Mama Mia! What A Day!

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Sunday is a travel day in my quest to document the GOP Convention:

The alarm went off way too early this morning – 3:15 am – to be exact. I slowly slipped out of bed and got my self together for a 4 am shuttle pick-up.

Not such a bad deal, right? However, my flight was scheduled to leave at 8 am, and I live 30 minutes away from PHL. Thanks to Dave’s shuttle service, I found myself at Philly’s Airport watching a spectacular sunrise as I sat at my assigned gate. Wolf Blitzer buzzed in the background relentlessly obsessing over hurricanes Gustav and Katrina.

According to Air Trans flight schedules, I had to fly south on order to go north. The journey to MSP had a pit stop in Atlanta, Georgia. The first leg of this flight was lightly filled and I had the luxury of a row of seats to myself. Atlanta to MSP was a whole different enchilada. A two hour layover in Atlanta was spent in a one sided ‘discussion’ of ethanol as a the alternative energy source. Yikes, lobbyists! On a GOP delegate packed flight, I had the honor of spending quality time with Mr. Marbles, a rather large and rather drugged cat. His owner had her own set of peculiarities, such as covering Mr. Marbles in her lap with her skirt, hoping the stewards would not notice. Oh, the joys of travel.

At long last, I reached Minneapolis-St.Paul and all was golden. A quick phone call to the hotel and a shuttle was dispatched to whisk me to my final destination. The concierge was careful to describe the shuttle van – White with Marriot written on the sides. Within 10 minutes a white van with Marriot written on the side pulls up and I am leaping out to greet him. “Airport Marriot?”, he asks. That would be me, I told him as I tossed him my suitcase and jumped in the shuttle. It turns out he meant another ‘airport’ Marriot than the one I meant. The good people at the wrong Marriot explained to me that they could not shuttle me to the Marriot where I had reservations, but would take me back to the airport shuttle pick up, where I could wait for the right shuttle. Yep, I could not make this stuff up, even if I tried.

Once at my hotel, I had to quickly request a cab to get to Minneapolis Convention Center to pick up my press credentials. Shuttle service does not start till Monday. Brilliant, just brilliant. On the way to the Convention center my cabbie, named Muhammed Ali, struck up a conversation with me regarding all the planning going on for the convention. He asked if I worked as a journalist, and I quickly informed him that I am a blogger. He began relating his encounter with journalists he recently transported between St. Paul and Minnesota. He mentioned their comments stating the DNC convention was a great party and they weren’t too pleased to have to cover the RNC. Interesting factoid, no?

I wandered outside the convention center after collecting my press credentials, where I encountered Code Pink in anemic numbers. Susie Benjamin was present, and I noted that she had no fake press pass on her person. I videotaped a discussion with one of the Pinkies. A waste of good space on the hard drive! Not thirty feet from the clueless peaceniks were two gentlemen handing out copies of “Obsession“, quite the juxtaposition of women without a clue and noble intellectualism with South Beach style.

Minneapolis is a fantastic city to walk about. I took some time to walk along Marquette Street taking photos as the images presented themselves to me, before heading back to St. Paul. Another impression of this city comes from its citizens. They are the most sincerely friendly people I’ve come across – outside of the Sheepdogs.

Fantabulous discussion with cabbie on way back to my hotel. I got a good feel of the mid western perception on social and political issues. Governer Pawlenty was mentioned often, I am considering recruiting Pawlenty to run for Governor in Pennsylvania. As Pennsylvania is in desperate need of principled leadership and good governance. Oh, I had plenty time to discuss these issues as the cabbie got lost on the way to my hotel. He stopped the counter when he realized his mistake. Like I said above, quite good people.

It was a long day but well worth the opportunity to be part of history in the making. I would not change this day, no matter what may come.

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Dying to hear about the potential Gustav telethon plans, Ms. Skye. And so sorry this won’t turn out to be the “party” it would have been normally. But I have a feeling this may be a very rewarding and unique convention in other ways.

Some great snaps, BTW…

It’s a good thing you didn’t have any pork or alcohol in your luggage! Or your Dog! Otherwise ‘ole Muhammid wouldn’t have picked you up.

BTW, are you there for the whole convention? Your pass only says Monday.
Hopefully you brought some books to read, since it looks like they’re canceling Monday’s program.

Have fun and watch out for the Libtards!

I hope you picked up a copy of “Obsession.”

And yes, we are all bummed that most of the good stuff on Monday was canceled. But that will give you more time to get settled in.

Man, that pic of the clock showing 3:15 just makes me wanna go back to bed.

CAN NOT WAIT to hear more reports!!!!!!

Nice first report. Actually given the events of this week, it is a very good chance for the Republicans to show the American people, by actions instead of words, how it will be when the adults are once again in charge. From the actions of Gov Jindal and Barbour in the path of Gustav, to how McCain and the Republicans handle the fluid events I hope it would send a clear message. Hope and change will not reroute a hurricane nor is it something that can be used as a course of action in the midst of a crisis.
The Dems are too busy going for sleazy smut on VP pick Palin to worry too much about the folks on the Gulf Coast.
I secretly hope they find those pictures of Palin in a bikini and as an added bonus I hope she is holding a firearm. That would probably cinch the deal for McCain who is already married to a woman who owns a beer distributorship.


Thanks for sharing your whole fabulous day with us – from 3:15 am on. Did you record any of your conversations with the cabby’s?

I’m looking forward to all of your post and live blogging from the convention and your walk abouts in Minneapolis.

Skye: You mean on your first night in the hotel you almost set the smoke alarms off and had the hotel evacuated???

I’m looking forward to the update.

Outstanding job Skye! I for one appreciate all your hard work letting us get a glimpse of what its like on the floor.

I am also in Minneapolis and we are actually staying at a bar. Literally. I have not been to sleep before 5:30 the last 2 days

We are planning on having a big party at Centerfield, 119 N 3th Street. 612-339-4166 The Mad Irishman has gathered up many phone #s of delegates and we are actually going to have the President and VP of the Platform Committee here, and hopefully some candidates.

I think we are also going to have some people from McCain’s campaign here.

Skye, hopefully we can meet up at the Convention, or come on by Centerfield.

I will try and post more at my blog on what is going on, we are going over to Convention to check it out today. Nothing really exciting is gong to be happenning, just a vote on the platform and some delegate business. But we are still going to go and see what’s up.

I am going to sleep for a week straight after this shindig, if I have nay brain cells left


If you had any brain cells you wouldn’t be at the GOP Convention!

I’ll be here all week.

Seriously, hope you have lots of fun and stay away from those crazy protestors.

Fit Fit

I know that you are a left wing fool. The crazy protesters are fun. They talk about peace, but would not even shake the hands if any Republicans. So much for Peace activists. They are fun to look at but in bad need of showers and new clothes.

And if I had no brain cells I would be a sheep and bow down to the Obamassiah. And gegnuflecy like all the Democrat sheep.