A few weeks ago the far-left Canadian network, and state run mind you, put up a hateful piece by Heather Mallick attacking Sarah Palin and John McCain (you can view the pdf of the article here). If you’ve ever visited Democratic Underground you will recognize the rhetoric and anger that emanated from her pen as something similar in nature to what is written every few minutes at that waste of a site. Stuff like describing McCain as nothing but a old hateful man, Sarah as a porn actress (a particular attack we are seeing quite a bit lately from the left, reducing her to some kind of slut) and that the pick of Sarah was to get the white trash vote.
Beautiful stuff like that…..Brit Hume talked about it:
Well, the CBC has apparently gotten the message that it was over the line: (h/t Stop The ACLU)
CBC News publisher John Cruickshank said in a letter that the public broadcaster erred in judgment.
Vince Carlin, the CBC Ombudsman, did not fault Ms. Mallick for “the caustic nature of her tone or the polarizing nature of her opinion.”
“But he objects that many of her most savage assertions lack a basis in fact,” Mr. Cruickshank wrote.
~~~As a result of the complaints, new editing procedures have been put in place “to insure that in the future, work that is not appropriate for our platforms, will not appear,” Mr. Cruickshank wrote.
In his assessment of the complaints, Mr. Carlin also noted that CBCNews.ca displays a “very narrow range” on its web pages and the broadcaster is addressing that by expanding the diversity of its writers and opinions, Mr. Cruickshank added.
“A very narrow range?”
Ya think?
Then there is the latest news from our MSM that “the worst is yet to come” from the Couric interview with Palin. Not too hard to imagine seeing as how much editing they have done with other interviews.
Marc Ambinder is reporting that McCain aides believe they have lost control of her public image. If so, the McCain camp has no one to blame but themselves. Instead of putting her in a cage and cramming her full of policies she should of been allowed to go out and be herself.
McCain understands this apparently:
I’m told McCain recently expressed unhappiness with his staff’s handling of Palin. On Sunday he dispatched his top aides Steve Schmidt and Rick Davis to join Palin in Philadelphia. They’re supposed to liberate Palin to go on the offensive as a combative conservative in the vice-presidential debate on Thursday.
But I’m doubting the story that she has lost control of her public image. No matter what the MSM thinks of themselves, they are not the keeper of peoples public images anymore.
But hey, that huge FDR watching TV in 1929 gaffe was unforgivable of her….

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If this whole election is about winning then, I would suport an Obama, Palin ticket, and yes I now that they are not running mates, mabe they should be. Because I feel that the USA is in very desprate times, with a Black President and a Female VP, maybe some good can come from it. And maybe a Democrat, and a Republican can join and lead this country out or these troubled times we face. We as a country do not need to segrogate but join togeather and pray to God. Black, white, male, female it dose not matter, our survivor dose. And stop thinking of our selves. I hope that this goverment will include all four of them. My other would have them all be elected. I think that, all 4 of them should be in the oval office. and lead togeather, unified. As there sentance togeather.