base, but only for the destruction and the distortion of the facts. They read the thread and then they search desperately on Internet to find something contradicting the facts. They couldn’t care less where they find that false information… they just want people to read it and doubt reality. This is why I think that Fit Fit and his alikes are trolls.
Valid point Mata, It’s not like fit fit is being nasty, I don’t mind a little debate or devil’s advocate myself.
The whole thing on the “Troopergate” investigation is it’s a total was of Dem time and money. Let them. Less money for Acorn to be given for more voter fraud. Palin was his boss. He worked for her administration at her whim. As an Alaskan judge pointed out when she was mayor and fired people. It’s all a moot point. She didn’t need a reason to fire him. Many people have been fired without “just cause”. That’s the true purpose for why unemployment insurance was created. You take your case to them & if they think you have a case you are awarded a fraction of what you earned while you seek other employment. But hey, he didn’t even qualify for that because Palin gave him a different job in her administration. So Monegan has nothing to weep about & Obama’s lawyers & the biased investigation has no case. The outrage is they are wasting taxpayer money with a bogus witch-hunt investigation that is technically illegal in itself by Alaskan law. By Alaskan law the matter falls soley under the jurisdiction of the personnel office to pursue, and they could only investigate if there was a complaint. There was a later complaint on Monegan’s behalf, but that was withdrawn. Hence no case. The “October surprise” gambit is a ruse. This is standard magician performance technique to get us looking at one hand to distract from other actions being taken. As Bullwinkle might say, “Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my ass.”
I have to tell you all… I have no idea what the common, accepted definition of “troll” is in internet language. When I look it up, it’s about those who post to deliberately antagonize, but do so in “off topic” ways. (is this my famous “thread nanny” title emerging?? LOL) I don’t see that from our regulars. They generally remain on topic for the most part. Antagonize? No… just different opines offered for debate.
In that sense, FA is composed of many with more than varying degrees of a-different-slant. Like us all, every one is a mixture of conservative, moderate, liberal.
I never mind dissenting voices. Those I just can’t abide just belch out soundbytes with little that backs up their opinion. Ya know, I can read the media headlines myself. Repeating them here doesn’t make it viable or true. I expect more from this community.. and most of the time, all (even those of different stripes) deliver.
So I, like many others, try to call each other when we just make blanket statements without backing up why we believe that way. I expect them to do the same.
But all in all… a “choir” is generally boring….
Mata……there is another term to describe such people. Die hard liberal partisans (beyond thought, intellectual honesty or personal reflection) are often called “Cool-aid” drinkers. It’s a term that orginated from the Jim Jones cult masacre. Under the orders of Rev. Jones, hundreds of obedient lemmings drank poisened cool aid hours before authorities were to arrest Jones and his co-horts.