Palin – Not The Most Inexperienced

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This is simply so ignorant you have to laugh:

John McCain was aiming to make history with his pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and historians say he succeeded.

Presidential scholars say she appears to be the least experienced, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era.

So unconventional was McCain’s choice that it left students of the presidency literally “stunned,” in the words of Joel Goldstein, a St. Louis University law professor and scholar of the vice presidency. “Being governor of a small state for less than two years is not consistent with the normal criteria for determining who’s of presidential caliber,” said Goldstein.

“I think she is the most inexperienced person on a major-party ticket in modern history,” said presidential historian Matthew Dallek.

Matthew Dallek….Presidential historian or speechwriter for Dick Gephardt? Guess he could be both but judging from this statement I wouldn’t bet on the historian part.


Thanks to reader Kevin Gregory form McClatchy Watch we find that Matthew Dallek is not an impartial voice:

“Presidential historian” Matthew Dallek belongs to an organization trying to elect Barack Obama.

The organization is called “Historians for Obama.”

I blogged about Matthew Dallek here.


Yes, I know…who cares who he is. The fact of the matter is that the MSM, and their cohorts in acememia, seem to have forgotten their golden boy, Mr. Barack Obama. Jay Tea laid it out quite well in this post that Sarah Palin’s experience dwarfs Obama’s by miles and Jeff Emanuel at Redstate did a great side by side comparison here:

Office being sought Vice President President of the United States and Leader of the Free World
Full name Sarah Louise Heath Palin Barack Hussein Obama II
Nickname Sarah Barracuda Barry Obama; “The One”
Public opinion Smoking hot in a “naughty librarian” sort of way May be The Messiah
Age 44 48
Children 5: two sons, three daughters 2: two daughters
Religion/Church attendance Evangelical Christian;

attends Juneau Christian Center when in Juneau and grew up attending Wasilla Assembly of God

Attended Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years, a “black liberation theology” church formerly led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright and governed according to the Black Value System
Current Job Governor of Alaska Junior Senator from Illinois
Previous Public Jobs Mayor of Wasilla, AK (1996-2002); President of Alaska Conference of Mayors;

City Council member (1992-1996)

State Senator (1997-2004);

Community Organizer

Executive Experience Governor for 2 years;

Mayor for 10 years

Foreign Relations experience Governor of state that borders two foreign countries (Canada and Russia) Chaired Senate subcommittee on Europe but never called it into session;

once gave a speech to 200,000 screaming Germans

Military Affairs experience Commander in Chief of Alaska National Guard;

Son is enlisted Infantryman in U.S. Army

Private Sector Experience Sports reporter;

Salmon fisherman

Associate at civil rights law firm
Speaking ability Beautifully executed initial stump speech in Dayton, OH hockey arena without a teleprompter An enter…wait–did you say without a teleprompter??
Most Courageous Moment in Public Service Resigned in protest from position of Ethics Commissioner of Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in order to expose legal violations and conflicts of interest of Alaska Republican leaders, including the former state Attorney General and the State GOP Chairman (who was also an Oil & Gas Commissioner), who was doing work for the party on public time and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail. Gave an anti-Iraq war speech to a crowd of anti-Iraq war demonstrators in Hyde Park in 2002
In Current Office Because… Upset sitting Governor in GOP primary due to public support for her efforts to clean up corrupt government establishment Republican opponent, who was leading in the polls, was forced to leave race after unsealing of divorce records exposed a sex scandal
Theme: Change and Clean Government Hope and Change;

“Bringing Change from Outside Washington”

What they’ve done to live that theme: Replaced entire Board of Agriculture and Conservation because of conflict of interest;

Resigned from position of Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in order to expose corruption among members of own party

Selected 36-year incumbent Senator as running mate
Family Affairs May have removed State Public Safety Commissioner as part of effort to protect sister in messy divorce and child custody battle Often says, “I am my brother’s keeper”;

Brother lives in a hut in Nairobi on $12 per year

Union affiliation Union member, married to Union member Endorsed by a union
Iraq and Troop Support Formerly (pre-surge) critical of apparent lack of long-term strategy for Iraq;

Visited wounded U.S. soldiers in Germany;

visited AK National Guard soldiers deployed to Kuwait;

Son deploying to Iraq on 9/11/08 as Army infantryman

Gave an anti-Iraq war speech to a crowd of anti-Iraq war demonstrators;

almost visited wounded troops in Germany, but decided to go shopping in Berlin instead

Bipartisan/”maverick” credentials Married to a non-Republican;

Exposed corruption within own party;

Campaigned for Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell against corrupt GOP congressman Don Young;

Called out Sen Ted Stevens (R-AK) to “come clean” about financial dealings that are under fed investigation

Talks about bipartisanship
Legislative Record Passed a landmark ethics reform bill;

Used veto to cut budgetary spending;

Prevented “bridge to nowhere” that would have cost taxpayers $400 million dollars.

Voted “present” over 100 times as IL state senator
How they dealt with corrupt individuals in home city/state Exposed legal violations and conflicts of interest of Alaska Republican leaders;

Campaigned against corrupt GOP Representative;

Ran against and defeated corrupt incumbent governor in GOP primary

Launched political career in home of unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers (and still refers to him as a part of “mainstream Democratic Chicago”;

Purchased home with help of convicted felon Tony Rezko

Guns Lifetime member of NRA and avid hunter;

video can be found on YouTube of Palin firing an M4 at a military firing range

Worked to pass legislation in Illinois that would prevent all law-abiding citizens from owning firearms
Earmarks Opposed “Bridge to Nowhere” project;

Said Alaska should avoid relying on federal money for projects;

Campaigned against porker Don Young (R-AK) in 2008 primary

Secured federal earmarks for wife’s employer and for campaign bundlers
Abortion Pro life;

gave birth to 5th child knowing that he would have Down’s syndrome


only IL state sen. to speak against the Born Alive Infant’s Protection Act, which required medical care to be given to live infants who survived abortions

More at Redstate….

I especially want to point out the voting “present” more then a 100 times in his Illinois career, and his lack of work in the Senate. As soon as he set foot into office he started running for President, neglecting his duties as chair of various subcommittees.

Palin has not neglected her duties and has in fact flourished, bringing down corruption on both sides of the aisle across the state. She ran a city government for ten years, she ran a state government for two years and was Commander in Chief of the Alaskan national guard.

Anyone tell me what size government Obama was ever in charge of? What military units he commanded? His foreign policy experience….none, seeing as how he has never convened any Senate committee he chairs.

To top it all off, he is seeking the Presidency.

[flv:hpnobama.flv 425 344]

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The more you KNOW Obama, the more you’ll want to NO Obama.

Good Work!
Spread the word- Sarah is a brilliant pick!

Do you like her as your Governor?

Sarah Palin is the US’s answer to Margaret Thatcher! Anyone who thinks she cannot handle the job or deal briskly and efficiently with ANY issue, including foreign governments … well, they haven’t met our Sarah.

As an Alaskan resident as well as a resident of Wasilla, AK, where Sarah Palin was at one time Mayor … I can speak with confidence. Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska is exactly what she portrayed during her introduction this morning and exactly what our US Government needs. She is ethical to a fault (if there is such a thing), a refreshing change to the status-quo and as smart and determined a PERSON (gender really isn’t an issue here as far as I’m concerned) as anyone could ask for at the head of government.

Sarah is no naïve “small town mayor” – she just *started out* there. Btw, as Mayor of Wasilla, she brought this “small town” through a lot of GOOD changes and left it at the end of her term having grown to the 4th largest CITY in Alaska – a lot of growth and a stronger economic base than ever before.

She has EXECUTIVE experience *running a government* (something NONE of the other candidates can actually boast, even John McCain ) as Governor of Alaska and got there by defeating the *incumbent* Republican Governor, who was definitely part of the “old school” and who WAS very much in the pocket of the big oil companies. We in Alaska wanted change – and we got it in the person of Sarah Palin!

Sarah Palin is everything she looks to be and more. Her approval rating as Governor of Alaska has been as high as 95% and is currently leveled out consistently in the upper 80 percentile throughout the state (and in both parties) – the HIGHEST approval rating of ANY sitting Governor.

Sarah has been turning around corruption in the Legislature of Alaska – turning things on their ear for that matter; cutting spending in spite of the increased income the state is currently receiving due to the high oil prices – she has insisted on putting a huge amount of the “windfall” into savings for the future rather than spending, spending, spending – and has insisted from the get-go on what she refers to as “honest, ethical and transparent governing” – no more closed door meetings and dealings – the big oil companies thought she would be a pushover and have learned better to their chagrin.

She understands the “real people” and the economic issues we all face (Alaskans along with the rest of the country) – she was one of “us” not long ago. Rather than passing useless “laws” or throwing money at pet projects, she (most recently) temporarily suspended the state gas tax (on gasoline at the pumps, fuel oil and natural gas for homes, etc.) and has ordered checks issued to ALL residents of Alaska this fall in an attempt to assist with the burden of high fuel costs for the upcoming winter. I could go on and on, but that’s enough for now . She isn’t doing these things to be popular – she is doing it because her constituents are HURTING financially and she can help.

She became Governor of Alaska by defeating the Incumbent Republican Governor and doing it *without* the money or the support of the Republican Party, which was amazing in itself – and she won by a landslide. The “powers that be” at that time totally underestimated Sarah and learned better the hard way. She has done exactly what she claimed she was going to do and is just as popular today as the day she was elected – perhaps more so since even the Democrats up here seem to like her – she works well with both sides in the Legislature here.

Sarah “belongs” to us (Alaskans) … and although we are going to be terribly sorry to see her leave before she finishes the job she started here (two years ago) straightening out OUR State … we understand she is needed for a bigger purpose and hopefully her Lt. Governor will be able to fill her shoes here and continue the job.

As for worrying about what would happen if McCain were to die or step down or whatever … Theta, up here in AK we’ve only been wondering how long we would be able to KEEP Sarah in Alaska and have seen her as our first woman President of the USA from the start. It’s always been a matter of whether she would wait until the end of her TWO terms as Governor (no doubt at ALL that she would be re-elected if she ran for a second term at the end of her current term) … or end up in Washington sooner. She could do the job TODAY.

Personally, I feel a lot better about McCain now that I know he has someone as savvy, as strong, as ethical and as steady as Sarah at his back. She will be an excellent Vice President … and my guess is will be our US Republican Presidential candidate in four years – AND by then the country will KNOW here – will love and respect her as we do here – and she’ll win by as much of a landslide as she did here in Alaska. I only wonder if McCain has a clue what he is unleashing on the US of A She is going to be a fresh wind, but also a strong wind.

Is that enough of an endorsement? If not, I’ll add this … Jerry and I have for many years felt the best “vote” was to vote for the lesser of two “evils” and hope they didn’t do too much damage. Two years ago during our State Governor’s race was the first time EVER that we actually asked for not just a little sign to put in our yard showing our support of our candidate (something we’ve never felt the desire to do at all before) – we asked for a full 4′ x 8′ “SARAH PALIN FOR GOVERNOR!” sign and were proud to have it. She hasn’t let us or Alaska down. She will do the same for the USA if given the opportunity.

Feel free to pass this on to anyone who may be interested (and spam those who aren’t!).

Talking points and sites to back them up….



Favors new drilling offshore US

Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it

Served in the US Armed Forces

Amount of time served in the US Senate
173 DAYS

Will institute a socialized national health care plan

Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy

Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately

Supports gun ownership rights

Supports homosexual marriage

Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase

Voted against making English the official language

Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals


0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.

28% on profit from ALL home sales. (How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income..)


15% (no change)

39.6% – (How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that ‘Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.’)


(no changes)
Single making 30K – tax $4,500
Single making 50K – tax $12,500
Single making 75K – tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K – tax $18,750
Married making 125K – tax $31,250

OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K – tax $8,400
Single making 50K – tax $14,000
Single making 75K – tax $23,250
Married making 60K – tax $16,800
Married making 75K – tax $21,000
Married making 125K – tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!


– 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)

Restore the inheritance tax

Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.


New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren’t high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity) New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least….New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

You can verify the above at the following web sites:

The question of experience goes pretty directly to how she’d handle a natural disaster, or a war. Well, my guess-call me stupid here-is that with a son in Iraq…this mom is gonna be at every briefing, studying every operation, and paying intricate attention. There’s a certain irony there. McCain, Biden, Palin….they all have sons in Iraq or on their way. The only one who doesn’t is Presidentical candidate Obama. What happened to all those claims of Chickenhawk Presidents? Isn’t it a concern anymore, and if not-then why? Maybe because Obama would fit the sick parameters put upon Pres Bush as yet another expression of disdain and alienation?

Point is…she’s a mom, her son is in the war=she’s gonna be BIGTIME paying attention and far far far more careful than anyone else. This at least puts her on the same level of concern and interest as Sen Biden and Sen McCain.

I think we are missing something in the Obama experience vs Palin experience. Obama has already had policies he tried to implement that we can compare with Palin:

Palin : cleaned up her state and improved life for the people of Alaska by fighting corruption in her own party. She got the job done.
Obama: fought against the surge and to this day insists it failed.

Palin: Made hard calls, got things done.
Obama: Can’t even admit he made the wrong call on the surge and he supported a policy would have resulted in disaster….

That’s the real difference.

I can’t believe anyone thinks Obama would be a good president after screwing up so badly on the surge. I mean, if he can’t get that right, how is he going to deal with Russia or Iran?

ahhh Russia-EASILY my favorite re Palin-experience pieces. I think it’s amazing when I hear people from the left ask, “Is she ready to deal w Russia?” Every time I hear that, I just wanna say, “GET A MAP” Geesh, where do these people think Russia is located? Her state borders w them. She’s already dealt w them-not on the Georgia invasion level as Sen McCain has, but no doubt on a long list of other issues. That’s like asking if the Gov of Florida is ready to deal w Cuba.

Love it!

Presidential scholars say she appears to be the least experienced, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era.

…no that is Obama. Atleast Palin did not kick off her political career at the home of an un-American anarchist that BOMBED THE CAPITAL BUILDING!!!

Palin goes to Iran, meets w Ahmadinejac….
Dems say she’s not experienced enough to handle it
Me, I think a mom of 5 w a son in Iraq would be more intractable and more convincing about getting Iran to stop sending armor-piercing bombs to Iraq where he kid rides in an armored vehicle. Call me crazy, but I just don’t see a mom in that situation taking anything shy of an absolute, “OK! We’ll stop!” for an answer, and I sure don’t see her as being MORE aggressive or even reckless with the lives of her son and his friends.

Call me crazy…

It must poll well for the democrats, but every time I hear ‘lack of experience’ I immediately think of No Bama! I don’t think this is a winning theme for the Democrats. Let’s hope the media keeps up the chatter!

The difference is this: Over the past nine months, more than 18 million of your fellow Americans have considered whether Barack Obama has the necessary judgement and experience to be President and they have gone to the polls and answered in the affirmative. Every word he has ever spoken and every acquaintance he has ever had have been exhaustively examined. If he is still a mystery to some Americans it’s simply because they haven’t been paying much attention or have been paying too much attention. I am a lifelong registered Republican, but I respect that choice and applaud the opportunity to bridge racial divides that it offers. They selected Obama over others who had more experience because they believe he is a once in a generation transformational candidate. Like the first pick in the NBA draft, he clearly has the potential. Whether he becomes a star depends on a lot of factors. John McCain selected Sarah Palin soley because she is a woman who holds what most Americans consider extreme views on many social issues. If her name were Barack or Fred Palin, she never would have been selected. I always admired John McCain until this campaign but he has revealed himself to be one more tool of the Bush-Rove-Cheney machine and the neocons. This is the most cynical, manipulative, risky and reckless decision he has ever made.

>>I am a lifelong registered Republican>>

Yeah yeah yeah….

You sound like all those seminar callers on talk radio who always _say_ they’re Republicans, and then go down all the Dem talking points just like the pros they probably are.

Forgive me if I give you the same respect for your opinion as I give them….


You’re not even honest.

Americans don’t generally think much of senatorial experience. In our whole history we’ve only elected a SERVING senator as president twice: Harding in 1920 and JFK in 1960, and neither worked out very well (yeah, I know Kennedy was cute, but think Bay of Pigs, getting us into Vietnam, political cowardice on civil rights). So what have we got this time around? Three serving senators . . . and Sarah.

And let’s look at what Washington ‘experience’ has done for us recently. Iraq, with 4000 American dead; bankrupt airlines, bankrupt steel industry, soon-to-be-bankrupt Big 3 auto makers; taxpayers on the hook bailing out the Wall Street creeps who gave us the biggest securities fraud in history; $4 gasoline and $5 diesel in a country that’s 3000 miles coast to coast; roughly 15% of Mexico’s labor force working in the U.S. So, what we need now is more ‘experience’? Heh. Listen, anybody picked at random out of the phone book, anybody, could do a better job than the experienced morons who have run this country into the ground.

I disagree with Sarah on some issues but at least she believes in something. What does Biden believe in? Or Obama? Those guys are like the t-shirt that says ‘Everybody has to believe in something . . . so I believe I’ll have another beer.’ They have all the sincerity of an infommercial. Whereas somehow Sarah is real, an actual American, a time-traveller from the late great USA who suddenly materialized in the Washington cancer ward. That’s what perople are picking-up on. About time we had some real, dontcha think?

this: Over the past nine months, more than 18 million of your fellow Americans have considered whether Barack Obama has the necessary judgement and experience to be President and they have gone to the polls and answered in the affirmative.

No, Jerry, you are wrong. That was 18 million DEMOCRATS in primaries making a decision against Hillary, not voters at large in a general election.

McCain selected Sarah Palin soley because she is a woman who holds what most Americans consider extreme views on many social issues.

Which issue? Code word for “pro-life”? Exactly what can a VP do about abortion? Whereas we have Obama holding an extreme pro-abortion (in favor of infanticide when an infant is born alive during an induced abortion) view that is outside what the majority of Americans believe…and as President he can nominate extreme pro-abortion judges to SCOTUS, as he indicated he will.

Palin also VETOED a AK piece of legislation that would have DENIED same-sex benefits. Is that outside the main-stream of American beliefs? No.

Obamessiah is the product of Chicago-machine politicking, a lawyer and he’s a DC insider. Sarah Palin is far far removed from inside the Beltway, is an up-from-bootstraps gal (exclusive prep school in Hawaii upbringing for Obama) who didn’t have to throw her opponents off the ballot to get elected. Indeed, she bucked the old-boy system, where Obama joined it and used it in Chicago.

Leftists are tieing themselves into knots — after steeping themselves in identity politicking, they are now hysterical that McCain, someone who has always marched to his own inner drummer, did NOT pick a “safe” VP as they expected. They had the anti-Romney, the “scarey Mormon” (cue the sound of screaming horses) prepared and now they can’t use ’em.

The attacks on Gov. Palin from the Obama camp within minutes of her annoucement were just confirmation of their own sexism – directed against Hillary and confirmed with Palin.

Indeed, Palin can claim something Hillary can’t. Hillary wouldn’t be a Senator without Bill, she got her job because of her husband. Palin got her jobs as Mayor and Governor the old-fashioned feminist way – she earned ’em on her own.

I am a lifelong registered Republican

I doubt it. That line alone is something I’ve been hearing alot of the Obamabots’ who got their “actionwire” tactics on doing a quasi-DOS attacks on radio station call-ins. It seems to have spread to the net.


There are millions of people that believe Elvis is still alive, the moon landing was faked, the bullet came from the grassy knoll, Princess Di was mudredz, and aliens from other planters routinely visit Earth; What’s your point?

As for “foreign policy” experience– how much experience did The Peanut Farmer have. We saw how well is lack of experience worked during the 444 day Hostage Crisis. How much experience did the Actor have? Yet he managed to pretty much win the Cold War with nary a shot fired. And then we must ask how much experience the Chief Adulterer had after governing a backwoods state the consistently came in at the bottom in education. His legacy consists of Black Hawk Down, and the failure to kill or capture Obama…er, I mean Osama, when he was virtually handed to the Adulterer 3 times! And finally lets not forget Marilyn Monroe’s boyfriend. He who had so much experience tha t The Bay of Pigs is one his greatest legacies.

That’s “other planets”

Only airheads and stereotypical blonds would claim putting Sarah Palin on the ticket is a weak ploy for their vote. Look at the women’s accomplishments, not her sex. I was happy to hear this morning on Foxnews that the “youth vote” is doing just that.
Sarah is a basketball playing, gun toting, fishing, hockey mom who just happened to take on the corrupt in her home state and won, as well as big oil and won. She has included Democrats and Independents in every administration and reduced government spending.
With all due respect to every other female Republican who feels qualified for the job, you lack excitement. Sarah brings pazaz, youth, and a history of executive decision-making. She negotiates with foreign governments regularly and no one on the other ticket or potential female VP candidate can say that.
In short the rest of the field, male and female, are like shinny old Lincolns (The Democrat ticket is a Model T) and Sarah Palen is the *Ford AC Cobra 427: Smart, quick, stunning, high torque, and fearless.
* Attributable to Geoffrey P. Hunt on the American Thinker blog with modification.

“Presidential historian” Matthew Dallek belongs to an organization trying to elect Barack Obama.

The organization is called “Historians for Obama.”

I blogged about Matthew Dallek here:

Yo, Jerry, if you even come back to read the retorts to your post.

“John McCain selected Sarah Palin soley because she is a woman who holds what most Americans consider extreme views on many social issues. ”

So you were in all the meeting that McCain had with his advisors and have decided to leak this information on a conservative blog? Why are you not on MSLSD with Bathtub Boy foaming at the mouth with him over this “desperate” move by McCain?

Besides being pro-life, what other positions on social issues does Palin have? If being against killing babies is extreme, well I guess I’m and extremist, too. And your OPINION that most Americans consider her views extreme is laughable. Recent surveys show that 60% of Americans are conservative, which makes you liberals the radical, extremists.

One problem with your info from the folks at McClatchy Watch — he’s talking about historian Robert Dallek, who I believe is the father of Matthew Dallek. While I agree that the pro-Obama bias is there, that isn’t evidence of it.

Geez… Jarhead68… beat me to it, guy. That’s the comment that made me laugh!

However, to pepper your pointed remark that Jerry is speaking thru his DNC forked tongue, I had just finished reading a WaPo article about the vetting of Sarah Palin, and the reasons that McCain and Cindy were so impressed with her.

ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 30 — Their first encounter was last February at the National Governors Association meeting in Washington. Sarah Palin was one of several governors who met privately with Sen. John McCain, by then well on his way to capturing the Republican presidential nomination, and her directness and knowledge were impressive.

Later that day, at a largely social gathering organized by his campaign, McCain spent 15 minutes in private conversation with the first-term Alaska governor. “I remember him talking about her when he came back,” a McCain adviser said. “He said she was an impressive woman. He liked her.”

But few people outside McCain’s inner circle were privy to just how much of an impression Palin had made that day.


“He looked at her like a kindred spirit,” said one close adviser, who declined to be identified in order to speak more freely. “Someone who wasn’t afraid to take tough positions.”


Last Sunday night, McCain talked to Palin by phone from Arizona in what aides described as a somewhat-lengthy call that resulted in McCain asking her to come to Arizona.

On Wednesday Palin flew to Flagstaff. That night she conferred with Schmidt and Salter. The next morning around 7, the three of them, along with a Palin aide, climbed into an SUV with tinted windows to begin the 45-minute drive to McCain’s retreat in Sedona.

When they arrived, McCain offered Palin some coffee before taking her to a bend in a creek on the property where there are places to sit and a hawk’s nest looming above. It is one of McCain’s favorite places, and the two talked alone there until they were joined by McCain’s wife, Cindy, who is described as having played a key role throughout the selection process.

After about an hour, Palin joined her aide on the deck of McCain’s cabin, while the candidate and his wife went for a walk along the creek. When they returned, McCain held one last session with aides Schmidt and Salter. Then he offered Palin the job. The deal was sealed “with a handshake, a pat on the back,” one adviser said.


“We have high confidence in her ability to demonstrate to the people of the United States that she’s ready to be vice president,” a senior campaign official said. “And Senator McCain thinks she’s prepared to be vice president, with all the duties and responsibilities there.”

Funny, I’m missing in there where it’s because she’s a woman. Instead, I think he chose her because she did go to bat against corruption in her own party. She was beneficial to the Wasilla business and community growth during her City Council and Mayoral terms. She favors drilling, but has no fear in both taking on the gas and oil business. Plus she should be the darling of the DNC since she cut the gas tax in Alaska, and instead raised taxes on the oil companies.

I think he picked a younger maverick version of himself. And I think Jerry hasn’t done enough reading about Sarah Palin and her history as a rising GOP star. All of which I think is in more appropriate Veep position that POTUS.


While Kevin misspeaks “Matthew”, Robert Dallek is named in the article and is, indeed, part of the Historians for Obama.

It is unethical for a reporter to quote a historian/expert without disclosing something as material as the experts PUBLIC associations that might call their objectivity into question.

A reporter reports relevant facts and lets the reader make a decision. Anything less is propaganda.

So much anger, so little time. There is no purpose in my rebutting any of these points since you folks have obviously come to know Sarah Palin so well in the last–let’s see, what has it been, 48 hours–that you are absolutely, positively certain that she is the very best American to protect your kids from the Commies and terrorists in the very plausible event that 72-year-old, four-time cancer survivor John McCain does not live out his first term. That is faith-based politics at its very zenith. But, I respect your opinion and invite you to check out my voter registration to see if I am really a Republican. I would have voted for Chuck Hagel in a heartbeat. My favorite response above is the one that says 18 million Americans didn’t vote for Barack Obama; 18 million DEMOCRATS did. I didn’t realize that we had become such a divided nation that Democrats are no longer considered Americans. I find that very sad.

My friends (as John McCain likes to say) I would like to share something with you that just came into my possession since this conversation began. I do not believe it is Photoshop although I might be wrong:

To the Obamastealthtroll Jerry

Nice way to dodge the facts.

And answer me this… McCain’s mom is still alive, coherent and could probably kick your butt and she’s 96.

Tell me at what age Obama’s parents’ died, and how about that The One still smokes? On health reasons alone, who do you think is more likely to kick the bucket?


and you should google “photoshop sarah palin” and find out that there are all sorts of “contests” out there for photoshopping nude pics of her

IMHO, you’ve got a broken moral compas.

First of all, it matters not you call yourself a Republican, Jerry. The comprehension challenged and gutteral of mind come in all partisan flavors.

Speaking of those around you, if you are judged by the “company you keep”, and if Blackdogred is truly the “best of the bloggers” you know… then my guess is you won’t survive on FA for very long. Nor could anything you say possibly be taken with a iota of credibility.

Yep, Jerry’s wrong, again. As to it just coming into his possession, he’s a bit late to the party, this photo shop has been circulating for a couple of days now.

I believe she is a pick of pure desperation. McCain is trailing in the polls so he thought he had to do something drastic. He did.. He picked a woman dreaming of being able to get some of the Hillary vote to sway his way. That would be totally living in a dream world! First of all anyone that is supporting Hillary is supporting her because of what her position is on issues. Palin’s position on almost all the issues Hillary supports is far different.

His choice of Palin completely eliminates any advantage McCain had on the question of “experience” and his “not ready to lead” attack on Obama.

Scrapiron you had better check your tax figures… if you check on you will find they are totally bogus… makes me wonder about many of your other statements..

by the way Jerry.. i agree with most of what you have said.. all the way…
However, that image of Palin was altered in photoshop. I know photoshop very well I can tell when someone’s face has been replaced by someone the face of someone else.. Especially if it is a poor job like that one… I made my living in photoshop for many years.

The claim that Obama’s brother lives on $1 a month was fabricated by the reporter for the Telegraph. The brother has said his income is substantially more than that. In Huruma, near Nairobi, rents range between $80 – $100 month. The $1/mo figure was sheer fantasy based on an absurd caricature of life in developing countries.

There is no one, no one, in Kenya who makes that little.

“I do not live on less than a dollar a month,” he said in reaction to a story in a foreign newspaper that had made the suggestion. Though leaving in considerable humility, the last of the Hussein Obama Snr’s children says he is comfortable with the life he is leading and reads mischief in the author’s decision to paint him as living in misery.

“Life’s good. I live with my cousin and niece in our family house in Huruma,” he said. The motor vehicle engineering student said he fully supported his half-brother’s presidential pursuit and wished him well. He has never been to the US.,23599,24224774-2,00.html

Check this out

Vanity Fair and the New York Post

Real American Patriot. Your speculation is just gibberish…..again.

WaPo had the whole story out yesterday:

Jerry I find your posts very amusing, you claim that you are a registered republican but so far have only spewed Liberal Democratic talking points. How about explaining to us what policy’s that Obama has that has brought you over to his side, more specifically what republican values that you hold near and dear that Obama exhibits.

I will be waiting with baited breath for response.

jerry, first even if that photo of Palin is real, again, what’s your point? Sharon Stone could have gone to college on a math scholorship. Does the fact that she had a nude hot love making scene with Michael Douglas make her any less intelligent? I don’t see how her dressing sexily in any way diminishes her credentials. He’ll, JFK and BJ Clinton bedded any woman that came within 50 ft of them (except their wives). And one even went so far as to rape one that turned him down. But that didn’t stop you Dems from putting him on a pedestal. So excuse me Palin likes to feel sexy every so often. You’d prefer she dress like an Amish women? Assuming for a moment the picture is real; how does that discredit her?

As for Palin being picked because she is a woman, how is that different than Ferraro? And please show me evidence that Barry was picked for no other reason than being mulatto? Which I guess could work to his advantage: if the race thing starts to work against him, he can always start running as whitey.

According to a 12/10/06 article in the Herald Tribune:

“While the 49th is an Alaska National Guard unit, Hildreth reports to Colonel Michael Yowell, commander of the 100th Missile Defense Brigade, based in Colorado.”

So apparently Palin is NOT Commander in Chief when it comes to this “special” unit. Funny that the original blogger who wrote this up never mentioned that. Note that this blogger never actually said that Palin commanded the 49th. He or she only said that the 49th was in Alaska. Hmm…

It’s scary how fast misinformation can travel. This particular misinformation already appears on dozens of websites (often plagiarized, I may add).