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Of Course Fred Thonpson was no where on the chart or was Duncan Hunter.

But thge MSM willdrool all over the Obammasiah and try and find the few Obama cool aid drinkers in the military to show how much support he is getting from the troops.

Does anyone still believe ABC, NBC and CBS are not biased in favor of the Democommies?

I told you he was almost as much a media whore as McCain!

Gee, if only Obama had returned the favor and endorsed McCain, maybe things would have been different and perky Katie would have gone with Johnnie! I don’t expect the media to be anything but the criminally biased group it is. However, I do expect the republican candidate for the White House to not be an imbecile. Anyone who goes to the NAALCP and gives a speech in which he actually endorse his opponent deserves any disrespect he gets. He brought it on himself. It is going to be a very, very hard trip, going to the poles and voting for this moron in Nov, even with the vitally important purpose of keeping an America-hating Marxist out of the White House.

“I told you he was almost as much a media whore as McCain!”


Obama could give McCain lessons in media whoring. Funny that with all this lavish attention from the “mainstream” media Obama still hasn’t got the confidence to go on Bill O’Reilly’s show.

That’s because the O’Reilly Show is to real journalism what the WWF is to the Olympics.

“Does anyone still believe ABC, NBC and CBS are not biased in favor of the Democommies?”

Come, now, that’s not news. It’s a commonly known fact. Soros doesn’t even need to pay them off.

It’s surprising to me, really; I know that the POTUS should have the power to persuade in his characteristic toolbox, but the power to mislead? This is just ridiculous, really.

Yes and Anderson Cooper is a real journalist also. At least O’Reilly ,the blowhard, doesn’t hide and say he isn’t biased.

At least O’Reilly ,the blowhard, doesn’t hide and say he isn’t biased.

Actually, isn’t that precisely what “No-Spin Zone” is supposed to be saying?

Didn’t Old-Whatshisname go on a trip to Germany and come back waving a piece of paper saying “Peace in our time” -?
Chamberlain. “The path which leads to appeasement is long and bristles with obstacles.”
Yet he overcame them in his mighty efforts for appeasement – but it wasn’t a Peace-mint at all…
“I think that Europe and the world have reason to be grateful to the head of the Italian government for his work in contributing to a peaceful solution.”
Yeh sure, Mussolini was a swell guy and made the trains run on time.
And Arrogance: “I have nothing to be ashamed of. Let those who have, hang their heads. We must feel profound sympathy for a small and gallant nation in the hour of their national grief and loss.”

Czechoslovakia was no more, as a result of appeasement and Chamberlains grandiose and unquenchable desire to be a big-time euro-Statesman… What a schmuck.

Czechoslovakia was no more, as a result of appeasement and Chamberlains grandiose and unquenchable desire to be a big-time euro-Statesman… What a schmuck.

Now connect this rant with the Obama story, if you’d be so kind…

I guess you really do not know what Spin is. O’Reilly does not spin. Yes he giveshis opinion, but does not toe either parties line. He is conservative, and have opinions, but does not spin. I thik he is an idiot and a blowhard, but he does not spin. Unlike the biased spin onmost MSM news shows.

Opinion is opinion. Spin is spinnig something for a particular party stance no matter what. there is a difference.

ABC, CBS, and NBC daily broadcast coming to you streight from the DNC. A shared building might save them from going broke.

And Hussein O is the first candidate in recent history that would, and will, close the media outlets if he finds the power to do it. They will become more of a parrot (or die) than they are now.

Isn’t it funny that the libs would say Bill O’Reilly really isn’t a journalist yet would say that George Stephanopoulus who worked for Clinton or Tim Russert who worked for Senator Moynahan ARE journalists, but O’Reilly, who has a masters degree in broadcast journalism and has been doing that job for more than 30 years is not.

Well, it’s no suprise really. The libs only think that their kind are deserving to wear the mantle of journalist and that’s fine with me. We know none of them have any objectivity and their professional standards have been corrupted by the slavish devotion to Democrat socialism.

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

McCain blew his chance to get media coverage for his “big overseas trip”. You should be complaining about his inept campaigning, not media bias…

There is no arguing that McCain’s campaign has it’s weak points.

But that doesn’t excuse the blatant bias in this example.

Nice try!

It will slow down the strut of Hussein. It will be hard to strut with three lame stream media heads up his butt, but his colon will be licked clean. It’s gonna be fun watching the lame stream networks go the way of the NY and LASlimes. Down the flusher with one flush.

One possibly positive point about having the big three anchors in Iraq is that they will have to observe, and one would hope report, firsthand the progress made in Iraq.

Since many of them repeated the Democrat-Defeatist talking points that Iraq was a civil war of sectarian violence with the U.S. caught in the middle will they now change their tune to match today’s reality?