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I decided to get over my impediments for supporting McCain when I heard of Obama receiving guidance from Carter’s former foreign policy advisors during a lecture at CPAC.

We are STILL paying globally for the 4 years of the Carter administration….the US and the world CANNOT afford another 4 years of a Carter redux.

Couple of recent bumper stickers

I would rather have
a third Bush Term
Than a second Carter Term

Obama just made History
Now Don’t let him Repeat It.

I would hope all of our friends upset with McCain over X, Y and Z would think long and hard about what Skye said. This country is still paying the price for electing Jimmy Carter and Americans are dying in Iraq because of how Carter screwed up our alliance with the Shah and Iran.

Obama would be worse.

P.S. My favorite line from the video: “Senator McCain will bring a time of experience to the campaign. I will bring a lifetime of experience and Senator Obama will bring a speech he gave in 2002”— Hillary Clinton, March 3, 2008

i remember a jingle from when i was a kid. it was about carter, to the tune of the oscar meyer bologna song. the last part was: and jimmy carter has a way of screwing up the usa. it popped into my head about 2 minutes ago, i wish i could remember the whole thing….anybody remember it?

Luva: I don’t know that one, but when I was a senior in college my hearty band of College Republicans ran this off on the copy machine and shoved it under the doors in the stoner dorm:

5000 years ago, Moses said, “Pack your camel, pick up your
shovel mount your ass, and I shall lead you into the promised

5000 years later… F.D.R. said, “Lay down your shovel,
sit on your ass, and light up your Camel. This is the promised

Today… Jimmy Carter will tax your shovel, sell your
camel, kick your ass, and tell you there is no promised land.

mike, thats funny. it starts out … my bologna has a first name… and goes on. i remember singing it because it was a jingle for bologna and it was catchy and my real mother(the welfare sloth) freaked out, said it was disrespectful. my dad laughed his ass off, at the time i thoguht it was because they were divorced and didn’t like each other. then i realized my dad worked to pay taxes so she couldstay on her ass voting for the dems and sending her child support to the 700 club.

As usual, people don’t learn from their mistakes, and often repeat the same blunders over and over, and over, and over……….. Keep voting in those moderates and liberals folks. America as you knew it will cease to exist. Keep concerning and worrying yourselves with what the world thinks, and vote in a McCain or Obama, and see where it gets your children, and your childrens children. Do only what you have to, to get to the next election cycle, knowing you may well have sealed this country’s fate.

I kind of agree with the experience thing until I look where we are as a species. Just take a good hard look at what all the experience has gotten us. To many Veterans, Old folks and children still suffering. Shame, Shame, Shame on all YOU so called experienced Leaders. Not that I back Obama, I think he is the antichrist, lol. hahahah I’m only serious. I think I will vote for him just so it can all be over. Shrug, all you so called leaders have showed me you sure as hell only care about yourselves and your families.

Whether Hillary joins Obama or not her supporters will back McCain.

Isn’t it funny how Hillary and her followers were talked down to but now that Obama is the nominee he and his followers want the Hillary supporters to vote for him. That isn’t going to happen and just to make sure Obama doesn’t win as every vote will count Hillary supporters will vote McCain in November.