When you put a dipstick in an empty suit, it’s still a dipstick…and an empty suit

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Now this should be a source of embarrassment:

OBAMA: Let’s just list this for a second. John McCain says he’s about change, too. Except — and so I guess his whole angle is, “Watch out, George Bush, except for economic policy, health-care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy, and Karl Rove-style politics. We’re really gonna shake things up in Washington.” That’s not change. That’s just calling some — the same thing, something different. But you know, you can — you know, you can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig.

Can someone say….“plagiarism”?:

Yes, I knew you could.

The cartoon was discovered by a reader at Confederate Yankee.

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Obama: You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig

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just watched the clip of the speech…what’s with the way 0bama said the word “policy”?

I think he picked that up during the 20 years worth of Wright sermons. If you go back and listen to tapes, pre-“chickens have come home to roost” Obama copied the speaking style of black pastors, it occasionally creeps back in.

Roflmao…didn’t Joe Biden have to bail out of the primaries for this type of illegal activity? See Ya, Bambi. Now who ya gonna turn to? Hildebeast? Hey, let’s have another democRAT convention but this time a true floor vote.

Obama finally did his Lt. Commander Queeg’s Stawberry speech with his latest lipsticked pig speech. Obama is way off the subject talking about minor things like minor insults instead of his original message of hope and change. Now he is coming off as tired, stressed, angry and broken.

Eventually he’ll give his “I could have been a contender” speech, hopefully before he gets into office.

Obama called this “catnip for the media.” He may be right.

It seems the entire “Lipstick on a Pig” story may have been, at least in part, a diversion to take interest away from the the discovery by the NYT that Obama worked on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

The piece is considered “unusually deceptive” and an excellent example of “propaganda” by those familiar with his efforts there, but it could simply be that the writer, Sam Dillon, is primarily a writer about education and unfamiliar with the political implications of the story.

Unexplored was why Obama seems to have left out this job from his resume. Considering Obama has been taking a pummeling for not having any executive experience, this would be an excellent comeback for Obama to all those complaints by McCain and Palin.

Can anybody here explain why you don’t submit more of your articles to Digg?


He, like Hillary, changes his speech patterns to fit the audience that he is speaking to.

Remember when Hills put on the fake southern accent?

Same thing here.

Hey don’t worry about the witch Hillary, Hussein O gave her the finger on TV and dusted her off his shoulder. Her witches spell has failed, maybe it’ll kick in later and he’ll try to fly, off the Empire state building.

I am so sick to death of the Sarah Palin attack’s I could scream, every other minute there’s another one.

Obama and Biden are like drive by shooter’s, they throw a few shot’s into the crowd, drive off, act all innocent like THEY are the victims, then claim the Republican’s are distracting from the issues?

Give me a break!

They can just do this and get away with it and we are not suppuse to get mad?

We cant use his middle name Oh No!

Then again, maybe they should just let them keep going, they are sinking their own battleship!

Oh and they have dropped all kinds of Democrat’s into heart of Alaska kicking in doors and demanding dirt on Sarah Palin?

Oh Man this is getting so rediculous.