Reid Trying To Sneak In Oil Shale Ban

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I doubt anyone is shocked by the news that while the country is fixated on the economic crisis Senator Reid quietly tried to slip in an extension of the oil shale ban….even though they recently relented on this matter and let the ban go. Two days ago:

Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in an months-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer.

Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., told reporters Tuesday that a provision continuing the moratorium will be dropped this year from a stopgap spending bill to keep the government running after Congress recesses for the election.


Here is the text of Reid’s proposed new ban on oil shale, that he is trying to add as an amendment to the CR or move seperately as a “stimulus” package, or we should say an anti-stimulus package if this is included.

Sec 1602 continues ban on oil shale. The language follows:

SEC. 1602. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including section 152 of division A of H.R. 2638 (110th Congress), the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009, the terms and conditions contained in section 433 of division F of Public Law 110–161 shall remain in effect for the 19 fiscal year ending September 30, 2009.

Here’s Heritage response:

This comes as both a stunning and ridiculous development; Americans are still coping with high energy prices and coming to grips with a plan to bailout Wall Street, and Senator Reid is denying access to potentially one of America’s most abundant energy reserves. Just how much energy you ask?

Dr. Daniel Fine of MIT reported that 750 billion barrels worth of oil shale have been discovered in Colorado alone. That amount is enough to potentially power the U.S. economy for many decades. Furthermore, if full-scale production begins within five years, the U.S. could completely end its dependence on OPEC by 2020…

In essence, Senator Reid is stripping the decision rights away from his colleagues in other states.

And Allah put up this response from Reid’s office to a readers email:

There is a possibility the Senate will be asked to vote on reestablishing the moratorium on oil shale extraction. Although Senate Democrats support measures to increase this nation’s energy supply, oil shale extraction has not been proven to be economically viable, will produce more greenhouse gases, and will significantly decrease the West’s water supply.

Allah is suggesting we all contact our Senators……not a bad idea at all.

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There are a whole lot of elected officials that really should be taken out of office. Harry Reid should be frog marched out and prosecuted.

I would like to know the last time Democrats did something for America, instead of always for themselves. They must know the hoax is dead, so why press on with this crap. It’s not going to work in the new world.

You can thank the junior Senator from my State, Jim DeMint (R-SC) for uncovering Reid’s plan and exposing it.

With all the brouhaha over the $700 Billion bailout of Wall Street I can’t imaginen why more Americans are not shocked that we lose $700 billion EVERY YEAR by buying oil and gas overseas that we could safely get right here.

First the Democrats blindly follow Obama … now, they are willing to blindly follow Reid, Bush and Paulson … in a decision which could dramatically affect every American for decades. Well, thank God, Senator John McCain, Senator Shelby, and hundreds of economists don’t just want to take a few people’s word for it. Already, Reid has tried to tack additional pork, like Acorn, to this bailout. I didn’t think I could dislike inept Harry Reid, with his 15% approval rating, any more than I already did, but this isn’t about Reid being left alone to decide America’s future. It will be interesting to look back at this in retrospect, to see if we really did have to RUSH this 750 Billion dollar decision … and, who really benefitted from pushing it through so quickly. Also, what’s Alan Greenspan’s opinon ???

from Ried’s office:

“There is a possibility the Senate will be asked to vote on reestablishing the moratorium on oil shale extraction. Although Senate Democrats support measures to increase this nation’s energy supply, oil shale extraction has not been proven to be economically viable, will produce more greenhouse gases, and will significantly decrease the West’s water supply.”

So, this shows the absolute bs put out as to why Reid is against shale oil production.

Reid is PROTECTING the oil companies by suggesting it is not “economically viable”?

RIGHT! If the oil companies didn’t think they would make a profit…they wouldn’t be interested in shale oil

Additionally, there are newer methods for extraction than using enormous amounts of water. That is WHY the oil companies are FOR shale oil production.

Most ALL of the oil from Alberta, Canada is produced from shale oil and they are supplying the U.S.A with this oil (you moron from Reids’s office).

Democrats caused our enegy crisis years ago with their ban of nuclear power plant construction and OCS drilling. They are NOT the ones to fix it now, OBVIOUSLY. Once Democrats get real power they will BAN it all again and ruin any chance our county has to rise again.

Don’t vote for ANY Democrat for House or Senate and certainly not the presidency.