For eight years now there’ve been incessant complaints from people that George W Bush was a draft dogder, was awol from the Air National Guard (see also Dan Rather), that he should send his daughters to go fight in Iraq, that Vice President Cheney was a draft dodger because he had numerous college deferments, and that both men were hypocrites to send others off to war while they avoided service in Vietnam and refused to send their own children to fight in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.Â
All of a sudden, those same critics of President Bush and Vice President Cheney have no problem at all and are completely silent with Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Obama has already told us that he will continue the war in Iraq for at least 16 months (probably longer since tens of thousands of troops will remain after that 16 month time frame). He’s promised to take those units of the so-called broken military pulled from Iraq, and rather than let them rest, send them to Afghanistan (could it be that the military we’ve been told was broken for 4years…really isn’t?).  Senator Obama’s told us he’s willing to risk war with Pakistan, and Iran. Meanwhile, he himself has never served in a uniform. His Vice President, Joe Biden, will have as many deferments from service in Vietnam as Dick Cheney, and despite claims of vast foreign policy experience, Joe Biden can’t seem to tell the difference between a battalion and a brigade (the difference is 1:3 in size and power respectively).
Yes, it’s true that Sen Biden has a son in the military, but somehow that son has managed to avoid combat duty for years, and is only now going to Iraq. Is he a “senator’s son”? They guy is going now, so does it matter?
Enter John McCain and Sarah Palin. Both have kids in combat. John McCain not only served, but his accomplishments and heroism is the stuff movies are made of (recall the footage of him rolling through the flames on the deck of the burning USS Forrestal?!). Sarah Palin hasn’t served, but she is Commander in Chief of the Alaskan National Guard. Not to degrade the Delaware National Guard for example, but the Alaskan National Guard guys find Afghanistan warm and tropical by comparison to their 1 weekend a month and 2wks a year. They’re a tough bunch. Doubt her foreign policy ability? That’s fine.  There’s not a lotta meat on her resume regarding that, but if she were to meet with Iranian leaders….does anyone doubt that a mother of 5 with a son in Iraq would be the most emphatic and effective person to discuss a halt of Iranian weapons shipments to Iraq? I can’t see my mom accepting anything other than an, “OK! OK! Geez lady, we’ll stop!”  What would your mom do? She’s certainly not going to be YEE-HAW(!)-reckless with the lives of men and women in uniform.
So where have all the anti-Bush/Cheney cries of “Chickenhawk!” and “draft dodger!” gone? If they’re silent now in the face of Obama/Biden then the rantings were just rantings and not substantive. Could it possibly be that all these years of smears have just been political and not substantive complaints? Could it be that those people who made the claims about Bush and Cheney but are silent about Obama and Biden were just being insulting, low, and dishonorable?
For my money, I don’t think any of them are chickenhawks, but those who do ought to step back and do some soul-searching.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Books
On the other side of the isle …
“lunch-bucket Democrat.”
Shades of Eagleton ? …
A continuation of the Cheney Vice-Presidency ? …
Chip off the old block …
This last one may explain why Obama is against going after the kids/family members.
But I have to ask did anybody vet this guy ?
Now we need some democrat (maybe Blather Rather) to visit a Tx stockyard and ‘buy’ Hussein O a heroic military record. While there they can ‘find’ Hanoi John ‘traitor’ Kerry’s service records. I still have a copy of the SF 180 saved on my computer (I’ve used it to release records for my daughter) if Hanoi needs another copy.
To the democrats I say ‘BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Now a new hurricane may pay the dhimmi congress critter from South Carolina back (by slamming S.C.) for laughing about Gustov interupting the RNCC. People of S.C., it’s time for a recall, he makes you all look like uncaring fools.
Neo shows the lack of duality in msm coverage re VP’s….VERY well.
Nice job
Great post Scott!
Wow Neo, that’s some stuffed lunchbucket! Also, I guess times have changed, my soldier boy has asthma and migraines, it didn’t stop him from enlisting and serving in Iraq.
Also, consider…
If someone has a link to a comment about Biden’s deferrments at Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, Think Progress, Truthout, Bartcop, Buzzflash, or any other far left site please post it.
68 years….wow. Even then one has to wonder if Sec of the Navy during WWI is on the same level as Illinois state legislator or community organizer?
why would the dems put up a candidate with zero military experience during a time of conflict? maybe you could argue that community organiser is experience enough, i guess it would depend on the community, maybe watts would do. i don’t think national service should be required of our youth, but i do believe it would be helpful in later life and i think it should be a requirement to be president. call me crazy but i think it would show a sense of national pride and responsibility. makes you wonder what the dems are thinking.
LOL Bush was in the National Guard. Good one.
What’s really funny is that George W Bush has more military experience than the entire Democratic Party ticket-even if he only showed up for a day.
What’s worse is Obama and Biden seem to keep being blindsided on simple issues and even issues they have strong feelings about. Even if Obama was a one issue candidate like universal health care he would have something to go on. He just wanders around aimlessly. Even Moses had a goal. That’s a good way to end up in every trap there is from economic traps to political traps to military traps. Any tin horned dictator or lobbist with a copy of a chess book or Art of War will just slice and dice Obama and then the nation as a whole. That’s why it takes $40 million a month to make him look good. It’s all props and movie style special effects. Mr. Gaff Central Bidin can’t help. He couldn’t even help himself when running for president. Obama has pissed off Hillary so there goes all those Clinton aids. That’s why Obama is stuck with advisors that haven’t seen action since the ’70s and the ones that got Carter in trouble. Obama couldn’t even see those advisors can’t help him and they have a known history of stupidity.
I’m also starting to doubt Obama’s teaching role as a law professor. The man can’t even talk without a script. During the job interview did he get to use a teleprompter? How could the man organize anything, he can’t even organize a simple sentence. I’d hate to be working as his translator in a foreign exchange. I’d also hate to be an allied leader talking to him. No wonder Obama doesn’t want to organize more free trade and is basically an isolationist. He just doesn’t want to talk to foreign leaders because their news telling the world that Obama just isn’t right in the head.
Well said Gregory