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No surprise that the Dems involved in the legislative witch hunt support Obama, right?

But what I find really surprising is that Hollis French is running around telling Alaskans how good Obama is for Alaska’s economy.

Let’s see, supports the gas line, like Palin (who helped get it done) and McCain. But under Obama, all those petrol dollars that the denizens enjoy personally can be limited by refusing additional oil drilling.

Just how good is an anti-oil Obama for Alaska anyway?

Amen! I understand that Obama’s radical environmental extremism is very unpopular in Alaska, that people there want to drill in ANWR (responsibly), they’re the ones who know best.

This picture is telling–all these Obama supporters. But French has made what I believe are fatal mistakes, and it is good that we have him rather than a competent hatchet man–at least if the finding is bad we can just chalk it up to the inherent bias.

Why would there even be a question of whether or not to fire a person who threatened a Governor’s parent?! It’s a no-brainer!

How long do you think a person would’ve kept their job if that person had threatened Bill or Hillary’s parent while he was in office?

Gosh, it can’t possibly be a partisan, “allege-allege-allege” attack. Noooooo, what would give someone that idea?

Lynch the woman … not going to end well.

Dream: I expect a totally unbiased report on this matter. Remember these folks are ‘liberal’ democrats who believe in fairness, unbiased reporting and freedom of speach for everyone, and the death of 100 million + was not a result of communism. The 100 million + died from envy of the democrats support of freedom, just like the democrats support the freedom for 50 million in Iraq/Afghanistan. Then I woke up from my nightmare and the democrats are still the anti-american screw everyone but ‘me’ party. Pay no attention to the over 30 slime ball democrat lawyers Hussein O sent to Alaska to dig for dirt on Palin’s family life.
Hussein O is an honorable man who stated (out of his own mouth) that McCain has not questioned his ‘Muslem’ faith. Was he lying then or is he lying now? You can put lipstick (and one of Michelle’s best dressed woman outfits) on a pig but he’s still a pig..

I see three “endgame” outcomes….

1. The investigation will end up as a “Kangeroo Court” resulting in the censure of Gov. Palin along with a fine and possible impeachment (threat of one or actually doing one). Wether they’ll do it (or drop it after the election if McCain/Palin lose the November election) is another matter.

If they do this, it will set off (IMO) a firestorm with Alaskan voters (Palin has an approval rating of 82%) who might very well demand recalls and investigations on the investigators (or trounce them in the next election).

Elton, French, Davis, Hoffman, and Guttenberg must know they’re sitting on a potential powderkeg now that Palin is a VP pick. A lot of “big guns” will be trolling around, perhaps even trying to dig info/dirt on them. The Palins have “lawyered up” and are setting up for a fight. Therefore, I can only imagine how far they can “push this”.

2. The investigation will digg up nothering (per se), but will issue a report saying that Gov. Palin is “technially” innocent, but abused her power (aka: bullied Monegan). Perhaps a verbal “slap on the wrist” for Palin or a censure.

I think this is a possible outcome. It gives the Palin detractors their “pound of flesh”, embarasses the VP pick, gives the MSM and the Obama camp “bullet points”, but won’t trip a “nuclear response” (IMO) from the public.

3. McCain and Palin (along with the blogger, Palin supporters, and Alaskan citizens) wage a nasty fight over this and play some serious hardball. Palin has struck a chord with the public and the constant attacks over the past two weeks have made a lot of people cynical at the press/detractors. She has garnered, as they in politics, a coating a teflon.

The “troopergate” could find itself backing down as key members of the investigation have been “outted” as Obama supporters. Also, the inflamitory remarks made by Hollis French (“October Surprise”, “damaging to the Gov”, possible “impeachement”) to the press (before any depositions were taken or before any fact-finding was done) have tainted the proceedings.


Good points Timothy. The Dem’s “investigation” has appropriated $100,000 to spend. That’s quite a tidy sum so we can expect them to get some dirt for their money. But it will be dirt. This investigation was discredited by the comments of Sen. French “October surprise.”

but it still isn’t a lawful investigation, its not following alaska state law. so we know what their outcome will be.

Just more and more wasteful spending.

How can anyone vote for anyone that tells you to your face they are going to take things away from you and raise your taxes?

From what I’ve read so far, looks like Palin’s attourney is doing his job by taking depositions, beating the “investigators” to the punch and getting the key facts out. I can see this becoming stuck in the courts over juristiction issues. Perhaps long enough to thwart the lib’s “October surprise” plan.

The longer the “investigators” are put on the defensive, the more they’ll have to justify themselves. I can only imagine the pressure on them now. Trying to snipe a local governor is one thing, trying to snipe a VP pick is another. The stakes are getting pretty high; so high that getting burned/damaged themselves is getting too hard to ignore.

See the latest McCain add about the “wolves in Alaska”. It kind of puts things in perspective now.

My apologies if some of this is redundant from my last post.

Here’s the ad Timothy mentioned:

Interesting that the aid was describing the air drop of the “mini army” of lawyers and investigators while showing the wolves running through the woods. But with the word “air drop” was a small plane, like the one used to shoot wolves from the air for population control.

Do you think there was a hidden message there?

Timothy, there is no jurisdiction issues that need to be sussed out in court. The Personnel Board is the process via The Ethics Law. However Congress has a right to snoop where ever they want to.

However, according to the Ethics law and Personnel Board process, it usurps common law, I believe. The Alaskan Congress may be able to recommend some discipline if they have their own findings. However if they are the opposite of the Board’s, I doubt they will carry any weight.

INRE your scenerios… the only reason I can see the legislative investigation bowing out is because the witnesses they want to interview refuse. They may be able to make enough press just out of the refusals to affect the opinions of those that do not realize there are two investigations. The name of the game is muddy the Palin waters until the election… without being seen as muddying the waters.

So what I see is different scenerios than you.

1: The Board finds no probable cause, and French/Branchflower continue anyway.
2: Same Board decision and French/Branchflower throw in the towel
3: The Board finds probable cause for one or both of the charges and hires an investigator.. and French/Branchflower still hold their course.

What the big question is, whose investigation will be completed first?

Are any of these senators up for re-election? I would imagine if Palin is so popular there would be a great outcry at this witchhunt. And on the other hand, why would the dems in this legislature want her to lose the VP slot and return to Alaska as governor and make their lives hell? I would think they would jump at the chance to get rid of her and return things to where they used to be.

Do Alaskans think that because they reside in the last bit of wilderness this country owns they should claim dominion over its uses. Sarah Palin is a fraud. Examine the facts, not what she presents as fact. She did ask for the bridge to nowhere, she did not build a pipeline for natural gas and she is seeker of pork barrel projects for her state. Do any of you even know what the definition of a “liberal” is? Its just a word you use to describe anyone who does not vote Republican. If you are a conservative, what type of conservative are you? If you don’t believe in state handouts then why do you accept money from your state government for the pipeline. ANWR is federal land and will only contribute 3-4% to our entire annual consumption of oil, but it will keep the Alaskan pipeline going (which allows you to keep feeding off the government tit). If you are a fiscal conservative then you should be against big government and unbalanced budgets. Hence a big no against George Bush. If you are a isolationist, which is a conservative when it comes to national security and foreign relations, then you can’t be pro Republican. If you are a social conservative then you reject the Constitution of the United States and should move across the Bering Sea where their human rights record is less than stellar. Either way, you bunch of toothless ignorant hypocrites, stop pretending you know anything about politics or care in any way about this great country. All you care about is maintaining your way of life, human rights or the health of our children and the planet be damned.



I’m so glad you wandered over from the fever swamp to set us all straight.

Just in the nick of time too.

I’ll be filling my absentee ballot out soon and now that I have your advice I can do a better job of casting my vote.

Because of your most excellent advice I won’t be voting for George Bush for President this year.

I’m sure glad you saved me from that mistake.

Since I am a Conservative, both socially and fiscally, I will be proudly casting my ballot for McCain/Palin for President.

Together they beat the socks off of the terror mollycoddling, felon associatin’, America hatin’, racist, sexist, elitist, my IQ is better than yours, Marxist, Socialist, tax and spend and tax and spend some more, really, really bad judgment ticket that is Obama/Biden.


Thank you SO much for your advice.

Whew! That was close.

Chris, in all that BS.. have you got one thing to say that isn’t a reguritation of mainstream headlines? Do you read anything???

Thanks for visiting. Come back when you have something of value to contribute that supports your media induced opine.

As for Chris H: What an idiot!

I’ll just pick one grape off that bunch of moonbattery because it’s something liberals do all the time:

“Do Alaskans think that because they reside in the last bit of wilderness this country owns they should claim dominion over its uses.”

Chris H… Alaska IS their state. They live there. They work there. It amazes me that liberal goof balls like you are always marching around giving orders to the rest of us on who to live and telling us what we can and cannot do and yet you scream bloody murder if anyone ever suggests you live by those same rules.

State’s rights issues are huge in Alaska as they are in many of the Western States where the Federal government is the largest land owner.

And of course let’s not forget all the Environmental regulations you meanie greenies have shoved down the throat of landowners who you insist on telling what they can and cannot do with their land at the same time you tax them for the value of it.

You people already have enshrined your control freak mentality into legislation which controls what kind of light bulb we can buy, what kind of toilet, what kind of washing machine and car. And you’re not going to stop there.

Sarah Palin represents the can do self reliant spirit of Americans which want nothing more than you do gooder busy bodies to mind your OWN damn business and leave the rest of us alone.

Does anyone know the names of all of the inquisitors on the committee going after Sarah?

Carter, the Legislative Council is the body of lawmakers directly involved with the investigation, headed by Kim Elton. They voted to put Hollis French in charge… he is not a member of the Legislative Council.

amazing that repubs can’t see the obvious here…the council has twice as many repubs as dems!! they had no prob with the investigation till palin was nominated!! am i the only one who thinks this one is pretty obvious? Was he the only cop in all of alaska that warranted repeated calls from Palin & family?

“the council has twice as many repubs as dems!! “


You’ve had the links to the Leg. Counsel and still you persist in this disinformation?

And while you are looking that up, check to see which party the chairman of the leg. counsel belongs to? Hint: He’s pictured in the Obama photo along with the project manager for the investitgation.