Flopping Aces Asks: Is YOUR popcorn ready?

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Ladies and gentlemen,
Boys and girls,
Cats and dogs,
Forget the Olympics…THE REAL GAMES ARE IN DENVER!!!!

I thought of all kinds of ways to make a quick movie snippet or something multimedia, but in my YouTube raw meat search…something caught my eye, flipped my trigger, and just seemed SO PERFECT for the occasion. So please, press play on this 1992 ode to confusion, chaos, and searching rather than accepting. It’s a throw back to a time when Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Jessica Simpson, and so many others were still playing with their Barbie girls. A time when Saddam had just had his ass kicked and people believed he was contained (yeah, ’cause dictators learn their lessons and never hold grudges). A time when the Clintons were taking DC, and a generation was realizing those student loans had to be paid some day….and that someday was approaching fast.

And in the wake of what conservative musicians like these saw as confusing and scary, we can now fast-forward to this weekend’s antics.
A time when American gold medalists dared to thank President Bush in a LIVE interview on NBC forcing the network to delete the video from their website, threaten every single copy posted on YouTube, and even got the remarks removed from transcripts.

A time when Pres Bush signed an agreement with the Iraqi govt to withdraw US combat forces from Iraqi cities over the next 9 months and continue the withdrawal of other US forces from Iraq.
A time when Dems eat Dems over stupidity, ignorance, and arrogance, and most importantly

A time when the faux-anti-war group, “Dykes Against Dubya” reforms to protest against President Bush (a Republican) at the Democratic National Convention.
Bumper Stickers Still Available!!!!

It’s a time when people protesting the war in Iraq (which is ending, “US, Iraq reach deal to pull US troops out by June“) march to get their message heard using loud voices, bullhorns, big speakers, and giant banners, and then when FOX News tries to give them an open mic to express themselves….the protesters continue to pull the plug and harass the reporters so as to HELP get their message out to more people.

So pop the popcorn, crack open the brew, stretch out the recliner, grab the remote, and enjoy the show as Democrats protest Democrats and promise to recreate the riots-err, I mean “peaceful protests” of 1968. (note, did the City of Denver really agree to stop enforcing marijuana offenses for the convention? If so…it might be the most brilliant act of crowd control in history)

…and so it begins

Protesters Disrupt Convention Access; At Least Two Arrests Before DNC Begins

TENT State University per MTV

Oh, and there’s some great pics here

Man, it’s happening so fast….I just keep askin’

Hey yeh yeh yeh
Hey yeh yeh
Anybody know w hat’s goin’ on?

Well, at least I found the answer to a question that’s been naggin’ me forever: Where do these Che Guevarra lovin’ people come from? Don’t they have jobs? Why yes…they do

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so if pelosi really thinks god brought forth obama in our time of need, please explain to me why god just sent a tornado to wipe out denver? for me to say this makes as much sense as her saying what she has said. i have my popcorn and beverages and have warned the family i will be focused elsewhere this week, dinner will be from a box, unless the magic elvesdeliver dinner. i think that is about as likelly as the week in denver going smoothly.

luva: You’re braver than I am. If it looks like the Hillary supporters are going to cause trouble I might tune it. Other than that, I’ll keep the sound on mute when I am flipping by the news channels so as not to be poisoned.


Somehow I knew you went through life with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears…locked away in your sunny-happy gated community…

I can’t speak for Mike, but I have to admit….I’ve never even seen a gated community. Isn’t that odd? I mean, I live in a nice neighborhood. I’ve lived in shitholes too (drunks passed out on my doorstep, a guy beaten alllllllmost to death w a bat outside my kitchen window, pedophiles playing w kids outside my bedroom window, crack hos, and so forth. Still, I’ve never seen a gated community.

Is that a Rezko thing?

Good lawdy, Fit… like there’s anything of value that will be derived from either the DNC *or* the GOP conventions? They’re just rah rah shows, fer heavens sake. Self congratulatory fluff, iced with pomp and the pompous, merely to do “the deed” formally.

Boycotting such political antics, done Hollywood style, is hardly going thru life “with the your eyes close, and your fingers in your ears”.

Dang you on the picture of popcorn, Mike… Now I’ll have to run out and acquire some Orville Redenbacher’s for Wednesday’s roll call….

Scott, the gated communities are no big deal, my granddaughter lives in one. Around here they usually are built around a little lake that they don’t want to share with the public. They pay a fee to have a guard on duty to make sure that outsiders don’t get in to catch their fish and it also pays for groundskeeping for the little park areas they have.

It does allow for a measure of safety, but you sacrifice a bit of freedom to have it. Every visitor has to be called in so there can be no suprise guests or out of towners that may want to stop by, it also can be difficult when an emergency arises where people need to get to their loved ones. Been through that.

They usually don’t have the benefit of local police or maintenance services, but, they do have that little 20 something guard that lets you know they have the power to turn you away if you are not called in.

People living together in gated communities around here range from mid to upper class. It’s a lot like a subdivision with a lot of restrictions but they have a committee available to issue citations and of course, that staffed guard shack.