UPDATE – 09/01 – 1800hrs PST
Removed all zero & 1 vote entries after two days of polling to make it easier to read
Ok, on the big news day I have finally transcribed all the caption submissions for the Flopping Aces 3 million visitor contest. Here are the submissions for this picture:

Since there are so many each voter is allowed 3 choices. Polls will be closed on Tuesday at 3:00pm PST.

See author page
It’s unfortunate that some of the longer entries have been truncated so you may or may not get the full joke.
The best three, IMHO.
*Well, I wasn’t the one who suggested Bill and Michelle get to know each other
*Hill: Cough… Loser Ob: What? Hill: What. Wasn’t me. Cough… Urkel. Ob: Huh? Hill: Hey look… celebrities and lobbyists with money. Ob: Where?!
*You should have thought about that before you picked Biden!!!
Senator Obama has the expected reaction as Weiner loudly whispered… I’ve been sleeping with Huma.
Maybe you could take off all the captions that still have zero votes. It was a pain to read all of them.
Good idea NC, just did that.
I registered with ACORN so I can vote five times. I second Trubador.
“Your husband ain’t my first black president, he is just a nigga to me.”