All kinds of political turmoil is going on today. First there was the report that McCain has picked his VP and it may leak tonight during The One’s speech. Unless its Palin I think trying to steal the DNC thunder would backfire. They have their turn, we will have ours. If Obama were to pull a scene stealing tactic during McCain’s speech I know I would be pissed.
Then there is the turmoil about who McCain is picking. If its Joe, Or Ridge, watch out!
With John McCain weighing a running mate who supports abortion rights, a revolt is brewing among his conservative base that includes a walkout at the Republican National Convention next week and a huge battle on the floor—especially if he selects Independent Democrat Joe Lieberman.
In addition to the expected brawl at the convention, major conservative donors who have planned to bankroll issue-oriented advertising and other grassroots efforts directed at social conservatives are putting their work on hold and will withdraw financial support, sources tell ABC News.
One conservative strategist characterized the prospect of a VP who supports abortion rights as a “disaster” for the Republican Party—and said selecting Lieberman would cost McCain the election. It would enrage conservatives, and prompt some Republicans to shift support to libertarian candidate Bob Barr, the strategist said.
~~~Social conservatives are now planning their strategy to block either potential pick.
One possible strategy is a revolt by some of the 18 state delegations who supported either Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee—and who have not yet turned over to McCain.Those delegations could—and sources say, likely would–revolt against Leiberman and put in their own recommendation. In the nomination process, a candidate needs five delegations supporting the nomination.
But over the day tidbits have come out suggesting it may be Pawlenty:
Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) is canceling print and broadcast interviews for the day…
Or Mitt:
If security sweeps are the giveaway, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney may be on the brink of being selected as Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) vice presidential running mate.
According to sources with strong Michigan ties, the Secret Service has conducted a security sweep of the home of Romney’s sister. Romney was raised in Michigan, where his father served as governor.
Meanwhile the McCain team is airing a new ad which shows McCain speaking directly to Obama, and the ad will air during The One’s speech:
Tonight, John McCain will talk directly to his opponent in a television ad his campaign is airing in battleground states around the time Barack Obama accepts the presidential nomination, McCain’s campaign said.
~~~McCain campaign communications director Jill Hazelbaker said in an MSNBC appearance that the battleground spot is “an historic ad — I think this is the first of its kind.”
“Sen. McCain is going to have an ad that’s going to air in battleground states around the time that Sen. Obama is speaking tonight,” Hazelbaker said. “He’s going to be talking directly to his opponent. So, I’m going to leave it there. But it’s going be very exciting. I think that a lot of people are going to focus on it.
And finally, we all knew it wouldn’t take long:
After the second “Thank You” Obama uttered upon walking out, C-SPAN cut to a young woman who was already crying.
Only the gullible.

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