Global Warming Legislation: Up Your Gas Tax and Kiss Your Job Goodbye [Reader Post]

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The Cap and Trade Global Warming Legislation before the Senate needs to die a swift and ugly death. Just for openers . . .

This is the legislation that would increase the Federal gasoline tax from its current 18.2 cents a gallon to 53 cents by 2030.

So in their arrogant attempt to keep the temperature of the EARTH where it is right now, an impossibility, they start by charging you more money for your gas.

But Cap-and-Trade is also an economy-killing boondoggle. Some details from The Heritage Foundation’s analysis of the bill.

Imagine this nightmare economic scenario playing out over the next two decades:

  • $1.7 to $4.8 trillion-cumulative losses to economic output by 2030.
  • $155 billion to $500 billion-potential single-year losses to economic output.
  • 500,000 to 1,000,000-annual job losses before 2030.
  • $100 billion-cost of new government permits mandated for energy users by 2020. This could exceed $300 billion by 2030.
  • $467-average additional cost per household each year for natural gas and electricity. That means that the average household will spend an additional $8,870 to purchase household energy over the period 2012 through 2030.

Francis Cianfrocca a/k/a blackhedd at RedState succinctly explains what is it.

In brief, the idea behind cap-and-trade is to strictly limit, by law, the total amount of greenhouse gases that may be emitted as a result of business operations in the US. The amount would scale each year, with the final target in 2050 for emissions to be 65% lower than they were in 2005.

So how the heck do you do that? You can’t just go around and negotiate a legally-binding target with every business in America. So cap-and-trade issues “permits” that are like chits allowing you to emit so much and no more. And you can sell the permits to other companies, if you have more than you need.

This is why the initiative is called “market-driven” by its supporters.

Rather than try to comply with the requirements of these anti-capitalist regulations, companies will simply use it as one more reason to go overseas. It is a job killer.

[R]elatively-high taxes on business profits, exports and capital gains make the US less globally competitive. Cap-and-trade is yet another giant step in the wrong direction.

By far the easiest and most efficient way not to be slugged with higher production costs under cap-and-trade, is to move production overseas. That would be the nearly-instantaneous effect of this legislation.

As noted by Heritage above we can expect to lose 500,000 to 1,000,000 per jobs per year by 2030.

If you didn’t like NAFTA, you really aren’t going to like Cap-and-Trade. But hey, we can always do those “jobs that Americans won’t do” that are being done by illegals.

All this is to combat the hoax of man-made Global Warming. Has anybody figured out how we’ll know whether this legislation is working? Are we looking for a decrease in the earth’s temperature? We already have that. We are in a period of Global Cooling that began in 1998 and is expected to continue until 2030. Some scientists believe we may be headed for a much longer period of cooling.

So how do you tell? The answer is that you can’t. We’ll pay all this money and they will never be able to prove it has had any effect on the planet. Never mind the fact that India and China couldn’t give a rat’s rear-end about Global Warming. Their economies will keep chugging along and they’ll have a good laugh about how we have just shot our economy right in the head. Oh yeah, and they’ll start looking for some good real estate and lots of workers for all those new American factories that will be coming their way.

The British have had punitive taxes to combat Global Warming for years and they have finally had enough. Most Britons believe Global Warming is a scam to raise taxes.

More than seven in 10 voters insist that they would not be willing to pay higher taxes in order to fund projects to combat climate change, according to a new poll.

The survey also reveals that most Britons believe “green” taxes on 4x4s, plastic bags and other consumer goods have been imposed to raise cash rather than change our behaviour, while two-thirds of Britons think the entire green agenda has been hijacked as a ploy to increase taxes.

The British have figured out the Enviro-Liberals game: Taxing people to death for the fictitious, unachievable, and unverifiable goal of stopping man-made global warming.

It is like taxing people to try to stop the sun from heating the earth. Oh wait, that is what they are doing.

Also find Bill Dupray at The Patriot Room

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Meanwhile China is doing the complete opposite. It’s using profits and taxes to visably (they are still paying world prices for oil) LOWER the cost of gasoline to something like $2.65 a gallon. So 1.6 billion people use more oil/gasoline while 300 million use less.

is this supposed to be shocking ? what do you estimate the price of gas is going to be in 2030 ?
As it is now the Federal tax as a percentage of what I pay at the pump is what 5% ? I would rather see the last 2 DOLLAR increase to have been in taxes rather than in profits as the tax is specifically designated to be used to repair our nation;s highways which are in bad shape.

Yep, you Libs would always like to see more taxes regardless of what that taxation does to the country’s economy or, more specifically, to the people who have to pay it out.

I do have one question though.

Why is it that oil company profits are considered to be a “bad” thing?