Ralph Peters writes an excellent article today in the NY Post about the elitist sneers at Sarah Palin from the MSM and other liberals:
Sarah Palin’s one of us. She actually represents the American people.
When The New York Times, CNN, the NBC basket of basket cases and all the barking blog dogs insult Palin, they’re insulting us. When they smear her, they’re smearing every American who actually works for a living, who doesn’t expect a handout, who doesn’t have a full-time accountant to parse the family taxes, who believes in the Pledge of Allegiance and who thinks a church is more than just a tedious stop on daughter Emily’s 100K wedding day.
Go ahead, faux feminists and Hollywood deep thinkers: Snicker at Sarah America’s degree from the University of Idaho, but remember that most Americans didn’t attend Harvard or Princeton as a legacy after daddy donated enough to buy his kid’s way in.
Go ahead, campaign strategists: Mock Americans who go to church and actually pray. But you might want to run the Census numbers first.
And go right ahead: Dismiss all of us who remember how, on the first day of deer season, our high school classrooms were half empty (not a problem at Andover or Exeter).
That rube accent of Palin’s? It’s a howler. But she sounds a lot more like the rest of us than a Harvard man or a Smithie ever will.
Why does Sarah Palin energize all of us who don’t belong to the gilded leftwing circle? Because she’s us. We sat beside her in class. We hung out after school (might’ve even shared a backseat combat zone on prom night). And now she lives next door, raising her kids.
For the first time since Ronald Reagan, our last great president, we, the people, see a chance that one of us might have a voice in governing our country.
To be sure, the MSM and the Democrats sneer at this “hick” but they do it out of fear. Fear that a strong conservative woman may very well beat their golden boy Obama.
When it comes down to it we all know someone like Sarah. We all know a family like Sarahs. She represents the average American who believes in hard work and perseverance to become successful and provide for their family.
And Sarah will be the one that overcomes the messiah to bring McCain into the White House.

See author page
There are only a few democrat elitest, the rest vote democrat in fear of losing their welfare ‘living’ off of the working people. In other words most of the democrat voters are welfare riders and slaves to the democrats. They hate Sarah Palin because her entire family are average ‘working’ Americans, just like the people next door who go to work every day, pay their taxes, live their lives and are happy. All one has to do is look at the past month and see how unhappy, racist, and hate infected the democrat leadership has became. and are dragging the democrat voters through the mud in their quest to hold onto power. Democrat leaders have became nothing more than common criminals which was proven this week with their connections to all of the ‘criminal power brokers’ who crashed the economy. Most of the democrat leaders (criminals) had their hand deep in the pocket of the criminals. Dusty Harry Read told the truth about democrats with his statement “no one knows what to do”, funny that the one the call dumb had told them in 2003 that this was going to happen if the didn’t do their job. McCain told them the same in 2005. The democrats in congress just kept enriching themselves until it happened. As long as bribes to congress critters are legal (made so by the very people who run congress to benefit themselves) the working people have no chance.
Fear, indeed. May I offer a new term? Sarahphobia
I know a Sarah Palin, my mom, and I am darned proud of her, what she has done, and the way she raised her kids. My parents started the first high school in Alaska in the Arctic Circle in Kotzebue in the 1950s. My mom even wrote a book about it (5th book on linked page). My parents sacrificed much to do this. When the liberals pick on Sarah, they pick on my mom.
radix2 – you may like this, follow the link.
Be careful when throwing around the term “Democrats.” I’m a registered Democrat who voted for Reagan. I’m a Democrat who is interested in hearing more about Sarah Palin. I’m a Democrat who is a blogger. I use the term “Obama Democrats” to describe the vicious mean-spirited Democrats who are not taking the high-road per their leader. There are two very distinct groups of Democrats this year, and my group might be on your side this time around. We are the ones who could tilt the election in your favor. I’ve found that by saying anything negative about Obama on my own blog, I get a steady stream of insulting, rude comments. Their view is that if you can’t say anything really, really great about Obama, you should just shut up. http://mespace.wordpress.com/
Everything in that article matches what I have heard from other people who don’t follow the political news hour by hour as I do. Sarah Palin is an authentic American. There is nothing contrived or phony about her. She’s the real deal and millions across this country made an instant connection with her because of it.
That’s why the Dems are desperate to destroy or diminish her.
Sarah Palin speaks for the Americans who do the work that makes this country run and there are millions more of us than their are of this sniveling elitist class that has come to think of political power as their birthright.
We built this country, not them. We own this country, not them. And it’s about time we let them know.
Curt- a very well written piece that shows the true feelings of the core of American thought. Sarah Palin is indeed one of us, and as such brings the hate of those who depend on lies and deceit. Terry you are a Republican, and now you know how it feels to be hated by the left, just because of your beliefs.
Thank you for linking to the Ralph Peters editorial. It was SUPERB!
Last night I created this video, which I think you’ll all enjoy:
Goodness knows it will drive the Radical Left absolutely nuts!!!
i have said before that sarah palin is every woman, she is every mother. she is a woman who didn’t intend or set oiut to be where she is, is was sort of an accident. she wanted to better her kids school and it went from there. she has the guts and the brains to do what is being asked of her. so what if she didn’t have her butt wiped by nannies and didn’t go the ivy league way, she is regular. she is normal, she is juggling, home, job, kids, everything that i to am doing, and many other women are doing. she isn’t stupid, she isn’t a whinner. she puts it all out there and does it while holding her baby. that is what america is about, she is america and she makes me proud.
Robert W. That was a mighty fine video, nice job and thanks for sharing.
Terry I agree. Not all Democrats are drinking the Obama Cool Aid. He is taking the Party way to the Left and is alienating many of them.
Palin is like almost every mom that I know around where I live. Most have jobs and have to balance family and work. they do not have nannies and maids to do all the chores around the house.
The Elitists and MSM just do not get Flyover country. We are not rubes, stupid or Racists. We are hard working Americans that want to have a good career and get the Government out of our lives, so we can live it like we want to. And want to have families and leave a little for our children and not have them work as hard as we had to to live a comfortable life. We want to leave the country better after we leave and not spend our country into bankruptcy. WE do not want tie Government to tell us where our children need to go to school to be indoctrinated, or how we should raise our children.
We are America and what the Founding Fathers wanted the country to be. Self reliant and not beholden to the government for hand outs.
“…Fear that a strong conservative woman may very well beat their golden boy Obama.”
Fear- That Palin may forever change the accepted definition of feminism.
Fear- That, through the appointment of conservative Supreme Court justices, a Palin/McCain victory will halt the left’s court-oriented circumvention of the will of the people.
Fear- That their over-the-top support for the least experienced presidential candidate in memory will be revealed for the conceit, deceit and foolishness that it is.
I smell fear!
appointment, not apportion
You have to see this video, it is a MUST:
Predictably, the right wing tries to fend off criticism through blatantly dishonest straw man attacks (those of you don’t know what a straw man logical fallacy is, it’s…oh to heck with it, look it up yourself; I’m tired of trying to educate every FoxNews dimwit in the country).
Here’s why some of us are afraid, very afraid, of what Sarah Palin represents. We are sick and f’ing tired of this great country being driven over a cliff because uneducated people keep falling for right-wing free-market fairy tales that are nothing but a cover for financial schemers who want to privatize profits while socializing debt (if you don’t understand what this means, you haven’t been paying attention to the news for the past week). And yes, I realize that more than a few Democrats played a role in the meltdown of the American economy, but that doesn’t excuse 8 years of regulatory negligence of criminal proportions.
And here are the REAL reasons intelligent people reject Sarah Palin’s legitimacy as a world leader wannabe:
IGNORANCE: Has no clue what the Bush Doctrine means or what we’re doing in Iraq. (In all honesty, I have no real idea what we’re doing in Iraq, either. After listening to Bush trot out five or six different explanations, hoping the country would eventually buy one of them, I’m as confused as anybody.)
DISHONESTY: Small example: She lied to the federal government about the conclusions her state biologists had reached regarding threats to polar bears. Medium example: Says that Alaska supplies 20% of the U.S.’s energy, which isn’t even close. Huge example: She continues to repeat the Bush/Cheney lie that Iraq was involved in 9/11. Even Bush and Cheney rarely tell this lie anymore.
SIMPLE-MINDEDNESS: Thinks that being able to see Russia from Alaska gives her foreign policy insights or experience. (Does she really think millions of voters are stupid enough to buy this? Well, yes, she does, because voters keep swallowing B.S. like this year after year after year.)
PARANOIA: Refuses to come clean about TrooperGate or cooperate with a BIPARTISAN investigation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is just biased reporting by the liberal media. It’s the liberal media that ran up the biggest budget deficit in U.S. history, it’s the liberal media that pushed the national debt to stratospheric heights, it’s the liberal media that invaded Iraq with no post-invasion plan other than picking up the flowers that the grateful population would surely throw at our feet, it’s the liberal media that continues to fund the Iraq fiasco to the tune of $10B a month of taxpayer money while the Iraqi government piles up cash and the real wars continue to fester in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Sarah Palin is nothing at all like the honest, working-class Americans who are my family and my friends. She is a desperate, election-year gimmick being sold to an ignorant population using the same manipulative advertising techniques used to sell laxatives and toilet bowl cleaner. And even if she were one of us—guess what? We’re electing the leaders of the free world. We’re not supposed to vote based on which campaign commercials make us feel all warm and gooey inside. This isn’t American Idol, or a cheerleader competition, or a quest to find a new best friend. We have a civic responsibility to choose the best person for the job, not the person who is most like us, for crying out loud.
I swear, some of you right wingers will believe anything if it protects you from the horrifying responsibility of thinking for yourselves (by the way, agreeing with everything you see and hear on your favorite cable news channel does not constitute thinking). You are being used by theocratic, industrial, and financial manipulators who know that all they have to do is scream “Liberals!” and you will run for cover and let them do and take whatever they want.
Listen, I’m not crazy about many aspects of Democratic behavior or policy, either, but if McCain and Palin are the best answer the Republicans can come up with, this nation is doomed.
George Dovell:
You are so confused . I think you didn’t read your comment before you sent it.
You say: “And here are the REAL reasons INTELLIGENT people reject Sarah Palin’s legitimacy as a world leader wannabe”
And then, further down, you add this: ” I have no real idea what we’re doing in Iraq, either”
Lol… and you think you are part of the INTELLIGENT people? WOW!
I will not comment the rest of your dum statements, because I can see clearly that you have been brainwashed by the Obamananiacs medias. I can just pity you and pray for America that the McCain/Palin’s ticket will win this election.
If people like you forms the majority of the Americans, than this nation is DOOMED!
Lawdy, G. Dovel… you’ve pretty much summed up what I think of the DNC and Obama…
And I’m afraid of the massive socialism that Obama represents, that will drive this country over the cliff because of SOCIALIZING profit as well as socializing the debt.
And oh, BTW… The Fannie/Freddie regulatory problems began back in the Clinton era. The GOP made several attempts to reform the regulatory agency… set up by Congress. Got no where. Gee… wonder why.
And what do *you* think the Bush doctrine means? And do you know it’s origins and history?
As for your Iraq comment: if you haven’t got a clue by now, with the release of so many Saddam regime documents available to the public, it could just be you are the poster child Dem, who needs to have your every need and thought provided for you… courtesy of Obama/Pelosi/Reid. There is no excuse for “not knowing” but laziness.
I dunno there, guy… strikes me as you’re the one voting for the party supporting nanny to grave government support and responsibility. And speaking of agreeing with everything you hear on your favorite cable news, you’d done an outstanding job of regurgitating your favorite talking head points right here.
Craig, confused was the first thing that came to mine when I read through the rant. For someone that doesn’t seem to know what he is talking about in som
Why are you assuming that people posting in here are dimwits and we use “blatantly dishonest straw man attacks? Then you assume we don’t know what a straw man is. Everyone is stupid but you?
“And yes, I realize that more than a few Democrats played a role in the meltdown of the American economy, but that doesn’t excuse 8 years of regulatory negligence of criminal proportions.”
This started before George Bush.
“And here are the REAL reasons intelligent people reject Sarah Palin’s legitimacy as a world leader wannabe:”
I have my doubts about these, ahem, “intelligent people.”
It was Charles Gibson that didn’t know what the Bush Doctrine was. Palin was right to question him because there are about four different parts of what the doctrine is. Charles Krauthammer coined the phrase and has recently written about the Gibson/Palin interview. Check it out. Then check out Mark Livines site or Newsbusters for the entire transcript of the interview and find out how much of it was left on the cutting room floor. Gibson’s editors sliced and diced the interview to skew public opinion.
It’s too bad, with all the information and studies about Iraq that you are so confused, guess what, that isn’t the President’s fault either. The answers are at your fingertips and if you really wanted to find out you could by studying sources that are available, if you really want to know.
“DISHONESTY: Small example: She lied to the federal government about the conclusions her state biologists had reached regarding threats to polar bears.”
The polar bears are doing just fine:
“She continues to repeat the Bush/Cheney lie that Iraq was involved in 9/11. Even Bush and Cheney rarely tell this lie anymore.”
This is another myth, she was sending the Alaskan troups off that would be fighting al Qaeda in Iraq, they are still there.
“SIMPLE-MINDEDNESS: Thinks that being able to see Russia from Alaska gives her foreign policy insights or experience. (Does she really think millions of voters are stupid enough to buy this? Well, yes, she does, because voters keep swallowing B.S. like this year after year after year.)”
I see that there is one American that isn’t aware that she directly deals in trade with the Russians and Canadians. But, they are comfortable with the canard being bandied about that she can see Russia from Alaska. See transcripts left on cutting room floor.
“PARANOIA: Refuses to come clean about TrooperGate or cooperate with a BIPARTISAN investigation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is just biased reporting by the liberal media.”
OK Mata, here we go again.
“It’s the liberal media that ran up the biggest budget deficit in U.S. history, it’s the liberal media that pushed the national debt to stratospheric heights, it’s the liberal media that invaded Iraq with no post-invasion plan other than picking up the flowers that the grateful population would surely throw at”
It was the liberal media that doesn’t bother to report that the dem Congress had to be bought off so the repubs could get budgets though during war that resulted in their fair share of the responsibility for the national debt. It was the liberal media that relied on Iraqi stringers aligned with the enemy for news reports. It was the liberal media that let the misinformation stand about the Iraqis greating our GIs. Some had the courage to come out with candy, kisses and flowers, others hovered in their homes for fear that Saddam’s secret police were still able to kill them.
No, it’s not the liberal media that continues to fund the war, it’s Congress, dems and repubs. Believe me, it’s not just Afganistan and Pakistan that we have to worry about, but if we walk out of Iraq, it won’t make our efforts any better.
“Sarah Palin is nothing at all like the honest, working-class Americans who are my family and my friends. She is a desperate, election-year gimmick being sold to an ignorant population using the same manipulative advertising techniques used to sell laxatives and toilet bowl cleaner.”
You should be embarassed by the statement you just made, but I will dismiss it as that of a biased, uneducated left wing nut.
“And even if she were one of us—guess what? We’re electing the leaders of the free world. We’re not supposed to vote based on which campaign commercials make us feel all warm and gooey inside. This isn’t American Idol, or a cheerleader competition, or a quest to find a new best friend. We have a civic responsibility to choose the best person for the job, not the person who is most like us, for crying out loud.”
And Obama is what? Explain.
“I swear, some of you right wingers will believe anything if it protects you from the horrifying responsibility of thinking for yourselves (by the way, agreeing with everything you see and hear on your favorite cable news channel does not constitute thinking). You are being used by theocratic, industrial, and financial manipulators who know that all they have to do is scream “Liberals!” and you will run for cover and let them do and take whatever they want.”
Way to stay classy.
“Listen, I’m not crazy about many aspects of Democratic behavior or policy, either, but if McCain and Palin are the best answer the Republicans can come up with, this nation is doomed.”
Have you seen the video of Biden singing Villages?
Ya know, Missy… with a full complement of Trooper’gate posts, plus easy clicks to the entire archived category starting with Aug 31st, I can safely say that G. Drivel has aptly proven he doesn’t read past media headlines.
It’s all right there… at his fingertips, with both pro and con Palin sources. But if some bozo still insists upon believing that the 14 person Legislative Council is an unbiased, bipartisan investigation… and if they continue to believe that thwarting Alaskan laws to conduct an investigation not in their jurisdiction is the Constitutional way…. then that person has a desire to take this country back to the McCarthy witch hunt era.
But he’s the type that won’t figure out he’s steering the nation in the wrong direction until da sheeeet hits his own back yard. I figure a few years of Obama/Pelosi/Reid era paychecks – and a good look at what he gets for all that money drain – then he’ll figure it out. Some are just slower to catch on. We can only hope the damage they do can be reversed.
Ok George, let’s remake your post.
Why INTELLIGENT people rejects OBAMA?
– He doesn’t even know how many States the USA have, he thinks it is 58 or 59.
– Here read this:
– He received 126,000$ from Fanny May.
– He keeps lying about the Surge. Said he was against it… then said he had always been for it. Said it wouldn’t work, then said he always thought it would work.
– There are so many lies, too many to list here.
– Read these two links:
– He wants to make friends with terrorist leader.
– He thinks raising taxes is good for economy.
– Read this:
– He thinks Americans are racist and this will be the reason of his defeat in november.
– He is so concerned about “threats” to his security.
– Read this:
Missy, Mata, Craig –
Nice job debunking George’s inane post. What is most glaring about George’s post is that he cannot and did not back up his post with links to facts about what he was saying as you three did. I find this so common among the left. And when you ask them to back themselves up with links and facts they either scream more loudly saying they are right because they just are, or you never hear from them again. George will do one of the two.
Yes it is nice to see them poat the links. I do not always, becasue I often just rememebr what I have seen. But I am trying to have a p[lace where I can keep all the links that I find interesting or worth whikle to keep for reference.
I am tryin to get others to also post articles on there for reference. If anyone wants to email me and I will send you the link. It is pretty much my own DIGG sited fof reference. And right now it is also an archive of my blog also.
I do not want to post it here and get the Trolls to post idiotic stuff to it.