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the kind of guy you wouldn’t pity if he got in trouble

It’s a bright early October morning on Capitol Hill. Joe Biden is bounding up the steps of the Russell Senate Office Building, wearing his trademark grin. As he makes for the door, he is met by a group of airline pilots and flight attendants looking vaguely heroic in their navy-blue uniforms and wing-shaped pins. A blandly handsome man in a pilot’s cap steps forward and asks Biden to help pass emergency benefits for laid-off airline workers. Biden nods as the men and women cluster around him with fawning smiles. Then he speaks. “I hope you will support my work on Amtrak as much as I have supported you,” he begins. (Biden rides Amtrak to work every day and is obsessed with the railroad.) “If not, I will screw you badly.”

A dozen faces fall in unison as Biden lectures on. “You’ve not been good to me. You’re also damn selfish. You better listen to me…” It goes on like this for a couple of minutes. Strangely, Biden keeps grinning–even fraternally slapping the stunned man’s shoulder a couple of times.

Obama/Biden leaves a hole wide nuff for a Mack Truck but only with Sarah Palin as the driver!

that is awesome, they are gonna keep me laughing for weeks. i hope everyone else finds this whole thing as fuuny as i do.


I just saw this excellent takedown of O’Bumbler over at DrBulldog&Ronin.

The excitement in the ranks about McCain is palpable. Let’s see if there is 24/7 coverage of his VP choice. /sarcasm.