Iran renews nuclear weapons development

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Fresh evidence has emerged that suggests Iran has renewed work on developing nuclear weapons, according to Western security sources.

Nuclear experts responsible for monitoring Iran’s nuclear programme have discovered that enough enriched uranium, which if processed to weapons grade level could be used to make up to six atom bombs, has disappeared from the main production facility at Isfahan.

American spy satellites have identified a number of suspicious sites, which the Iranians have not declared to nuclear inspectors, that intelligence officials believe are being used for covert research.

“Let me say it plainly, a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable”
-failed Presidential candidate Sen John Kerry during the 2004 campaign

“It is unacceptable for Iran to possess a nuclear weapon; it would be a game changer.”
“It’s sufficient to say I would not take military action off the table and that I will never hesitate to use our military force in order to protect the homeland and the United States’ interests,”
-Professional Presidential candidate, Freshman Senator Barack Obama

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Anything new from IAEA and Baradei, Scott? Or are they on vacation, along with the US Congress?

Why President Bush and Senator McCain overstates threat posed by Iran’s nuclear fuel cycle?

The Bush administration is good at inciting fear, stirring up a false hysteria only to give cover for missed steps the administration has taken in national-international issues affecting my family, my children and grand children. He used the same technique prior to attacking Iraq. Can we allow him to do this once more?

The issues are poor economy, broken infrastructure, exported professional jobs, lack of medical insurance for many Americans, homelessness, and over burdened borrowing from other nations. McCain, who has stated he has voted 95% of the time in support of the administration, now would like to extend the passed 8 years once more.

Iran and its nuclear fuel cycle are not the issues.

Yeah, why be concerned about Iran trying to acquire nuclear technology and weaponry? It’s not like Iran is a known sponsor of terrorism and frequently threatens to destroy Israel. Oh, wait…

I guess diplomacy could be tried. It’s not like Iran previously promised to halt their nuclear program and then later admitted, “We lied right to your faces. We kept it going the whole time. Ha, ha!” Oh, wait, that did happen.

Of course, no one but the Bush Administration or Senator McCain see Iran as a dangerous threat. I doubt you’ll find a single person in Israel or any Sunni Arab nation concerned about a nuclear Iran. Oh, wait, Israel has made its intentions toward Iran perfectly clear. And I recall reading that six of those Sunni nations recently expressed an interest in developing their own nuclear programs when previously they had no such interest. Hmm, wondered what changed their minds?

Well, would you look at? Guess the truth is clear – Iran is currently a dangerous threat that needs to be neutralized.

To St. M. Traveler:

You said: “The issues are poor economy, broken infrastructure, exported professional jobs, lack of medical insurance for many Americans, homelessness, and over burdened borrowing from other nations.”

And when Iran gets his nuclear bomb and drops it on the US, will those issues that you have mentioned be so much important anymore? Get your priorities straight! The first priority for a country is safety. Without safety, nothing else matters. This is why you have to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.

St. M. Traveler didn’t read the post. It didn’t cite the Bush Administration at all, but rather I cited Sen Kerry (who at the time was on the Senate Intelligence Committee), and freshman Senator Obama. No Republican hype presented as St. M. Traveler falsely claimed. Additionally, it is the IAEA that has led the way in finding evidence that Iran’s so-called peaceful nuclear program is actually a military one bent on making nuclear bomb factories.

Mata, the Democrats’ Congress is effectively always on vacation as they’ve done almost nothing in 2 yrs. The Bush Admin continues to try diplomacy, but that’s failed. When they had a direct meeting with Iran, Iran literally laughed at the United States representatives. They have no interest in diplomacy.

However, the US is sending 1000 bunker buster bombs to Israel.

To: SpideyTerry, Craig, Scott Malensek
Response: Please read the following article:

Informed Comment
Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion
Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute
Friday, September 12, 2008
Palin on World Affairs: Just not Ready for Prime Time

Scott, would you advocate the same 1000 bunker busterr bombs to be use on Israel?
Israel has nuclear bomb, Iran does not.

Spidey Terry, your response suggest that you are not aware of what we have done to the middle east:
USA and England: Reshaping the Middle Eastern Landscape:

USA and England: Reshaping the Middle Eastern landscape

Israel is a democracy, an American ally, and doesn’t sponsor Islamic Holy Warriors; ie terrorists, so no, I would not advocate 1000 bunker busters being used on Israel. Iran, however, has never been attacked by Israeli surrogates (as Israel has by Iranian surrogates like Hezzbollah), and as such-given their belligerance towards Israel and the US, and their absolutel refusal to work with the international community-Iran is more and more becoming a target for the very aggression that Senator Obama is prepared to support or use.

If ya’ll want to respond to Mr. blame-Israel, US wants war in ME (including Iran) for oil, Iran is better off today than it was under Shah, and only the US uses atomic bombs St. Michael Traveler… feel free.

You’ll catch a glimpse of his mentality if you visit his website.

Me? I don’t knowingly cyber speak with anti-semites. Your kind are the lowest of the low, and a slight step above terrorist cockroaches, SMT. You are unworthy of giving a nanosecond of time.

BTW, all… you’ll find that the article posted by St. Michael Traveler above from his wordpress blog (different than the website I provided) got him a very special invitation.

St. Michael’s been invited to visit and commune with the Muslim Brotherhood, based on his writings. Congrat’s St. Michael. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. And perhaps the next time we hear from you, you’ll be on trial for aiding and abetting terrorists, eh?

Here’s a copy/paste of his invite….

Omar said,
August 21, 2008 @ 10:17 pm

Hello I would like to invite you to visit our website :

Ikhwan Web

IKhwanweb is the Muslim Brotherhood”s only official English web site. The Main office is located in London, although Ikhwanweb has correspondents in most countries. Our staff is exclusively made of volunteers and stretched over the five continents.
The Muslim Brotherhood opinions and views can be found under the sections of MB statements and MB opinions, in addition to the Editorial Message.
Items posted under “other views” are usually different from these of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ikhwanweb does not censor any articles or comments but has the right only to remove any inappropriate words that defy public taste
Ikhwanweb is not a news website, although we report news that matter to the Muslim Brotherhood”s cause. Our main misson is to present the Muslim Brotherhood vision right from the source and rebut misonceptions about the movement in western societies. We value debate on the issues and we welcome constructive criticism.

to help inform you about your subject matter,questions

If you have any addition questions you can email us at :

I’ll discuss it w anyone. Israel has a right to exist. Iran is attacking Israel via proxies. Iran is denying the will of the UN, UNSC, IAEA, EU, and NATO, and it’s not doing so because of anything the US has done to Iran, but because Iran is bent on seizing natural resources for its own imperialism, nationalism, and as a means of becoming a superpower. I echo the DNC platform of 2004, 2006, and 2008 when I say that a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable to the US because it is unacceptable to the world.

Old Juan Cole: A Very Sad Soul

He’s a conspiricy theorist, anti-American, anti_Semitic hate-monger, as can easily be seen from reading his “work.”

Writing about him, Steven Plaut says…

Another weblog operated by pro-democracy Iraqis, IraqtheModel, writes:

“I came across this article by Dr Juan Cole that made me feel ashamed of myself. [NOTE; that’s sarcasm] This man who doesn’t live in Iraq seems to know more about the history of Iraq than I do. In his article he was criticizing the westerns, journalists in particular, for making judgments without knowing much about Iraq’s history, which I must admit is true….. What Dr. Cole was trying to tell us, as you can see in his article, is that Fallujah is celebrated in Iraq’s history as a symbol for the large rebellion/revolution against the British back in 1920.”

The blogger then notes that no such incident ever took place. Fallujah was under the control of the British army the whole time.

In other words, Juan tana Cola is a bald faced liar.

“Cole’s long history of distortion, ignorance, and bias was carefully documented.” by Steven Plaut in this Frontpage Mag article.

Fully agree that Israel has a right to exist, and to defend herself. She is also one of the few democracies in the region… which is why the US lends it’s support to a government that is decided by the denizens.

However you’ll never change the mind of an anti-semite. Something not wired right in those of that mentality. So go for it, and best of luck, Scott. May you be blessed with the patience of a saint.

As soon as it comes out of the spam catcher, you can read my post on Juan Cole. That guy is a total loon, as the documentation Steven Plaut provides clearly shows. The fact that “traveler” chooses to believe a person who’s lies are so many and so transparent tells you who he is.


This can’t be good.

DEBKAfile’s sources report this pretext [fighting terrorists-lololol] for Syria’s blatant invasion of northern Lebanon is hardly likely to go down seriously. For five years, Assad provided al Qaeda and other radical Islamists a corridor through Syria to fight American troops in Iraq plus training facilities.

Seen from Israel, once Assad’s army completes its advance on Tripoli, he will control the full length of the military supply route for Hizballah from the Syrian ports of Latakia and Tartus. The Russian presence will add a new and troubling dimension to this development

Why America is putting up with this, I don’t know, …unless it has something to do with the violent reaction the Left would have – which would cause yet more havoc here at home in addition to what they have already caused over the last 7 years.

The Left has to be stopped. I don’t know if a McCain presidency will do that, or just slow them down a little, but I do know that if O’Bomber gets elected, it will be a disaster for America and the World.

UPDATE: This also, from DEBKA…
Russia lines up with Syria, Iran against America and the West

While those Damned Democrats and their MSM flunkies waste our time in petty bickering, Russia is on the move. I think Georgia was just a distraction, and what it’s doing in the M.E. and South America is the real game, which they are playing very intensely as we dither away precious time.

Please read and listen to the text of the following link:

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (US, Israel and Iran)

I request you listen to the audio on these links:

Mike Wallace interviews Mohammad Reza Pahlavi: US, Israel and Iran

American Foreign Policy: AIPAC, Iran and Iraq

Shah was a friend to Israel and the United States.

MataHarley, it is my policy to include any comment provided to my bloggs as long it does not include off color language. In a democratic society like USA, we believe in the freedom of press.
I don’t have to agree with the writer.

Please read my blog:
MyAmerica the beautiful said…
The United States, Arabs, Israel and Iran: Crimes

MyAmerica the beautiful said…
The United States, Arabs, Israel and Iran: Crimes

Sorry SMT but your self-presentation doesn’t equate. Your disdain for the “Israeli lobby”, spitting it out with “neoconservatives”, your equal disdain for Lieberman as the “front” for the Israeli lobby, your seemingly special fondness of Iran. And yes, Carter did blow that era for the Iranians. But we are dealing with Iran of today, not then.

It’s admirable that you don’t censor your comments. But I have to say that your blog link on your original post #7 was filled with a “blame the west” theme. You side with Iran – even the current regime – over those you call the “Israeli lobby”. Small wonder the Muslim Brotherhood picked up on your post and felt they found a companion in thought. And that’s why the invite was extended on your website. You, who describe yourself as almost an “ultra” Orthodox Jew, find yourself in awkward agreement with terrorists.

Regardless of what crimes you believe the west and Israel have committed, you are are morally comfortable chiming in to the Muslim Brotherhood jihad argument that it is the fault of others that they are brutal animals.

You forget Iran’s crimes… against the west (remember the Olympics?), against their own people. And against their neighbors by support of Hezbollah, aiding Syria in thwarting Lebanon’s government.

You are too willing to give Iran a pass then, and today, indicated by saying “why are we so concerned about Iran?”. If you are still in Jerusalem, as your latest blog link states, I’m pretty darn sure that lack of concern and attitude is not shared by those around you.

You say wars are waged for honor, fear and resources. Somehow self-defense, freedom and quality of life for others as well as ourselves doesn’t enter your thought pattern.

Nope… can’t get from here to there, SMT. And believe it or not, you would not be the first anti-semite I’ve known that is Jewish.

Anti-Semites like STM are just as scary for Israel as the Americans Obamarafatmaniacs are to the US. Both of them hates profoundly their country and wishes its downfall. They are no better than terrorists, in fact, they are worse than terrorists.