Well well well…imagine everyone’s surprise when we found out last night that Congressional Democrats tried to use the emergency financial bailout bill to fund illegal voter registration groups as a means of keeping them in power. Gosh, who would ever have imagined such a culture of corruption in the Democrats’ Congress?
Apparently it was not Senator McCain and the infusion of presidential campaign politics into the debate over the financial bailout bill which caused the uproar last night. Nope. It seems the Democrats wanted 20% of any profit made by this grant to go to the very groups that time and time again turn out to be corrupt tools for voter fraud. Both parties have examples of voter fraud, but only one tried to take a financial “Pearl Harbor”, the worst financial crisis in the history of mankind, the biggest crash since the Depression…and use it for partisan advantage.
Senator Lindsey Graham pointed it out last night.
Doubt him? Is he making a partisan claim? Well, here’s the section of the bill:
DEPOSITS.Not less than 20 percent of any profit realized on the sale of each troubled asset purchased under this Act shall be deposited as provided in paragraph (2).
USE OF DEPOSITS.Of the amount referred to in paragraph (1)
65 percent shall be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund established under section 1338 of the Federal Housing Enterprises Regulatory Reform Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 4568); and
35 percent shall be deposited into the Capital Magnet Fund established under section 1339 of that Act (12 U.S.C. 4569).
REMAINDER DEPOSITED IN THE TREASURY.All amounts remaining after payments under paragraph (1) shall be paid into the General Fund of the Treasury for reduction of the public debt.
The Housing Trust Fund is a way of funding ACORN, La Raza, and other groups that time and again are caught doing voter fraud operations for the Democrats. Republicans have voter fraud as well, but they didn’t infuse it into law, a law meant to prevent a massive American and world crisis. Democrats did. Then they lied and claimed that it was Sen McCain (who said almost nothing last night in a leadership meeting at the White House) who prevented the bill from becoming law. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
ht Hot Air
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
Even if it were to have been McCain, that would be a plus in my opinion. This bailout stinks as more info is brought to light. I praise the house R’s for there foresight.
The Housing Trust Fund was signed into law by President Bush this summer. It is intended to provide all sorts of services.
Besides Shelby and House GOP is rejecting the entire concept of the Paulson plan, not details.
Fit Fit to the dem’s rescue (roll eyes)
1) The dems caused the FM/FM mess. Period. End of story.
2) The Dems tried to load down the plan with pork for their leftist lap dogs. This made it unpalatable for the Reps.
3) The dems are the ones trying to inject presidential politics into this while accusing McCain of doing so. Typical leftist lies.
4) The dems have only thier interests in mind, screw what the country needs.
A challenge to the Dims:
You’ve got the majority in both the House and the Senate.
You’ve got the votes needed to get this plan passed.
The President has already said he will sign it.
So, IF this is the right plan and IF this will work, then pass it.
Let’s see if you’re as sold on it as you want the rest of us to be.
Let’s just see.
You said you wanted to end the war in Iraq.
You had the votes for that too.
You just didn’t have the stones.
Let’s see if you have the stones for the bailout.
Aye shoots…AND HE SCORES!
Dems have been trying to get a ready made slush fund using taxpayer money for YEARS and they have mostly succeeded.
Many of the earlier efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crashed and burned because Democrats were trying to use them to fund these Democrat campaign organizations.
Imagine what Democrats would do if Republicans inserted language into a bill promising millions to the NRA, Right to Life and GOP 527 groups!
And yet every year Democrats are out to steal taxapayer money and give it to their friends so that they can elect more Democrats to steal more taxpayer money.
Democrats should be ashamed of themselves, but as you see with Fit Fit, Democrats have no shame.
Mike’s America,
That was an exquisitely worded post. Straight to the point. Flat out truth. Job well done.
This just in.
The Dims didn’t have the stones.
The vote failed in the House 205-228.
America won today.
Did you know many of the fat cats who circulate from board to board and from job to job throughout the financial industry are also members of the Bilderberg Group and or the Trilateral Commission, founded respectively in 1954, and in 1973, in New York City? When someone takes your money and steals your car, it makes an impression. When they belong to such a secret political clique, it leaves an indelible impression. Many elected officials even belong to these cabals, hence the secrecy. When Bill Clinton eased banking restrictions, he dished out $8-billion dollars for community reinvestment loans. When the financing schemes fell through, as is their wont whenever 30-million Mexican nationals buy inflated properties and default, it left banks in the lurch. Hillary Clinton counted on the loan giveaways to buy votes. Interestingly enough, had Hillary secured the nomination; she, instead of Barack Obama would preside over the bailout. So, where’s that $8-bilion plus dollars? Where’s Hillary? Why the caveat in Section 8 of the bailout: “Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.” The Global Initiative people (code speak for car thieves) took my money; they stole my car. If you or I did half the things these people have done, we’d be serving consecutive life sentences. Wise up, get angry, and let the bubble burst. Besides, Ben Stein says we’re going to be just fine. You have my word on it too. Gentlemen, I want my money back: http://theseedsof9-11.com
Dear all House Members,
Please don’t bailout these companies by any means!
Please don’t allow the Fed to further bailout others like they have been for the last few months.
Please don’t add other few hundred billion dollars (or even trillions dollars) to our national debt!
We will have to live with a few less companies, banks, etc., even though this will cost jobs and a deep recession. We’ll get through it… were Americans !
It’s very important that you don’t allow our Fed to continue bailing out these institutions, by whatever means or names we call it, including buying non-performing assets or useless notes.
Please don’t try to save us by passing any “bail-out” bills.
Please however increase the amount of FDIC insurance to over $100k and firm up the FDIC insurance system requirements so we can make it through a very serious recession (possibly depression).
I realize this week maybe the last chance WE have to really draw the line in the sand.
My last comment;
You do realize, this is way to little bail-out money and its NOW much to late to act. The bankers will not be convinced to loan to each other until enough of the failing companies have failed or been successfully consumed (by the federal supported institutions) and the dust has settled. Neither your plan nor Mr. Paulson’s actions can change this outcome.
Thank you,
US citizen
About Acorn,
Who among the democrats was responsible for Acorn being inserted into the Original Bailout bill as submitted to congress??
How did this happen and who did it. It must boil down to one congressman or woman?
Thanks for you great columns, etc