Just When You Thought The Libs Couldn’t Get Any More Desperate

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Man o’ man are these lib’s scared. Take a gander at this piece of work in which Todd Palin has taken some kind of reverse aging pills or something. (big h/t to Ace who stresses this is being offered as real by the left, not a parody)

Remember, this was supposed to be Todd 12 years ago at 34 years of age.

What the hell was this guy pretending to be Todd Palin thinking? He actually thought this was a good idea…to pretend to be Todd Palin while calling out the name Bristol a billion times and then tell his daughter about his inadequacies and inner demons at playing second fiddle.

One guy believes it, and he, Mr. Roger Cadenhead, happens to be the source for Alan Colmes tirade about a pregnant woman having the audacity to work while pregnant.

Anyone taking bets the old guy in the video is Roger Cadenhead?


Look at the cell phone in the video and compare it to the cellphones in use in 1996.


Could it be Cadenhead?

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We’re not scared:

Two new polls of note out today… CBS/New York Times has Obama with a slight bounce, up 48%-40%. An earlier poll, showed Obama up 45%-42%. CNN/Opinion Research, however, has Obama up just one point, 49%-48%. [And a USA-Gallop poll has McCain 43, Obama 50.]

Hardly, a issue for being ‘scared’.

Are you sure you are not projecting?

that guy looks nothing like palins husband, who do they think they kidding? and just how many people will actually believe this crap? whoever did this is really messed up. from what i have seen, todd palin is very proud of his wife and the success she has achieved. i guys only strong democratic women have proud supportive husbands. the libs are so scared, that is why they are lashing out so badly at palin. makes you realize just how desperate they are, they want to deflect any attention away from biden and his families money scandles and obama’s reckless associations and lack of doing anything of substance. they didn’t get the bounce they wanted or needed. the more they attack her and herfamily the more they show their true colors and lacking in moral fiber they really are.

The polls show, Kerry by 6% — OK, that was good for a laugher.

I have had more friends call me who say the girls are so excited about Palin, girls of all ages, from 18-84, they are voting for Palin regardless,. And yes, some are lifelong Democrats.

palin rocks!

Maybe he lost weight, and got better looking in the last decade. Not real likely. Beyond that, the tape isn’t all that outrageous. A husband who didn’t think his wife would win an election isn’t that surprising. Tape makes him look a little hungover. However, I can remember working some crazy hours (+ dealing with kids & homework) and by Friday morning seeming pretty disoriented until the 10th cup of coffee so who knows.

The Lefty fever swamp inhabitants have become fully unhinged over Palin.

They know that the jig is up. They can feel it slipping through their fingers.

The poll numbers reflect it and the fact that they are showing their soft, slimy, disgusting underbelly is not going to bode well for them.

Every blog I read from left of center all the way to the right has been replete with some of the most vile, unspeakable commentary by the Lefties that you have ever seen.

After it became clear that I was in the distinct minority in believing the video might not be a hoax, I started emailing around Alaska to see if I could find someone who knew what Todd Palin looked like in the mid-’90s. The aforementioned Andrew Halcro watched it and sent this response: “Not only fake but insulting.” I am a gullible dork.

(P.s. The hoaxer isn’t me. At 41 I’m way more tore up than Fake Todd Palin.)

Kudos to you for your mea culpa, Rogers C. And I’m also pleased to hear that Halcro, certainly no fan of Palin, wouldn’t allow this BS to be perpetuated as well.

my local papers blogs are running with the baby trig being todd and bristols, can you believe the lows they are sinking to? one poster wants to try and petition the courts for dna testing. they really are sick. there is no way they should eb able to say this crap. this is the worst, the absolute worst. that tape, video, what ever it is is highly imflammitory, the wrong people will take it as the gospel and run with it. every photo i have seen shows todd to be a proud man, proud of his wife and family. i guess some of the lefties are jealous that one family can hav eit all.

luva, go to the Anchoress blog, she has a photo up of a very pregnant Governor Palin. Then give the link to that blog.

The true brilliance of the Palin pick is that it shines a floodlight on the far left cockroaches who have taken over the Democratic Party. Look, elections go through phases. There’s the who’s interested in running phase, the testing the waters phase, the pre-primary race where candidates strive to get name recognition, the primaries in which candidates from either party have to pander to the far left/right to get the nomination. That’s over now. From this week to election day, the race will be less about issues, examples of experience etc. It’s a race for the independents, the RINOs and DINOs, the moderates, and on election eve, it’s a contest that competes for a demographic of Americans who don’t follow politics; people who vote on a candidate’s attitude, thei appearance, a summary of their resume, and maybe a rumor or two. When those voters get to see the MoveOnDNC attack attack and attack Palin…they’re turned off to the DNC, and the look to see her reaction. So far, it’s stellar. Obama knows this, and that’s why he’s come out promising to fire anyone that talks about the Bristol’s baby.

Maybe slip-o-da-tongue Biden will say something, get fired, and be replaced by Hillary

The guy in the Sarah Palin video is norm augustinus.

Larry King is gonna interview the Todd Palin Exposed video creator?
That vid hit a nerve didn’t it.
Who is this Norm?