Erin Brockovich Supports Sarah Palin

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Looks like Erin Brockovich is going to find out quite quickly how those on the left, who used to champion her, will turn against her for following her heart….instead of her party: (h/t Newsbusters)

Which is why she is currently causing a stir in political circles in the US. Although she rates herself as a leading environmentalist, she is extremely keen on Sarah Palin, the huntin’, shootin’ Alaskan governor running for vice president with the Republican candidate John McCain.

Environmentalists have painted Palin as the arch-enemy, to the right of Bush, because until last week she was denying climate change had anything to do with man, thought polar bears could go live on land and wants to see the Arctic drilled to within a quart of its oil.

But Palin is also being called the “Erin Brockovich of Alaska” and last week, on her blog, Brockovich came close to endorsing Palin. “Sure, she may be loud. So am I,” she said. “Sometimes you’ve got to scream to get anyone to hear you. So what if her 17-year-old is pregnant? None of us should judge Sarah Palin for anything but her own actions.”

What about her wanting to drill the arctic reserve? What about the bears and wolves that Palin shoots?

“No buts,” says Brockovich. “The fact is that Sarah Palin positively emanates strength. She gives off the aura of being a strong woman who doesn’t back down, and she does it sporting heels and wearing her family like a badge of honour. I am sure there are a million other women out there who are doing the same thing.”

The blogosphere went wild, with people applauding or accusing. She denies moving to the right, pointing out that she’s a registered Democrat, and says she’d be elated if asked to work with the Democrats. “But it’s not about politics. I don’t pick a person because they are a Republican or a Democrat but for the person. I like Obama. I like McCain. Both have strong points”.

Her real beef is neither capitalism nor industry, Democrats nor Republicans, she says, but greed.

She sounds like a smart woman. She understands it is not about towing the party line but what is good for the country. Being dependent on foreign oil is not good for this country. The way to fix that is to do as Sarah Palin has done, ensure that we can drill our own freakin oil.

Think the left will turn against her?

IndianaGreen (1000+ posts) Sat Sep-27-08 12:57 PM

I think Erin expresses the confusion that is common among PUMAs

On one hand they want a woman in the White House, while on the other they desensitize themselves to the sort of woman Sarah Palin really is, an anti-woman woman.

notadmblnd (1000+ posts) Sat Sep-27-08 12:42 PM

I don’t know, I think it’s more an attitude of….

we former bimbos have got to stick together.

jrockford (89 posts) Sat Sep-27-08 03:15 PM

She was in those beauty competitions too…and quite the FRAUD

torbird (148 posts) Sat Sep-27-08 02:42 PM

This is a woman who got depositions by showing her tits.

She just EMANATES strength…from her boobs.

Oh yeah, they are a bit peeved.

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As the old saying goes….

I hope she has got food tasters and someone to start her car 🙂

Wow… Erin will be in for it now. Remember the press used to like John McCain too. They turn on people quickly and without mercy. I hope she is looking behind her back and taking care…

It’s toeing the party line, not towing.

Yeah, it’s a nit pic but it’s all over the place and its really beginning to bug me.