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I am going to need the extra large bucket of popcorn for the summer

w/garlic butter to ward away the undead, perhaps?

It just gets betterer and betterer.

The blog comments on Junior’s website are priceless.

My hope is gone!

I want my donations back

How Obama Lost A Supporter

Al Gore For President

Hopey Changefulness.

the undead

Did someone mention Hillary?

Sex Change We Can Believe In! Or would this make Obama one of the American Castrati Rush talks about?

Good find Aye.

I thought that OBAMA was different, that he had guts, but I was wrong! I will still vote for him, but as the lesser of two evils! He took from me something more precious than anything else. HOPE! I had hope that he was different, how wrong I was. Wow, fooled again by a politician, how stupid of me. I thought I was smart enough now that I am 50 that I could tell the difference, WRONG! Where did the Senator who stood alone in opposing this insane war in Iraq? What turned him into just another politician who will say and do anything to get elected? I am a disabled american, white , male. Not particularly well educated, you know, the ones they said would not vote for OBAMA! Well I was a big supporter. I live on $768.00 a month, and I scrimped so that I could send him money as often as I could,$600.00 so far. But I wont be sending anymore, why should I, he has proven today that he no longer needs us or wants us! Yes I will still vote for him, while holding my nose. I’m used to it by now, it’s how I have voted most of my life. Mr. Obama, if your still listening, CHANGE MY MIND, GIVE ME BACK THAT FEELING OF HOPE! But I don’t know how you will do it. Good Luck to all! I’m outta here! Peace&Love… Carl D. Fox

I wonder if it’s Obama’s vote for FISA today or his “refining” policy on Iraq or all of it?

But he’ll still vote for him so does it matter that he feels used?

Yes, the FISA vote is what seems to have pushed them over.

There are pages and pages and pages of blogs and corresponding comments.

I almost feel sorry for them.

Almost, but not quite.

When you dice with the Devil…

Aye Chi…. ROTHLMAO! Hillary…

And speaking of HRC, when I want to find a pulse, I wander over to No Quarter where Larry Johnson posted his comments on the off the record blurb…

Nuts? Well, at least you didnā€™t call them ā€œstones,ā€ ā€œseeds,ā€ ā€œballs,ā€ ā€œnads,ā€ or ā€œraisins.ā€ Thatā€™s the good news. The bad news? You have made a death threat against a Presidential candidate. Ask the Secret Service to bring that special ā€œmaleā€ only KY. It helps smooth out the full body cavity search.

Good news? They picked up on it too. Bad news? Johnson thinks castration is a death threat. … ooops! Better start composing apologies to all the hypenated “Eunuch-Americans” out there…

My personal favorite comment zinger is by “Hank”. Obvious, of course, but he’s da first! Kudos..

Comment by hank48188 | 2008-07-09 20:42:04

Obama doesnā€™t have any TESTICLES, we could all see that today, so how could Jesse cut them out?

I think Hank is right. Michelle Obama has the balls in that family.

Hahahahaaha — too much.

Is this the “October surprise” we can hope for? Obama could then correctly sing the lyrics to that Micheal Jackson song “Black or White.”

w/garlic butter to ward away the undead, perhaps?

Mata Harley

Stix1972 didn’t say he was actually going to the convention.

I am going to the Republican Convention. I think I will need some Rum for that one.