I have to say I’ve found Dick Morris a fascinating analyst since his Clinton days. The father of the phrase “triangulation” comes up with mighty astute observations… even when I don’t always agree with him.
But on Obama, the economy, and suggested McCain political strategy, I think he’s nailed it.
So far, McCain has focused on a populist criticism of Wall Street and its irresponsibility, firing away at corporate greed and lending practices.
But he has to fuse the issues of the economy and taxes — to show how Barack Obama’s tax proposals would lead to a catastrophic implosion of the nation’s capital base.
~~~McCain needs to force Obama to choose between his leftist commitment to income redistribution and the common-sense point that higher taxes on investors and “the rich” would merely deepen the economic mess.
If Obama refuses to abandon his tax hikes, he’ll be seen as putting his ideology ahead of the nation’s needs. If he does the reverse, he’ll be admitting that his tax program has been a mistake — and, by recanting, show how unsteady his hand would be on the tiller.
Read in entirety at link above
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
“[The] government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases:
If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” (Ronald Reagan)
I find Dick to be right half the the time and a total idiot the other half. Obama said months ago that parts of his tax plan would be put on hold if the economic conditions warranted it.
What Obama says often has the shelf life of a bruised peach.