3 Million Visitor Contest – Update: Submissions Period Over

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We here at Flopping Aces are coming up on the 3 millionth visitor mark and to celebrate we are holding a caption contest just as we did for the one millionth, and the two millionth.

It took from November of 2004 to April of 2007 to reach the one million mark. Two years and five months.

It took only ten months for us to go to the two million mark in February of 2008. Six months later and we are already at the three million mark. All due to the excellent writers here at Flopping Aces who do more then spew out talking points but rather engage in excellent debate.

So, back to the caption contest. Write out your best caption for the below picture in the comment section:


The ultimate winner will get to pick any three items from the Flopping Aces store.


Submissions will be closed Aug 28th at 3:00pm PST.

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Come to me, son of Jor-El! Kneel before Zod!

January 28, 2008: As Presidident Bush presents his final State Of The Union address to Congress, both side of the aisle rose with applause and cheers on one occasion, “When we met last year, our troop levels in Iraq were on the rise. Today, because of the progress just described, we are implementing a policy of “return on success,” and the surge forces we sent to Iraq are beginning to come home.” Only one senator was surprised to hear that troops were being withdrawn, and only one senator was visibly upset that his paty’s crutch issue was being taken away in the midst of the primary season.

—gotta say, my first instinct was the same as post #1. She farted. Pure and simple. Second, well, it HAS to be the, ‘cough-loser’ ‘cough’ ‘cough’

Those were great

3,000,000….wow Setting off the Ron Paul nuts really does have its advantages!!!!! Congrats to the FA writers, to Curt, and to readers and lurkers who (whether they realize it or not, agree or not) are a bigger part of this discussion forum than realized.

Good people=great things

Now, ON TO 4 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!



Hillary: Barack, I told you to kiss your Uncle Bill, now go do it.

Barack: I’m not going to do it! (stoops left foot)

Shhhh! Stand very, very still and the scary monster won’t see me.

My thoughts on Hillary’s convention speech are available now.

OBAMA: “I don’t need to have any experience to be President”
HILLARY: “You don’t need to have any experience to be President”

OBAMA: “This isn’t the office you’re running for”
HILLARY: “This isn’t the office I’m running for”

OBAMA: “I am the one we’ve been waiting for”
HILLARY: “You are the one we’ve been waiting for”

OBAMA: “You can go about your business”
HILLARY: “I think I’ll go about my business”

OBAMA: “Move on”
HILLARY: “I should just ‘move on'”

1. Draw!

2. Slap leather!

3. You feeling lucky?

4. Draw, witch!

Whaaat?? I didn’t flick your ear!!

“You have failed me for the last time, Senator Clinton”

“Et tu, Brutusette?”

“and/or duh……sorry, and/or my bad

What? I told Bill not to sit with the Pumas!

Try anything funny and I’ll sick William Ayers on ya. BOOM!

vote: #56 mr pupu pants!!

mine: O!bama, freezes his opponent with one shot of his fearsome ‘icy sardonic glance’ for daring to question his readiness to become the supreme leader of The Great Satan States. Will she be able to break free? Is this the Hillary that O!bama once knew? Or will she become yet another O!bamanation as so many before her have done? Stay tuned . . .

Well, I wasn’t the one who suggested Bill and Michelle get to know each other

Well, you’re the one who said it – “Iran’s a teeny-weeny country.”

You took the “W”s from the White House typewriters when you folks all left. WASN’T THAT ENOUGH?!

Quit sticking your finger in my butt…

Lucy… You’ve got some ‘splaining to do!

Yes oh Great One I will listen….

The Prince of Darkness tells the Wicked Witch of the East, “Look into my eyes.”

“You smelt it, you dealt it!”

(Shucks, I hadn’t seen that was already entered, in a slightly different form).

What spit wad?

Whoa…. who dressed you this morning?

Congressman Weiner to Senator Clinton: if you pretend he’s not there, maybe he’ll just go away.

Comrade Clinton: ” I see Red people”

God Damn it Hillary! Bill never even called me after our evening together and the number he gave me is for the GOP Headquarters.

But the pillow talk was great.

(man with glasses between Hillary & Obama speaking)

Carbon Credits for DNC delegates travel to Invesco $20,000
Entertainment for multitude at Invesco $19,000
Constructing Temple at Invesco $18,000
Locating a Vestal Virgin in Democrat Party… ..Priceless.

Hey Hillary, You could have been my VP if only you knew how to work with weiner!

Hillary: My Secret Service detail can beat up your Secret Service detail

Barack: Ummmm, Errrrr, Ahhhhh, Michelle!!!!

Barack: About that timetable for withdrawal……

I didn’t think you cared for me in THAT way!

NO! You CANNOT be my Vice President!

So, Hillary, did you enjoy the little jaunt to Stepford I arranged for you?