I’m going to keep this short and simple for a community debate. Do I hear a sigh of relief out there?
I thought – in the spirit of a united 911 USA – this was to be a no-personal-attacks-cone-of-silence-debate to show the “differences” in the candidates.
Then much to my surprise, Woodfuff (as in Judy) was feeding Obama what McCain said.
Then even more to my surprise, Obama said “listening to his presentation….”
So I gather there was no “cone of silence”, and that Obama was in the position to (in a supposed “non partisan, kindly way) able to respond/counter to McCain’s genuine, heart felt answers instead of commenting on his own beliefs without a comparison.
Hardly as “non-partisan” as advertised…. surprise surprise from the media, who couldn’t retire their biased commentary for even today… Sept 11th. Feh…
And oh, by the way… not being a huge McCain fan, I was duly impressed with his “from the heart”, a’political replies. So CentFla? Maybe you saw something in him in the past the rest of us didn’t….. LOL
Any comments? The thread is yours…. Just waiting to see da feedback of the community.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
What do you expect from Columbia. Fortunately when I was there at the School for International and Public Affairs they kept the moonbats in a pen across the street but the place was crawling with them.
And as for Centfla, he’s all yours.
One question…….does Obama have an original thought? Not really!
Um, editor of TIME magazine says it all. 7 covers to 2. I also liked, sarcastically of course, obama stating he woulda said as president after 9/11, we need to get off of foreign sources of energy. First, republicans have been saying that for years and years, Bush included after 9/11, second, i looked it up, gas was $1.42 at the time. a barrel of oil was 26 bucks. not quite the crisis we have today or yesterday, and still……nothing from his damn party!!!
Mike’sA. I remember very well the Lucianne community of Bush vs McCain back in 2000. I was, and remain, a Bush supporter then and now. I’m sorry it will take history decades (depending on how Iraq conducts itself as a free nation sans US coalition help) to be more favorable to Bush. But that’s how it is.
McCain’s always been too moderate for me. But then, the nation is moving moderate/left. I can’t change that.
However, I will admit that McCain has had a few surprises for me. Perhaps he’s recharged with Palin. Or perhaps he hasn’t communicated it well prior to now (re “maverick” inspired” with the renewed confidence Palin has given him??)
I can only say that listening to the two men, I was impressed with McCain for the first time in I don’t know when (as a pol, that is).
I had no clue what to make of Obama since he listened to everything, and was force fed by Judy Woodruff thru the entire show. Personally, I feel he suffered for that, and would have done better in a “cone of silence”… as would the nation.
As it was, McCain was genuine and from the heart. Obama was “responding” to what he heard and was fed. Poor representation of himself. He ended up echoing much of what McCain said, but in “obama-speak”… yawn….
As for CentFla… remember that I’ve only been an FA community member since Mar/Apr of this year. It was at that time I was humbled by an invitation extended by Curt, and the rest of you, to become an author. I don’t have the history you do with CentFla.
Heaven knows, he and I have locked horns in this short time. But I have to say, he’s no Sky55110, Doug, or Fit Fit in his beliefs. That’s why I say he’s hardly the most far left community member here. And I didn’t know he’s been a McCain fan for this long.
I know that there are things I may be able to agree with on all the afore mentioned. Altho I’m pushing it with Sky55110/Real American Patriot…. LOL But with any one of them, I will celebrate any moment of unity.. .as they are far and few between.
Wait just one little minute Obama. Bush submitted a comprehensive energy plan in 2001. It was Dick Cheney’s first assignment. What did he get for it, a bunch of shit because it included drilling for oil. Oh, how I remember it so well! It was a plan typical of “big oil men”.
MataH: Thankfully Centfla isn’t as bad as CRAP and a few of the others. Still, he seems to relish annoying conservatives.
Fine by me if he likes you. I haven’t got your patience.
I, too, think that Obama was spoon fed the questions with the answers contained in them…guess they KNOW how he does without a teleprompter. And, I pretty much think he completely reiterated everything McCain said, too. Please, suddenly Obama thinks it’s a.o.k. for Columbia University to allow military recruiters on campus–his former campus?? He said that after he heard the applause that statement got McCain. He is SO obvious it’s rather nauseating, isn’t it?
If any of y’all think Obama doesn’t have as un-American agenda as is possible to have, think again.
Good thing for us the man is nearly as clumsy as he is malicious.
Biased as it was, I thought McCain did very well, and uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-Obama showed more arrogance. I’m sorry, but when it comes to national service, community organizer and mega war hero just don’t compare. The freshman Senator/professional Presidential candidate also got called out by McCain very well when McCain repeatedly said that it would be better for the American people if Senator Obama had accepted the invitation to go around the country and debate in front together. I think we also got to see a more sincere, direct, and genuine McCain in the forum than in the speeches. Loved the part where McCain said “Yes.” He would be willing to have Obama in his administration in charge of national service coordination. That’s pretty cool. No hesitiation. No reluctance. No stammering, parsing, and nuancing. Flat out yes to the ultimate display of bi-partisanship..
I kept asking myself, why do they keep spoon feeding Obama with McCain’s answers? He was picked to go on second so they had time to upload the answers onto the teleprompters just out of sight of the cameras. The um, Senator um, of um was way to smooth with his responses.
I have to assume Obama was in a green room, watching McCain’s presentation. I distinctly heard him use the words (speaking about McCain…) “as I was watching his presentation..”
What I noticed is that Obama learned from McCain that night. When asked a question, McCain would start his answers with a short and direct “yes” or “no”. This always gained applause.
If you’ll notice, and totally out of his character, Obama did the same… before he wandered off into his usual nuances.
Even my mother wrote me this morning and said that by the time he finished rambling, she forgot what the question was.