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This is the crux of why the left is freaking: this woman DARES to speak about GOD, and they’re afraid of that. Anyone who speaks about God must be a Jesus freak or something. She’s not. She’s as religious as an American President ought to be, and that resonates deeply with a lot of Americans who are misportrayed as being zealots, freaks, extremists, or other just because they express their faith in the creator that gave us our inalienable rights.

My only problem with the video above is that they didn’t take a snippet from her comments here

and include it.

Its funny how much people hate sarah Palin and they try to create sarah palin scandal just to knock her or boost the all the other Sarah Palin dirt on the web. I think mccain is gonna win and i was supporting obama till a couple weeks ago but no more. The fact that people troll through all this dirt on sarah palin as if its important for us to know and every media organization dumps dirt on her means they are scared of her, and I got the message. obama has something to hide.