Sergeant Tim weighed in on my August 23rd post on the WTC cross, and Iron and Steel motorcycle honor escort and benefit run to Shanksville, PA… where the cross was mounted into it’s final resting place with the Shanksville Volunteer Fire Company.
Also, more info from Sgt. Tim’s comment in that thread.
There were a good many crosses fashioned from World Trade Center steel; the one pictured in the comment above was moved to another spot nearby to make may for construction while the museum makes a final decision of what to do with it.
I spoke with Paddy Concannon Saturday, the cross given to the Shanksville VFC was one of the three remaining within the Fire Fighters Transport Foundation’s possession. A college (that I will not name) was originally scheduled to receive it yet dragged its feet. Paddy went looking for a suitable recipient, thought of the Shanksville VFC, and one call to Chief Terry Shaffer sealed the deal. It took a year to put together the fund raiser ride (the FFTF provides medical transport to firefighters, family members of firefighter, and wounded warriors in and near NYC).
We were there Saturday and Sunday.
I give you a heartfelt *Thank you* for the link and the photos, Sgt. Tim. Here’s the direct link to Sgt. Tim’s post on 911 Families for America for the full story. A very uplifting read, tinged with the pain of the memories.
PLUS a couple of photos to entice you to go read Tim’s account of the arrival of the cross.
And of course, I *have* to put this one in. Not only one of my favorite sites and sounds, but I am wistful and envious… This is one run I would have liked to have been part of. But alas… I am on the other side of the nation.
This one below brought tears to my eyes. The reception is only one of many that greeted the cross from the overpasses enroute, all filled with so many paying tribute to the memorial debris and it’s motorcade. You really must read Tim’s post.
And thank you again, Sgt. Tim, for catching us up here!
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
My thanks in return for the link over.
Visitors can see view a few more photos of Saturday’s ride and Sunday’s dedication ceremony by clicking on the ‘Iron and Steel’ link in the last line of my post.
Gives me chills.
Never forget.