Some silly partisan hack up in Alaska is doing her best to try and discredit Palin. Anne Kilkenny is a Democrat who supposedly knows Sarah and just wanted the populace to know what a “monster” she is. So she sent out a email that went a bit viral within the lefty ranks and since the tabloid newspaper McClatchy hasn’t met a liberal conspiracy they didn’t like they ran with it and put the email up on their front page.
In the email she makes plenty of accusations about Palin and went through it all and found it…well, wanting.
We’ve been flooded for the past few days with queries about dubious Internet postings and mass e-mail messages making claims about McCain’s running mate, Gov. Palin. We find that many are completely false, or misleading.
* Palin did not cut funding for special needs education in Alaska by 62 percent. She didn’t cut it at all. In fact, she tripled per-pupil funding over just three years.
* She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library. Some of the books on a widely circulated list were not even in print at the time. The librarian has said Palin asked a “What if?” question, but the librarian continued in her job through most of Palin’s first term.
* She was never a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a group that wants Alaskans to vote on whether they wish to secede from the United States. She’s been registered as a Republican since May 1982.
* Palin never endorsed or supported Pat Buchanan for president. She once wore a Buchanan button as a “courtesty” when he visited Wasilla, but shortly afterward she was appointed to co-chair of the campaign of Steve Forbes in the state.
* Palin has not pushed for teaching creationism in Alaska’s schools. She has said that students should be allowed to “debate both sides” of the evolution question, but she also said creationism “doesn’t have to be part of the curriculum.”
A few of these claims were included in a chain e-mail by a woman named Anne Kilkenny. We’ll be looking into other charges in that e-mail for a future story. For more explanation of the bullet points above, please read the Analysis.
The liberal strategy has always been to throw as much crap at the wall and hope something sticks. Sometimes they get lucky, most often they don’t…for example, the story that Palin is a racist, which was debunked officially today.
They tried to make a gaffe out of a non-gaffe when Sarah Palin stated the truth:
Gov. Sarah Palin made her first potentially major gaffe during her time on the national scene while discussing the developments of the perilous housing market this past weekend.
Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs, the Republican vice presidential nominee claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.” The companies, as McClatchy reported, “aren’t taxpayer funded but operate as private companies. The takeover may result in a taxpayer bailout during reorganization.”
Economists and analysts pounced on the misstatement, saying it demonstrated a lack of understanding about one of the key economic issues likely to face the next administration.
“You would like to think that someone who is going to be vice president and conceivable president would know what Fannie and Freddie do,” said Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. “These are huge institutions and they are absolutely central to our country’s mortgage debt. To not have a clue what they do doesn’t speak well for her, I’d say.”
“To not have a clue what they do?” She got it exactly right. Those two institutions are way too big, and they have become expensive to bail out. Where’s the beef in the liberals complaints? Steve Spruiell has more:
In attempting to explain Palin’s “gaffe,” liberal bloggers seem oddly reliant on the past tense:
HuffPo, quoting Andrew Jakabovics: “It is somewhat nonsensical because up until yesterday there was sort of no public funding there.”
Benen: “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac weren’t receiving any taxpayer money.”
Yglesias: “… in fact, they weren’t funded by the taxpayers at all.”
Pandagon: “Sarah Palin believes tat Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taxpayer-funded. They weren’t.”
Except, of course, now they are! Just like we always knew they would be! Palin’s point was obviously that 1. Fannie and Freddie have always been a huge liability for taxpayers, because 2. everyone knew that the government would bail them out if they failed, and 3. a McCain-Palin administration would use the government’s new authority over Fannie and Freddie to shrink these beasts down to size and protect taxpayers in the future.
Not to be left out Joe Biden complained that Palin was too extreme on global warming because she doesn’t believe that humans are causing it. Check the link to see how extreme. Oh, and 45% of the public doesn’t believe the man-made fiction either, so how freakin extreme is that again?
And then we have Michelle Obama…..oh, Michelle…how we’ve missed you so.
Obama then moved on to politics, where she first brought up her husband’s vice-presidential choice. “I think it was a really good pick—Senator Joe Biden,” she said, and later added, “People say they have amazing chemistry, and it’s true.”
Obama continued with talk about Biden when she said, “What you learn about Barack from his choice is that he’s not afraid of smart people.” The crowd softly chuckled.
Yeah, thats it. Sarah Palin isn’t smart. I mean how in the world can she compete with someone who sole claim to fame is that she married a politician?
It’s quite amusing to see the left in a panic. Why could they be so scared? Here’s a few….reasons.

See author page
Say what you want about McClatchy newspapers but I love them for their reporting. I shorted MNI stock at $56 in 2005 and today it is below $4 and it should be bankrupt by 2010. The more bile they spew, the more the subscribers and advertisers flee and the more money I make. Nothing like making money off of liberal spew and stupidity.
Nice one scoffaw, why did I not thin of that. they took over the local rag here and it has gone downhill since.
I’ve noticed a difference in “reporting” about Palin this week as opposed to last week,,,
Me thinks the libtard media are starting to see the error of their ways…
Of course this will never occur to the tin foil hat bloggers….
…Yes, they are flailing. Many of my friends are drooling …circling on the high winds of hope, just waiting for a kill. However, if it was a gaffe, it was weak as the scent of a year old bar of Irish Spring. To trumpet that statement is a waste of calculated time and effort …not to mention its intentional uncertainty.
Here’s a good take on the “gaffe”:
No doubt we, liberals, are ready to ‘go at the gun’ for Palin stumbles, but this wasn’t it –and as far as I’m concerned we ‘jumped the gun’.
Lastly, I wouldn’t say the left is in ‘panic’. We’re also not scared. Most post convention poll bounces evaporate over a week or so; given that, there’s no worry. However, Palin may be an exception. If so, still no worry, most post convention electoral maps still favor Obama.
Now we are in an ad. war, hoping to define the subject(s) before the debates, as the debates will generally be the final stamp of definition.
palin is pulling in the regular people, people who wouldn’t normally care. she is making women stand up and take stock of the way they are doing things, they see a sitting gov., a v.p. nominee and she has 5 kids, one a baby and thay re saying that yes women can have it all. we can have strong convictons, we can believe in the core family and still have a job with great responsibility. even if by some really strange chance and obama wins, she will have changed how women are viewed in the political arena. so many women are responding to her that the dems are paniced, they are used to telling women how men have kept them down, blah blah, you have to stay home and have kids or you can have a job and be childless if you vote republican. they try and make women afraid of republicans, make them angry for being kept down, yeah, in sarah palin we are seeing how freakin wrong the libs are.
Wow, I’ve read the email sent out by Ms. Kilkenney. It starts out by saying, “I am not jealous” and then goes on about the governor being a “babe” and “popular” though those same men don’t intend to vote for her (how would she know?). We all vote in secret.
Then… she goes on about the governor’s secret keeping — oh my, isn’t that bad? I live in a small town in Alaska. Privacy (and pregnancy) is a very personal thing. Especially for an older woman carrying a special needs child. Why on earth would anyone from the governor’s family tell Ms. Kilkenney anything? What business is it of hers? Personally, I like people who don’t gossip (especially with being from a small town) and I understand what a true quality that is. And, so she wasn’t an advocate for special needs before having a child with a special problem — that’s called life and learning about things. I didn’t realize children have speech issues until my youngest was speech delayed.
The point about her husband being a union member – but not supporting the union. How does Ms. Kilkenney know? Obviously, she isn’t a close or intimate friend. And, besides, my friends don’t know if I am a union supporter or not. Probably my mother doesn’t either. Big deal. As for her family not having Bristol Bay for as their main source of income – no kidding. Most people in Alaska have to fish in more than one fishery or have another line of work. One fishery will not cut it as far as making a living. And, if Mr. Palin has worked for 20 years in the oil production field for the same company then he should enjoy the seniority of picking (or having more choice) then someone just hired. It is called “seniority” and most companies use it.
Wasilla. It has really been in the news. So… Governor Palin had many things built, their town grew and along with that, a complex and other buildings cost money. The citizens voted and agreed to have the increases (for the hockey stadium/complex). In our town, we’ve voted on a community gym and later a swimming pool. Yes, those are expensive items and it is dependent upon who you speak to as to whether or not they were good ideas. Young people or families will say great – older people who never use the facilities will complain about the tax increase. From the research I’ve done, the city won the suit on the land where the complex was built (but a judge changed his mind). These are legal matters that yes, a mayor would have insight to, however, that is what city attorney’s are for. City lawyers are paid to give advice. Maybe the one Ms. Kilkenney should have the problem with is the city attorney.
I’ve also read about the governor wishing to get rid of a few people while mayor (terminate people and their jobs). There are two sides here — and having been someone who actually has fired people in my position, I understand that it comes with the territory when you have a professional position. My understanding is there were a couple of people who brought wrongful termination suits against the mayor and City of Wasilla, however, they lost.
There is almost too much in the email to go over. But, just read it. People like Governor Palin make enemies. Of course, her popularity and charm are going to put envy into the hearts of some. Just look at the MSM and left wing bloggers – they hate. Ms. Kilkenney obviously doesn’t like the governor and is bitter. Read the entire email. Realize that there are always two sides and see the almost righteous zeal that Ms. Kilkenney states about what she doesn’t like (Ms. Kilkenney being “just a housewife”) – the governor supports drilling, wants the polar bear taken off the endangered species list, etc. Ms. Kilkenney is a complex woman and her ax to grind against the governor is apparent.
I hate to agree w Bill O’Reilly, but he’s right when he says that every slanderous personal attack (not political attacks, but personal ones) reinforces the idea that there is a media elite, reinforces the backlash against angry faux-liberals who are closed-minded rather than open-minded, and increases her poll stats.
56 days
Oh…my…gawd the outrage and burst of anger that will follow if The One doesn’t win!
56 Days.
So close….yet so very far away.
Seems like this election season has been 18.5 years long.
Would you like to talk a little bit about her LIES?? I haven’t seen anything written here about that…
She speaks about selling the governors jet on e-bay.. well that is not really how it went.. she tried to sell it on e-bay 3 times.. no one even made the minimum bid. so what did she do she sold it wholesale through a broker loosing the state $500,000. Also it was not just the governor’s jet it was a jet used jointly by the governors office and the alaska corrections system to shuttle prisoners.
How about the flip flop on the bridge to nowhere? we know now that is a total lie too.
Would you like me to continue?
Here Elizabeth Holmes and Laura Meckler of the WSJ are stuck on stupid ..
.. I know Obama hasn’t been in the Senate long, but they seem to forget the other two years.
By their logic .. There were 4155 U.S. military deaths in Iraq, but it’s only 248 this year .. it’s true, but would you shallow ??
And again, Elizabeth Holmes and Laura Meckler are still stuck on stupid,
.. descending into talk that it comes with a “serious caveat”, she kept the money for other projects. Seriously, are we to then assume that the Bridge to Nowhere has morphed into other projects, when the real question is .. Show me the Bridge to Nowhere .. Show me the Bridge to Nowhere .. I’ll settle for a picture of the construction site and I’ll believe too.
Do these people even bother to read their own copy ?
My guess is the front page story on Palin’s travel expenses will start up a new conversation over the untarnished imagine she is perceived to have:
This is where we start to see if McCain’s team has to go defensive or can stay on message.
Has Obama even voted in the Senate this year? I wonder what his attendence record is?
Bridge to nowhere…she was for it until the people wanted her to be against it, then….she vetoed it (seems Dems have a history of supporting candidates who are for something before being against it. Now, they’re against em until they’re for em). How did Biden vote re the bridge? Was he for it or against it?
What’s the left’s big problem w Bush? His foreign policy and his arrogance.
Iraq plan-essentially same as Bush’s
Pakistan policy-same as Bush’s (Barack even admits it)
Iran-same as Bush’s
Al Queda-same policy as Bush’s
Afghanistan-Obama plans to send more troops there, but only did so after Bush already ordered it
calls himself President
paints his personal logo over American flag on his plane
has Obamaopolis temple at DNC convention
has less experience than even Sarah Palin
and infinitely many more examples of Bush-level arrogance
Bush can’t read a teleprompter.
Obama can’t speak w/out one (he stutters, stammers, parses, and nuances because he’s lost)
November 5th, 2008 very well might be the day America no longer has to listen to him.
Doug, that is laughable compared to the hundreds of thousands that Sen Obama suddenly had to account for when ACORN was audited in the Ohio investigation to voter fraud. It’s literally almost 1/10th that of freshman senator Obama’s 1 fiscal problem. My guess is there are many many MANY more.
Even the democrats in her state acknowledged and gave her credit for killing the bridge to nowhere.
The Governor of Alaska doesn’t control congress. But, in congress…both Obama and Biden “also” voted for the bridge to nowhere (using the same definition of what it means to be “for it”).
Name one time Obama has stood up to his party on any major party issue? (Iraq? Energy? Healthcare? Immigration?)There isn’t any. He’s an old school Chicago hardball political machine politician with a slick tongue. Technically…he’s never really been fully vetted or tested in an election either—which is also starting to show about now and it’s only going to get worse in the debates..where he can’t just hold up his hand and say….this is a distraction every time his own record gets thrown in his face. He’s won every election he’s been in by removing his opponents with hard ball, old school politics (like legal challenges to knock your opponent off the ballot, sliming his opponents, using close political and community relationships to attack opponents, or just simply being “appointed” to a position…such as with his current nomination, by the powers that be the “chosen one”.)
The biggest “lie” is that Obama was elected/nominated by the people of his party to run for President of the U.S. HE was “appointed” by a committee after legal wrangling that left even the Clinton’s and 18 million other democrats and Ind. who voted for Hillary disgusted. He didn’t have enough votes to win the nomination…so yet again..he was appointed through legal wrangling, arm twisting, and old school influence.
Political rhetoric aside…(ie..trying to make issues out of events),
in the end, they all have to stand by their record of what they did. And that includes all of it. Obama will loose that game…if that’s where they choose to go with it…because he doesn’t have a record of reform NOR change.
His voting record doesn’t support his mouth.
And the more they grab at these straws…it just becomes more and more obvious to people and draws direct attention to some of Obama’s most glaring weaknesses. I wont’ even mention they are basically pitting Obama against Palin…and leaving McCain to soar above the fray.
Thank heavens that Sarah Palin, although often compared to Bush, is more like President Ronald Reagan in that he was considered to be Teflon tough. Sarah Palin is Teflon tough, too.
Fortunately for the Right, McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin has re-energized conservatives and Republicans, Independents and caring Democrats, to the extent that anything negative against Palin results in an additional increase her popularity — this due to the fact that people know why the Left-wing radical socialists are doing what they do; the Obamaites know they’re losing big-time.
“The biggest “lie” is that Obama was elected/nominated by the people of his party to run for President of the U.S. HE was “appointed” by a committee after legal wrangling that left even the Clinton’s and 18 million other democrats and Ind. who voted for Hillary disgusted. He didn’t have enough votes to win the nomination…so yet again..he was appointed through legal wrangling, arm twisting, and old school influence.”
May I add to that, the myth of the registered Democrat. The DNC boasts that voters registered as Democrats has skyrocketed. 300000 new ones in PA, 900000 in Oh, and more across the nation. I am a registered Democrat. I voted for Sen Obama in Ohio’s primary, and I am now settled on voting for Sen McCain in November. The same is true for my wife. The same is true for at least a half dozen of my friends. We are registered Democrats who voted Obama in the primary, and will vote McCain in November. Why? This year people across the nation had the opportunity to vote as either Democrats or Republicans. The Republican race was largely boring, shorter than the Democratic Party’s contest, and it didn’t have the sharp difference between Hillary and Barack. So I believe not all, but many of the newly registered Democrats are actually independents, RINOs, and centrists who chose to register as Democrats just to make sure Hillary did or did not get the nomination. Those newly registered Democrats are not translating to higher poll numbers, and the Obama campaign really has to start figuring out how/why not.
Obama and Biden voted for the bridge. Sen Coburn got it quashed and offered that earmark to be spent on Katrina damage. Obama and Biden again voted for the bridge earmark, not Katrina. When Gov Palin was told how much Alaska was going to have to pony-up for their share she became against it. That’s responsible governing, to me.
Kilkenny states in her missive that Governor Palin has “hated” her since 1996. Yeah, I’m going to listen to that objective POS.
OT: On Obama’s campaign financial woes, a capella at Hot Air opines maybe Obama should “tax” his donors. ROFLMAO!!
Scott says,
Scott, there’s a difference between speculation and documentation.
You’re so right Doug. Before ACORN was investigated their contributions to Obama weren’t recorded. Once investigation started, the contributions were recorded. Who cares about $800,000 though right? Unless…it was…
Your caring is righteous, Scott. But the fact is it’s all supposition.
You are contrasting speculation with fact. That’s why no MSM ran or will run with the story. Certainly you are trying to promote the perception that Obama’s hands are dirty here, but the facts are not there to support your claim. So, case over.
Back to Palin: the facts are there. Now the MSM is running with them (…Just saw it on CNN and MSNBC in the last hour. So, appears we are now looking at the beginnings of a push back regarding McPalin’s claims that she is exempt from ‘pork,’ and a rouge individualist free from DC germs.
The final narrative of the election will probably be based on this observation from Rasmussen ..
Now this is one stunning achievement. It took one week for the media to wipe away the history of Dick Nixon’s CREEP, Bill Clinton’s John Huang and James Riady, and Al Gore’s Hsi Lai Temple from 55% of the public’s mind.
Was it pork or taxes returned to the State of Alaska to be spent on necessary projects? Was that earmark for Obama’s wife’s employer pork? Or, was it necessary to almost triple her salary?
Curt, I think it’s going to be Ayres or ACORN that will be Obama’s achilles heel.
And just who is Obama?
Doug….c’mon man. Citing MSNBC as a source w out a biased agenda would be like me citing FOX. Ever seen me do that?
Keep trying. W or even w out Palin, Obama’s campaign was gonna take a hit from an RNC convention bounce. Given his increasing arrogance, his poor off-the-prompter performance, the 49% dissatisfied DNC, the exaggerated reliance on registered Democratic voters, and the viewer fatigue from waiting 19months for steak instead of just sizzle from Obama…he was bound to drop in the polls. Palin’s presence only makes this stronger. People are tired of hearing the DNC distortions, failed promises, and sizzle. They’ve been promised everything shy of 40acres and a mule, and all we get is more whining, more substance-free-boasting, and more promises. Now that all those are resonating less, anti-Republicans are in a frenzy to report anything remotely slanderous. Meanwhile, such whining and duplicitous finger-pointing only pushes people away from the DNC and not towards it.
btw, I missed the part in the original post re Michelle. Oh how I love that woman so. She’s just so much more of a person than Sarah or Todd Palin. She’s a world champion snowmobile racer, she’s a production manager at one of the harshest and most important oil fields in the world, she stays home w her 5 kids (one of whom is a special needs child), she’s a fisherwoman on one of the most dangerous bodies of water on the planet, and she’s married to a politician.
Oh wait, she’s only one of those things. I was thinking about Sarah Palin’s spouse.
LOL! Imagine if Todd Palin gave an interview, said the exact same words that Michelle Obama did? OMG! That’s a shortcut to Worst Person In The World if ever there was one!
also (from a friend)
quote from doug: “You are contrasting speculation with fact. That’s why no MSM ran or will run with the story.”
That one made me laugh out loud. Suuuuure thing there doug. No MSM outlet will run speculative stories without backing it up with facts. Uh huh.
Sky55110/RAP, the only one lying here is you.
You flat out accuse Palin of lying when she said she put Murkowski’s jet transport on eBay. She did. She did not say it sold on eBay. It ultimately sold thru a broker.
However, what Palin did was exactly what she said she did. She put it on eBay. And the Alaskans appreciated her decision to sell since it was also a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars.
“we know now..”?? Who’s this “we”, Kemosabi? You obviously don’t know squat but what the latest media headline runs.
I researched the timeline and story on the Gravina Bridge, and passed on the results of that research in the Fiscally responsible? or Politically expedient? post. I suggest you type less, and read more.
By the end of her gubernatorial campaign, she had stated she would be looking at other alternatives than an overpriced bridge. Meaning, she already expressed her doubts before being elected.
Her transition team, who delivered their report about a week before she took office, advised against the bridge construction. The Alaskan majority didn’t want to foot the bill for extra funds needed, and she never set aside any funds in the budget to do so. She did her homework, and listened to her advisors and constituents… then killed any plans for an expensive bridge. They are considering an upgraded ferry system instead.
To “flip flop”, she would have to have been totally on board with it from the get go… and articles and budget decisions prove she wasn’t.
Do we want you to “continue”? Rather boring, as it’s just the already well worn and debunked DNC sound bites, talking points and half truths. But I have no doubt you’ll perservere on your underinformed path. Just don’t think you’ll command my rapt attentions in the interim.
Please show me Sky55110 where she said she “sold” it on e-Bay.
Show me.
You won’t be able do it because that’s not what she said.
Are you sure?
The Alaska Democratic Party differs with your uninformed pontification.
We should talk about yours instead.
Would you like me to continue?
You beat me to it by a whisker.
By the way, can you look around and see if you can find any other socks lying around that belong to Sky55110 / RAP?
He wants to preach to us about honesty and credibility and all the while he is hiding his identity.
I didn’t say, ‘Obama’s campaign failed to report $800,000’.
Their campaign made a mistake. You don’t believe it was a mistake. That’s fine, but your belief does not change the events to be unlawful. Further, “[Your] guess[ing] … there are many many MANY more” practices of the kind you imagine is, again, more conjecture.
Therefore, in the end, you have no facts to support the claim Obama broke the law here. It’s just your opinion.
Further, you didn’t post the 6th and 7th paragraphs:
Finally, Palin’s travel expenses are a real story. It’s conflicts quite nicely with her image as a politician who is not a politician.
Tonight’s papers and round tables will tell us if we have the emergence of blow back for the McPalin campaign.
I’m thinking the press will call her on the bridge to nowhere lie any time now.
Doug, what lie are you talking about, She was thinking about it and then decided it was not good for the state and said not to it. But Obama and Biden did vote for it.
If this is the best you can come up along with the totally disgusting rumors from her enemies in Alaska, you guys are screwed.
Keep on drinkinjg the cool aid it will be alright, Obama will save the world and the oceans will lower and Manbearpig will be caught, but we will all be taxed to death to give all our money to the UN or some other One world Organization that Obama will create. But it will all be good because we feel better about ourselves
Doug, Obama gets the benefit of the doubt for you, but Palin doesn’t? She couldn’t have made a reporting mistake as well?
Nope. No legs to the story. Too small an amount. I think the money has to be frozen, marked FBI bills, transferred by an undercover FBI agent on video, and at least…I dunno…$60k in amount. After that…maybe it’d have legs.
The ‘benefit of the doubt,’ for travel expenses??? That’s a good one.
It’s not just the WP story, Scott. It’s the bridge, the road, the travel, the troopergate, the plane, and all the other stories that when contrasted with the ‘outsider’ DC image magnified by her own repetition of being outside it all that I believe will start to tarnish now.
She is working this image as being above it all, it’s now her public identity. …very dangerous:
Yeeeeeeeeeah….the Governor of Alaska is a Washington ‘insider’
Keep grasping. It surely resonates with the left, but freshman Senator Obama, and all his vast experience (as well as his arrogance and Bush foreign policy), is flailing among independents and DINOs; the people who decide the election in the last 50 days or so.
Travel expenses…no big deal
bridge…did the will of the people, did VETO it, and both Obama and Biden voted for that pork
….from your own link, “…it’s true that Palin formally put an end to the project…”
the road?
Troopergate? C’mon. Nothing there except partisan hackery that Democrats whined so strongly about when Bill Clinton was in power.
You might as well complain about her daughter’s pregnancy
If Obama loses, it won’t be because of Sarah Palin-at least not in large part. It’ll be because of his arrogance, and the lie that his foreign policy is some sort of change from Bush’s. The only Sarah Palin factor is that the more she’s attacked by the left, the more independents and Democrats who see the Democratic Party as being controlled by the extreme will all repel against Obama’s ability to give a good speech w-w-w-w-w-w-with a tele, uh, uh, uh, uh prompter.
“John McCain’s 6 percentage-point bounce in voter support spanning the Republican National Convention is largely explained by political independents shifting to him in fairly big numbers, from 40% pre-convention to 52% post-convention in Gallup Poll Daily tracking.
By contrast, Democrats’ support for McCain rose 5 percentage points over the GOP convention period, from 9% to 14%, while Republicans’ already-high support stayed about the same.
The surge in political independents who favor McCain for president marks the first time since Gallup began tracking voters’ general-election preferences in March that a majority of independents have sided with either of the two major-party candidates. Prior to now, McCain had received no better than 48% of the independent vote and Obama no better than 46%, making the race for the political middle highly competitive.”
ou arejust going in a circle Doug. The Bridge to Nowhere is a debunked story and she did the right thing in opposing it, it would have been finacally bad for Alaska afterthe details were shown.
troppergate is nothing, if your look into it Palin did nothing wrong at all, and her sister’s ex-husband wasnever fired. On one said that Palin triedto forceanyoneto fire him. Shedid put it up on ebay, but it neversold on ebay
As I have been saying if thisis all you got on Palin, you are in bigtrouble.
Just look herefor all the debunked rumors about Palin.
it is niceto see that Obama supporters are consistent, going after Hillary and Palin with the same gusto.
Just to ‘set the record straight’ that it’s not just a leftist rant that the ‘bridge to nowhere’ was supported by Palin when she was running for Gov.:
Here’s what another online researcher discovered.
h/t – NewsVine
I think it was a really good pick—Senator Joe Biden,” she said, and later added, “People say they have amazing chemistry, and it’s true.”
Birds of a feather, don’t ya know.
In contrast, the list of pork that Governor Obama has fought against is lengthy
[/sarcasm off]
It’s not just the WP story, Scott. It’s the bridge, the road, the travel, the troopergate, the plane, and all the other stories that when contrasted with the ‘outsider’ DC image magnified by her own repetition of being outside it all that I believe will start to tarnish now.
No, Doug
It’s not any of those things(which have all been refuted btw), it’s Palin herself. You libs just want her to just go away and you are trying your best to accomplish this. Sorry, Chump, she’s not going anywhere except to the WH.
First of all, it’s downright frustrating to do the research on the Gravina Island Bridge, post all that dang research, and still find there are those here who don’t bother to read and parrot the same BS.
First of all the Congressional funds were controversial, and the funds removed as the bridge earmarks BEFORE Palin took office Dec 24, 2006.
From a WaPo article Nov 17, 2005… over a year before Palin took office, and almost a year before she started campaigning:
Point being, the money was stripped of mandates to use towards the Gravina bridge. However Congress did not redirect the cash, and instead directed it to Alaska to USE AS TRANSPORTATION FUNDS FOR ANY PROJECT IT CHOOSES…. including the bridges.
1: Palin’s campaign expressed doubt and skepticism before the election.
2: She did not set aside state funds to cover funding shortage… ie not planning on the bridge
3: Her transition team said bad juju budget decision
4: Palin killed the bridge idea, and they are working on other alternatives, at the state’s expense.
You cannot flip flop when you are not fully on board. She could not refuse funds that were passed to Alaska when Murkowski was Governor.
The “bridge to nowhere” is the “scandal to nowhere”. Period. Anyone who can’t get from A to B in thought patterns and timelines is just plain grasping at straws to misinform the electorate for political gain. Period.’
As far as “travel’gate”… did you naysayers even open the WaPo article linked in this post? Allow me to reiterate INRE what Palin was legal allowed for her travel expenses, and what she chose NOT to charge…. meaning, she actually claimed less expenses that what she was entitled to.
I’m sorry, but the woman claims less than the predecessor, and also doesn’t claim expenses she is entitled to. Another “scandal to nowhere”.
A Form of Child abuse:
Now MetaHarley can go post-“BS.”
Motive, opportunity, means. and even, now, evidence.
Ah yes, the PSEA… the union that got the suspension of Wooten reduced.
The Palin family files formal complaints against Wooten with the AST. Grimes conducts an investigation and finds that he has a behavorial pattern of actions unbecoming an AST, and says if it happens again, he’ll be fired. And the union comes to his rescue as a witness for Wooten’s side at a divorce preceeding?
I don’t care what the judge said, Doug. That family, or any family, has every right to file any and all complaints against an officer. That the court would make an official comment on anyone following the official complaint process makes me believe two things… that not only is there a high degree of corruption that is tolerated in the enforcement there, but that the courts also have a high degree of corruption.
I would have taken that judge to task for even suggesting they had no rights to file complaints…. and had his ass on the chopping block with his superiors.
And how nice you are the judge, jury and executioner of Trooper’gate. You are behaving like a pompous ass, Doug. No doubt you were one of those who would have hung the Duke LaCross players too.
Mata, I stumbled upon this site last night, don’t know if you’ve seen it yet, probably have, but just in case. It has a lot of interesting stuff, I spent quite a bit of time with the links to press reports, letters from Palin’s office, etc.
BTW, Here’s another WSJ column for you Doug.
Thanks Missy. I had archived the Alaskan Transportation Priorities Project organization after Lois Epstein had come in with a comment on the Gravina Island Bridge post. You can read her comment, and my follow ups there.
She mentioned the Juneau Rd project, which I didn’t discuss in depth, but mentioned that the cancellation of a segment of the series of roads underway shen she first got into office. After Ms. Epstein’s comment, I posted the info on that project from the linked articles in the post to clarify for the rest of you.
Ms. Epstein has never clarified just who entered into a contract with the company who built the Gravina Island road to where the bridge was supposed to go. Perhaps she doesn’t know, tho I asked. All press reports indicate that Murkowski was in a scramble to get that road and it’s funds under contract in the last days of his term before Palin took office. I have seen no press reports that indicate Palin awarded that contract after his exit. And highly unlikely in the wake of her transition team’s report.
And since Murkowski or family has some personal holdings on the Island, it’s certainly more to his benefit to get that contract awarded while the awarding was good. All news releases point that the “road to no where” was contracted out successfully before Palin took office, and the project was built per contract.
The ATPP has some interesting links that I’ve already gone thru somewhat. They are a group that promotes sensible spending in Alaskan transportation… a place where the continuous and discontinuous permafrost makes their 3500 miles of paved and gravel roads an annual event.
The ATPP has never supported the Gravina Bridge, but instead advocates for a ferry.
You know what worries me the most? It is to think that the fans of Obama are probably all like DOUG. This is very scary. I hope I am wrong. I admire and love Americans, but I never thought some could be so low and mean as Doug. Those people are the worst enemies a country can have. I sure hope that DOUG and his friends are just misinformed or ignorant and not really evil minded as they seems to be.