Michelle Obama “Whitey” Tape – Update & Bumped: No Tape – Just Hearsay On Whats On The Supposed Tape


**UPDATE 06/08/08**

New info here.


**Updated Post Here – 06/03/08**

Larry Johnson appears to have the videotape of Michelle Obama that has been rumored to exist. He is gonna post it tomorrow.

Now I know why people who have seen the videotape say it is stunning. Barack’s headaches are only starting.

Apparently its a tape of Michelle railing against “whitey” inside the Trinity church. Larry, who has yet to hear a conspiracy theory about conservatives he didn’t like, says that it was supposed to be the GOP’s October surprise.

I’ve also been informed that Karl Rove and his allies have a copy of it and are using it to raise funds for independent expenditure groups. The tape, I’m told, will be disclosed as the GOP October Surprise. It’s a ticking time bomb.

The ever evil Karl Rove at it again!

Ignore the idiocy, if the tape does exist then boy oh boy….is Obama in for some trouble.


It appears that LJ does not have the tape but will post news of the tape.

I’ll post the news Monday morning by 0900 hours.

Some in the comment section believe he is trying to smoke out a certain network that does have the tape. We shall see.

Also, Geraldo Rivera, spoke to Roger Sloane on Fox today who confirmed the existence of the tape:

Geraldo Rivera discussed the Michelle Obama Racist Rant Tape this morning on FOX News, with guest Roger Sloane, who stated this tape does exist, showing Michelle Obama off on a crazed, racist, anti-American rant, and that “a network” does in fact have the tape.

Roger Sloane is the man who broke the Elliott Spitzer prostitution scandal.

I, for one, do not want this tape out there just yet. Hillary would be tough to beat in November….but not Obama.


As many thought, Larry Johnson did not have the tape nor has he seen it. He just heard what was on the tape from five people who have ALSO not seen the tape but spoke to people who have (cough…hearsay….cough):

I have not seen it but I have heard from five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape. It features Michelle Obama and Louis Farrakhan. They are sitting on a panel at Jeremiah Wright’s Church when Michelle makes her intemperate remarks. Whoops!! When that image comes out it will enter the politcal ads hall of fame. It will be right up there with the little girl plucking daisy petals in the famous 1964 ad LBJ used against Barry Goldwater.


It also should come as no surprise that Barack hired two members of the Nation of Islam to work on his staff—Jennifer Mason and Cynthia K. Miller. (And no, I am not merely recycling info initially reported by Debbie Schlussel. I have two independent Chicago sources for this info.) If Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger had kept their yaps buttoned none of this would mean much. But the fact that both men have been—until scrubbed from the website in recent weeks—listed as spiritual advisors to Barack Obama and also are very close to Louis Farrakhan, forces the question about Barack’s faith and beliefs.

In probing those matters we begin to understand that the Nation of Islam has been a critical component of Barack Obama’s base of support. And, I am told, Louis Farrakhan has been careful to use Tony Rezko as the intermediary in his relationship with Barack. This is not guilt by association, this is guilt because of actual relationship. Farrakhan, Wright, and Pfleger are each on tape in various settings spewing the most vile racists garbage in the guise of preaching.


One source described how this tape was acquired. Let’s just say that one of the republican candidates who is no longer in the race, but had a dandy oppo research capability, uncovered this gem. If Republican poohbahs have their way the tape will remain on ice until October.

While much of what LJ says is true (except his Republican conspiracy theory of course), it still remains to be seen whether the tape is real or just some figment of imagination. Or is it, as some have suggested, Michelle railing against Bush saying why’d he do this and that.

Who know. But what we do know, is that no tape is forthcoming. But I’m hoping if it does exist it stays underwraps until October.


AJStrata on LJ’s conservative conspiracy theory:

Today Johnson admits he has only one source who claims the tape is a GOP sourced hit job. Five who claim to know someone who has seen it (all five probably referring to a single Clinton surrogate shopping the tape) and only one who claims this is a GOP dirty trick. That is not confirmed information, that is rumor and propaganda.

That evil Karl Rove at it again!


Lets all remember Larry Johnson’s other great “sources” when he said Rove was to be indicted:

It is not just Jason Leopold. Joe Wilson heard the same from other sources. And, more importantly, Jason is reporting based on multiple, more than two, sources.

And his fascination with Mr. Rove:

Karl is a shameless bastard. Small wonder his mother killed herself. Once she discovered what a despicable soul she had spawned she apparently saw no other way out. It would be one thing if his vile tactics were simply mere smears of politicians like Kerry and Murtha. They are big boys and should be able to defend themselves quite ably against this turd.

More here.

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The Brainiac Express is hot today.

…And the worst part is that idiot Hillary supporters are going to vote against the most liberal and prowoman presidential candidtate we’ve had in a long time…

Perhaps “the most liberal” ever, Krafty. And that’s why we’ll be voting against him. I do not want my country going Marxist or socialist. And evidently, I am not alone.

I can only speak for myself. But I don’t care if BHO is a Muslim or Christian. I care about his policies (as James Manning said: the war, the economy, health care, social security, energy policies, trade, immigration and inflation). I abhor his far left solutions.

I care that he and Michelle feel their dreams came at the “expense” of my dreams. They are professional victims, claiming they have been deprived because of their color.

And that is what their now former-church preaches from the pulpit (evidently) with regularity. Their pastors keep resentment alive by constantly proclaiming that their black community continually suffers at the hands of the white community. Nice… Makes you wonder just who are the racists really? How does one heal a racial wound you say exists when you deliberately re’open the wound and allow it to fester further at every opportunity?

I agree with James Manning. The Trinity congregation and like kind churches are not indicative of America’s black population. However it has to be noted: it is that segment of the black population that Obama and Michelle willing chose with which to associate long term. That resentment of the white community, based on their statements and his affirmative actionesque policies – must reside deep within them, and their children. That kind of resentment has no place in the Oval Office

And oh yeah… Juanita and Jaz are two stellar examples of the voting mentality (and education level) in this country. Scares the tar out of me! And Juanita? How privileged in the food chain of authority she must be to have “heard some type of video” that has not been publicly broadcast. Geez louise….

Also when the catholic church was mired in their pedophilia scandal, did everyone jump at their frinds who were catholic and paint everyone with the same brush? No. That was worse. at least this is hate speech if it is what they say it is. She didn’t go raping little boys. What I find really disgusting is the sanctimoniuos nature of all of HRC supporters and Hannity followers and repubs. Get off your high horse or you’ll be knocked down. Be careful. what goes around comes around.

You’re not seriously trying to compare Rev. Wright and his hateful, racist, anti-American tirades from the pulpit to Catholic priests who molested little boys are you?

Are you?

Surely not.

Show me a Catholic priest who preached that it was OK to molest children and then you’ll have a valid comparison.

Even better, show me a member of a Catholic Diocese who sat in their pew for 20 years knowing that their priest was preying on little boys.

Show me a member of a Catholic church who allowed their children to be baptized by a known child predator.

Those would be a valid comparisons.

If there was a video tape of a prominent Republican or Conservative politician ranting about black people and saying the N word you, and people like you, would have your hair on fire.

But when it is Obie’s wife or Sen. Robert Byrd, all is forgiven.

Sorry, that doesn’t work for me.

I am independent and am still not happy with all the animosity and/or choices this year, but why am I not surprised? Things keep getting worse every election cycle. Politics is a blood sport and the Clintons are good at it (maybe best around) but Obama has many old Clintonites working for him now along with the Chicago RICO team. I watch the cable news. MSNBC is unashamedly left-left wing Obama country and Sean Hannity of Fox News is way too holier-than-though, mom and apple pie for me. I feel bad for Alan Colmes. The idea of attacking the church did not start with Trinity. The lefties have been attacking Evangelicals for years as if they were diseased. Christians are not evangelicals and vice versa but many are conservative.

I’d like to point out that McCain is NO Bushie. They have disagreed so many times about so many things that their relationship has been frigid for many years. The only things they have in common are the war (at THIS stage, certain immigration reforms, and a few others). They have disagreed on the economy, torture, health care, etc. So he is not Bush’s third term wannabe. You have to repsect the man for what he has been through and why he may hate the “gooks” who were the specific ones who tortured him. I don’t always agree with McCain but he makes sense on many ideas, including SMALLER government. He also has very different ideas on the energy issue. I believe Bush has maybe had some ulterior motives in this area, what with his family and Cheney’s family being deeply involved in the issue. The only good thing I can say about this is is that he has strong rapport with the Saudi king and his family. On the gas issue, I specifically recall both the Demoractic house and senate promising to bring gas prices down nearly two years ago. What have they done Absolutely zero. I also question Pelosi and Reid’s intervention in this delagate issue. They wanted Barack to win and did everything in their power to ensure that he was the nominee. The way I see it, we have far left cable news and far right cable news. Well, at least for many of them. Alan Colmes is the free-thinking half of his show. I am tired of hearing Hannity repeating right-wing talking points. I don’t think I’m alone in believing the media actually drives, or tries to, any election and has done so for the past 15-20 years.

On the subject of Barack and Michelle. I do believe MO is far more right-wing than Barack. She has an angry side to her that is not very attractive. She influences Barack, as do his colleagues. It almost seems that he is a puppet for his buddies here and I would like to see some of his own true opinions about several things. Off hand, I want to know how he feels about genetic experimentation, pork barrel programs, etc. Michelle worries me. I have read her entire dissertation from college about the “Blacks” trying to assimilate into white society, how even her “liberal” college professors at Harvard (who are famous for extreme right-wing views) weren’t liberal enough for herand how she felt blacks were selling out their own. She’s the one who began the Daley crowd relationship. I have not heard and I wonder i what church she was a member of before Barack joined Trinity in 1992. It seems odd that he joined Trinity in 1992, married there in 1992, had his children baptized there, and considered the pastor an “uncle.” Someone had to have THAT connection prior to 1992. It also makes me wonder why Barack is so adamant that people leave MO out of the conversation.

Finally, the Democrats obviously have problems with the way their primaries are set up. Anyone can see this. People become disenfranchised when they feel their votes don’t count. HRC is not the first to complain of this. Al Gore made some strong arguments about exactly the same thing. When the people’s votes come in behind delegates, superdelegates, and caucuses, something is awry. An entire revamping of this system is deperately needed. Hopefully, the fiasco this year may cause some action. It seems odd that superdelegates were being added even before the popular vote was halfway through. The Republicans do seem to have a much better way of doing this.

No matter what happens, whether there is a tape of MO railing against “whiteys,” which I believe may very well have happened since she was sitting with Farrkhan, et al., and she seems to push blacks out of the camera view to replace them with whites and Asians, she needs some coaching. Obama needs to work on the Hispanic vote, female vote, and blue-collar vote. Without these votes, he doesn’t stand the proverbial snowball’s chance in November.

I would like to see some more civilized campaigning but won’t hold my breath. However, I would like to see someome ask questions to all the candidates in a “fair and balanced” debate that is not limited by time, but limited only by quallty. Representatives from all news media, college students, and groups such as women’s rights, minorities, and youth would be different and much more interesting.I was going to complain about people not proofreading their comments but when I started typing, I can see onlythree lines and have to backtrack 18 lines to get to my typos. Sorry for the verbosity here, but I had to get this off my chest.

No matter what happens, whether there is a tape of MO railing against “whiteys,” which I believe may very well have happened since she was sitting with Farrkhan, et al., and she seems to push blacks out of the camera view to replace them with whites and Asians, she needs some coaching.

Well, Katee… I personally don’t want a First Lady who needs “coaching” to know how to represent this country – equally and without race involved – with pride. Ya either got it, or ya don’t. And if Michelle is your idea of “right wing”… boyo, you gotta be a young product of our public education system!

– Drop the tape

– Make the dem dictatorial leadership take it back from Obama

– We all sit back and watch the riots

– We don’t have to worry about socialism for a couple more years.

I do not care whether is a tape or not. Most Africans Americans have a right to complain about white people when it comes to Jena and a lot of racist actions. I does not mean they do not love white people, but thet they only have concerns.

I will NEVER accept a low-life smooth talking man like Barak Obama as my president.

He is like most men…all talk, little dick.

The best of men speak little, and do wonderful things.

Listening to Michelle, Obama must be a little dicked mama’s boy, pussy whipped.

Hillary is more of a man than No-mama-baba.

Mike’s America!!! The same things you “accuse” the Obamas of being racist. We already have in the white house. President Bush is in bed with Osama bin Laden. That’s why we need captured him. I think it’s obviously that you been listen to that racist crap conservative news shows. Why should white people have any complaint…you are the majority? Why are whites obsess with the black man’s d**k. I have notice that on different website. Melody, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Jena 6 was fights between black kids and whites. The blacks kids got the harsher punishment. That’s racist. I don’t understand on this right and left shyt. I am just American and a proud African American.

MataHarley: There are millions websites. That this subject is being discussed. I think if the GOP had the tape, it would have come out by now. As much as the GOP and Fox News hates blacks and wants to ruin Obama’s chances fro presidency. Why does the GOP have to use swift-boat? Run on your candidate records.

Mike’s America: Don’t try to use me as an excuse for your prejudice and bigotry. People like you will NEVER vote for a black man because you think you are superior.

I think it’s comical that white people think people of color espcial African Americans sit around and hate on whites. Oh, I wonder what white people are doing right now. Get the f*** out of here. Mrs. Obama said Why’d he not whitey!!!!!

Well it’s the buzz all over the net. What I have read it’s a tape of Mrs. Obama criticizing the Bush Administration. Whitie cut folks off medical? Whitie let new New Orleans drown? etc. etc., Why’d he cut folks off medicaid? Why’d he let New Orleans drown?, or Why did Bush cut folks off medicaid? Why did Bush let New Orleans drown? If there a tape, bring it out. Stop playing games. I personally think GOP/Fox News would have produce it if they really had something. We all know the GOP wanted to go against Hillary in the GE not Obama. I agree. As a black woman, I think Faux News would have aired it already to bring down the black man… Senator Obama. I hope and pray this is just a false rumor to scare white voters not to vote for Senator Obama. This is another attempt from the Right Wing to discredit Obama. I also agree we all say things that are not PC in the privacy of our homes or people who look like you.

Juanita, I do not need to see a tape of Michelle Obama to know that she harbors deep resentment for white America. That has become evident in her public speeches in a multitude of places. Would it be so much to ask for them to think of themselves as Americans first, and blacks second? Never did have much respect for the hypenated Americans.

Whether such a video comes out, or not, means zip to me. She is not a First Lady I could abide by any standards. I care not whether she is lily white, Asian, black, mulatto, Hispanic or Native Indian. Whiny victim types do not make admirable First Ladies, IMHO. Altho, sadly and more and more, she is an iconic stereo type of liberal, socialist America – the country of victims.

Nor do I believe, if there is such a tape, that it is necessarily in the hands of the GOP. You believe this why? Because Larry Johnsons says so?

Were I to believe the normal backrooom workings of political campaign strategy, I would say this is a HRC ploy to scare the supers into backing away from Obama prior to Denver. It is, after all, from Hillary supporters that the so called existence of this tape surfaced. This is also a heads up for you too, Tia. Buck passing blame to the GOP is quite convenient for Hillary right now.

I am more than happy to consider McCain’s policies and leadership over Obama’s… sans video. Even sans Wright, Pfleger, Ayers, and Rezko. I’m just not a Maxist/socialist type of girl. But truth be told, I’m not overly thrilled about Mac either.

So you are barking up the wrong tree, my dear. And the fact you vote still scares the begeezus outta me…. Sorry.

Tia says

We all know the GOP wanted to go against Hillary in the GE not Obama.

Really? Then you are not only way behind the times, but you have no concept of the purpose of Operation Chaos. But personally, I’d rather run against Hillary because she’d be far more palatable if Mac loses. And I do care who sits in the Oval Office.

I don’t care one way or another if the tape exist or not. I don’t understand why the GOP has to stoop so low to win votes. They say they’re Christian an all. Why so much hate and racism? I just don’t like the negative attacks on the Obamas from the Obama-bashers. They listen to conservative talk news and believe in their lies and half-truths. They are hypocrites. They say they can’t vote for Obama because he’s a racist but they are voting for racist McCain? All the candidates have flaws, tell white lies and are not perfect. I just know Fox News likes to do stuff like this to scare the white people and give them justification not to vote for Senator Obama. My understand of operation chaos is Rush wanted Hillary to go against McCain. If this is true or not, I don’t listen to that racist crap. I can only watch Fox News for 30 mins otherwise I get sick. It’s too negative and racist for me. I guess you wouldn’t understand that unless you are a person of color. I am keeping my hopes up and praying Senator Obama will be our next president.


My old friend, Larry Johnson, knows about manipulating elections from his training with the Central Intelligence Agency. He doesn’t want Obama to win the nomination for whatever reason, and he’s in full propaganda mode to do everything he can to frighten the superdelegates. He claims to have a shocking tape of Michelle Obama ranting in some anti-white diatribe. He promises to produce this tape tomorrow at 9am.

From what I understand, it is a tape of Michelle Obama criticizing the Bush administration.

How you’d write it:

Why did Bush cut folks off medicaid?
Why did Bush let New Orleans drown?
Why did Bush do nothing about Jena?
Why did Bush put us in Iraq for no reason?

How you’d say it:

Why’d he cut folks off medicaid?
Why’d he let New Orleans drown?
Why’d he do nothing about Jena?
Why’d he put us in Iraq for no reason?

How Larry Johnson wants you to hear it:

Whitie cut folks off medicaid?
Whitie let New Orleans drown?
Whitie do nothing about Jena?
Whitie put us in Iraq for no reason?

I’m going to be honest with you. Both SusanHu and Larry Johnson have been friends of mine. They have both done a lot for me and I am grateful and indebted to them. Any issues I’ve had with their activities in this election I have kept private. I haven’t visited their site in four months because I found it too personally painful to read what they were writing and I did not want to be tempted to respond. I thought I owed them that. But loyalty can only go so far. If they publish this allegation tomorrow, I will no longer speak with them. And I say that with great sorrow.

This election has ruined a lot of friendships. I have tried hard not to let it ruin mine. But smears of this type are unforgivable. I have been forebearing. Perhaps, in retrospect, I have been too forebearing. That’s all I say. This is too painful to me.

Jaz #45 wrote:

I think deep down white people are racist and have a little Hitler in them..blue eye devils.

That’a a rather…racist comment, don’t’cha think?

I think they still think it’s 1955 instead of 2008.

That would be the race baiters who haven’t matured to deal with race issues in the 21st century, and are still stuck on race issues won in the 60’s.

These are the types of people we want in the White House but most white people will say yes to block a black man from becoming our next president.

You really think white conservative Republicans wouldn’t support a Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell or any other number of black conservatives who share our values and ideology?

**I am so tired of white people basing their opinion of the Obamas on sound bites

Was Reverend Pfleger’s comments taken out of context? Reverend Wright’s?

Stop listen to conservative news. Get out and see the word and make friends of different nationalities especially black people. Conservation news I believe is base on fear, racism, hate-filled, scare tactics, and hate mongering etc. etc. ** Stop being scare of everything BLACK!

Obviously, you need to get out more, if this is your impression of conservatives.

juanita #61:

Mike’s America!!! The same things you “accuse” the Obamas of being racist. We already have in the white house.

President Bush? The same man who has had the most diverse cabinet in our history?

Is that why President Bush has done more for blacks in Africa than any other previous president?

“I think he’s done an incredible job, his administration, on AIDS. And 250,000 Africans are on anti-viral drugs. They literally owe their lives to America. In one year that’s been done.”Bono

” … the Bush administration is the most radical — in a positive sense — in its approach to Africa since Kennedy.”Bob Geldof

Bob Geldof writes for Time Magazine:

I have always wondered why it was never told properly to the American people, who were paying for it. It was, for example, Bush who initiated the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) with cross-party support led by Senators John Kerry and Bill Frist. In 2003, only 50,000 Africans were on HIV antiretroviral drugs — and they had to pay for their own medicine. Today, 1.3 million are receiving medicines free of charge. The U.S. also contributes one-third of the money for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria — which treats another 1.5 million. It contributes 50% of all food aid (though some critics find the mechanism of contribution controversial). On a seven-day trip through Africa, Bush announced a fantastic new $350 million fund for other neglected tropical diseases that can be easily eradicated; a program to distribute 5.2 million mosquito nets to Tanzanian kids; and contracts worth around $1.2 billion in Tanzania and Ghana from the Millennium Challenge Account, another initiative of the Bush Administration.

So why doesn’t America know about this? “I tried to tell them. But the press weren’t much interested,” says Bush.

Um….yeah….that racist president. Right.

I am just American and a proud African American.

Me? I’m simply a proud American.

As much as the GOP and Fox News hates blacks and wants to ruin Obama’s chances fro presidency.

Hmmm….you might take a look at these stats from Project for Excellence in Journalism:

But the other thing that stands out on cable news is how differently each portrayed the major candidates. MSNBC offered the most positive assessments of each of the candidate when it came to their personal narratives. Fox News was the toughest on McCain and Clinton and almost as positive about Obama’s personal themes as MSNBC. Fox News also spent significantly more time discussing McCain’s campaign than either of the other networks. CNN fell in between the other two.


Fox News

Fox News was the harshest of the three channels on the presumptive Republican nominee. More than half (55%) of the prominent personal statements about McCain were negative, the vast majority of which (49% overall) questioned his conservatism.

In its criticism, Fox News devoted more overall attention to McCain compared with the other cable channels, nearly the same attention it gave the two leading Democrats, 36% for McCain, 37% for Clinton and 39% for Obama. Both CNN and MSNBC, on the other hand, devoted far less of their coverage to the McCain campaign than they did to Clinton’s or Obama’s.

Fox News was also more positive in its portrayal of Obama’s major personal narrative than either McCain or Clinton. Fully 69% of the assertions about Obama personally were positive, a number that rivals what he received on MSNBC (70%).

Fox News did offer more positive than negative assertions about Clinton, but less so than the other channels (54% positive versus 70% on CNN and 72% on MSNBC). In particular, Fox News gave more attention to the image of Clinton as unlikable and divisive than either of the other networks, (22% versus 13% on CNN and only 4% on MSNBC).

More juanita:

Mike’s America: Don’t try to use me as an excuse for your prejudice and bigotry. People like you will NEVER vote for a black man because you think you are superior.

What does this say about you, juanita, that you would project your hatred onto someone you don’t even know? Based upon what? A few comments on a blogpost?

juanita #64:

They say they’re Christian an all. Why so much hate and racism?

You might direct the question to Reverend Wright, Pfleger, and Meeks. Why the hate and racism?

They say they can’t vote for Obama because he’s a racist but they are voting for racist McCain?

McCain’s a racist why? Because he didn’t vote in favor of MLK Day?

Was Barry Goldwater a racist for voting against the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

All the candidates have flaws, tell white lies and are not perfect. I just know Fox News likes to do stuff like this to scare the white people and give them justification not to vote for Senator Obama. My understand of operation chaos is Rush wanted Hillary to go against McCain. If this is true or not, I don’t listen to that racist crap. I can only watch Fox News for 30 mins otherwise I get sick. It’s too negative and racist for me. I guess you wouldn’t understand that unless you are a person of color. I am keeping my hopes up and praying Senator Obama will be our next president.

What is it that you like about Senator Obama, juanita? What are you seeing in him that some of us aren’t?

This election has ruined a lot of friendships. I have tried hard not to let it ruin mine. But smears of this type are unforgivable. I have been forebearing. Perhaps, in retrospect, I have been too forebearing. That’s all I say. This is too painful to me.

juanita, I wish you well, even if we have a difference in perspective and opinion.

Juanita, INRE your:

My understand of operation chaos is Rush wanted Hillary to go against McCain. If this is true or not, I don’t listen to that racist crap.

You are completely misinformed on Operation Chaos. It was never about having a Hillary candidacy. It was to insure that the vote between Hillary and Obama was so close that it would take the super delegates to decide the candidate, therefore causing the internal battles and rift within the DNC you see today…. or, “chaos” within the party. I believe a drumroll and “ta daaaaaaa” are appropriate here.

Had either one lost by a landslide, there would have been no “chaos”. Since Hillary was behind, Operation Chaos backed her. Simple as that.

Reality is neither candidate has sufficient votes via pledged delegates to be awarded the nomination. The only way Obama has it is via the supers. The supers may pledge to Obama today, but they don’t actually cast their votes until the Denver convention.

If a monstrously damaging Obama scandal, that cannot be ignored, surfaces between now and Denver, the supers can easily overturn Obama’s slight majority of pledged delegates, and award it to Hillary.

Now you know the purpose of Operation Chaos. Had nothing to do with race but in your own mind.

Now wander back to this notion you have that the GOP is somehow “swift boating” Obama with this tape. The GOP didn’t raise the spectre of this Michelle video. Hillary supporters did via Larry Johnson, your personal buds, at No Quarter. Last month they put out a post calling on all their readers to search for Obama scandals… dirt sleuths.

Now try to connect a few dots for an alternative perspective.

1: Supers can change their mind and throw their votes to Hillary at last minute

2: Hillary is not withdrawing from the race but “suspending” her campaign under the guise of continued fundraising to pay off debts…. while retaining her delegates to the last minute, plus being an inactive, but still on the board candidate who hasn’t quit.

3: Those bringing up the existence of the tape are Hillary supporters. The tape can’t be produced – so they say – which they blame on the evil GOP. This is logical. They can’t produce it on behalf of Hillary themselves or the sleazy political strategy would backfire on Hillary, generating ill will. It has to come from DNC “enemies”, or the GOP – for it to work.

4: Whether the tape exists or not, they can hope it’s merely possible existence is enough to catapult a suspended Hillary back into the nomination, playing on super delegates using fear of losing by the unknown.

What does Hillary have to gain with the whispered scandal and tape? Everything. If it happens before Denver, she can be the nominee. If it happens after Denver, Obama loses to Mac. The DNC will not run him in 2012, but they’ll probably run Hillary. She only has to wait another 4 years.

And what does the GOP have to gain from all this? Nothing. McCain won’t bring it up because he refuses to campaign on this. He can’t have his 527s bring it up because it conflicts with his campaign finance law. He’s managed to handcuff himself in all ways from using this stuff. The GOP will run against either Hillary and her baggage, or Obama and his. Six of one, half a dozen of the other. They both are loaded with garbage.

We all know who Larry Johnson is, so we don’t need his bio from you. If you are his “friend”, then your beef should be with him and his merry band of followers. Frankly, I think they are well within their rights to be utterly incensed. However if the Michelle tape story is a fabrication to achieve their goal, they are the ones doing the “swift boating” to recify a genuine wrong.

As much as I would like this tape to be real, I think it is impossible. The transcripts I’ve seen have her mentioning Katrina, but Katrina did not take place for more than a year after this event was said to have taken place.
This is garbage or the time or content are quoted incorrectly.

The plot of Stephen Frey’s novel “The Power Broker” is remarkably, remarkably similar to this whole “tape” business.

In fact, the book is remarkably similar to Obie’s campaign overall because it too contains a radical pastor, the word “whitey”, and a tape that was discovered and used as blackmail by the competing candidate.


Lots and lots and lots of coincidences there.

McCain makes racist slur against Asian people.

“I hate the gooks,” McCain said yesterday in response to a question from reporters aboard his campaign bus. “I will hate them as long as I live.” McCain, a former Navy pilot who spent five years in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp, was questioned about the language because of a story last month in the Nation magazine reporting his continued use of the slur. Since then, reports of McCain’s language have been circulating on Internet chat sites and e-mails among Asian Americans, many of whom find the the term offensive and inappropriate for an elected official. McCain’s appeal to voters has been as a wartime hero and a feisty politician who speaks his mind and damns the consequences. But his comments on the eve of the key South Carolina primary show the candidate’s vaunted “straight talk” in another light.

“The use of a racist slur can’t be acceptable for any national leader, regardless of his background,” said Diane Chin, executive director of the San Francisco-based Chinese for Affirmative Action. “For someone running for president not to recognize the power of words is a problem.”

“Historically, straight talkers who say things off the top of their heads eventually hang themselves with those sorts of remarks,” said Bruce Cain, a political scientist at the University of California at Berkeley. McCain made no apologies yesterday.

“I was referring to my prison guards,” McCain said, “and I will continue to refer to them in language that might offend some people because of the beating and torture of my friends.” McCain made it clear that his anger extends only toward his captors. As a senator, he was one of the leaders of the postwar effort to normalize U.S. relations with Vietnam.

But the racial slur used by the senator has a long, painful history that is felt by many Asian Americans. The word “gook” was first used in 1899 by American soldiers fighting Filipino insurgents. During the Korean War, the term was aimed at Koreans and Chinese. It was directed at the Vietnamese when Americans were fighting in Vietnam. It is now used as a slur toward any Asian or Pacific Islander.

The horrors of the past cannot be an excuse for hurting people in the present, said Guy Aoki, president of the Media Action Network for Asian Americans, an anti-defamation group. “If Sen. McCain had been captured by Nigerians, could he call those people `niggers’ and think he wasn’t going to offend everyone who is black?” Akoi asked. “We can all feel for what he went through, but if that’s his level of sensitivity, I’m very disappointed.” “I will call right now, my interrogator that tortured me, a gook,” McCain said. “(I can’t believe that) anybody doesn’t believe these interrogators and prison guards were cruel and sadistic people who deserve the worst appellations possible.” McCain said he does not consider the comment an epithet.

“Gook,” he said, “is the kindest appellation I can give.”

Speaking as an Asian, and given what he went through, I say he can call his captors gook all he wants, and I don’t take it personally one iota. I know he’s not talking about me, any Asian groups, or even Vietnamese in general. If it were me they tortured, I might still use wartime rhetoric in “naming the enemy”. specifically the ones directly involved in my captivity and inhumane treatment of 5-and-a-half years.

“I was referring to my prison guards,” McCain said, “and I will continue to refer to them in language that might offend some people because of the beating and torture of my friends.” McCain made it clear that his anger extends only toward his captors. As a senator, he was one of the leaders of the postwar effort to normalize U.S. relations with Vietnam.

“I will call right now, my interrogator that tortured me, a gook,” McCain said. “(I can’t believe that) anybody doesn’t believe these interrogators and prison guards were cruel and sadistic people who deserve the worst appellations possible.” McCain said he does not consider the comment an epithet.

“Gook,” he said, “is the kindest appellation I can give.”

I like McCain’s “temper”, when it’s directed in the right direction:

Indeed, the trade agreement is the only issue McCain seems fired up about, even on Wednesday as he guides his wife, Cindy, and 13-year-old son, Jack, past shadows of his horrors — a memorial near where his plane was shot down in Truc Bach Lake and through the museum where once stood the Hoa Lo prison camp, commonly known as the “Hanoi Hilton,” where he was held captive. He is denied entry to the other prison camp, called the “Plantation,” where he was held during his five and a half years as a POW.

“That infuriates me,” he says softly to an aide after the Vietnamese army bureaucrats brusquely reject him at the gate. But he is smiling as he says it.

The senator’s chief of staff, Mark Salter, says McCain has rarely come close to losing his temper during his many trips back to Vietnam. There was one time, in the early ’90s, when he and fellow Vietnam veteran Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., witnessed a guard using a bit of force on a prisoner at the Hanoi Hilton, when it was still being used for incarceration.

“Hey!” McCain yelled then. “Remember: ‘Humane and lenient'” — the protocols for treatment of prisoners under the Geneva Convention.

The other time was in ’91, Salter recalls, when McCain and Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, stopped by the Hanoi Hilton and wandered around outside. A prison guard ran over and started brutally hassling their driver, even getting physical.

“McCain drops his shoulder, storms over and gives him a shove,” Salter says. “He says, ‘What’s your problem, pal?’ And the guard rushed off. He’s spoken angrily in the past, giving one of the ministers a little straight talk about human rights, sure. But those were the only two instances I’ve ever seen when he’s shown a little irritation with anyone in Vietnam. And both of them were specifically when he saw prison guards giving someone a hard time.”

As McCain stands by the memorial of his capture at Truc Bach Lake with Jack and Cindy, he is laughing and smiling, just like any other dad checking out, say, the Liberty Bell. He reads the Vietnamese inscription to “the people’s defense forces” shooting down the “air pirate” named “John Sney Ma Can,” misidentifying the former naval aviator as a member of the U.S. Air Force.

“That’s the greatest insult of all,” he announces.

The statue, which includes a figure of “Ma Can” being dragged out of the water, wasn’t as well tended to the first time he saw it, during his 1985 return with CBS’ Walter Cronkite. “There was grass running up all over it and bird crap everywhere,” McCain notes. Back in the States, a joking reference to its condition to a visiting Vietnamese dignitary later prompted the official to worriedly tell Salter, “I live near there; I can go and clean it up.”

“How far away is the Hanoi Hilton?” McCain is asked.

Just five minutes up the road, McCain says. He points out that, prior to his capture, he attended the military’s “Escape and Evasion” school five different times. “And after all that, they threw me in the back of a truck to a prison five minutes away. A classic waste of the taxpayers’ dollar,” he says.

The media said when McCain arrived in Vietnam, he headed right for the Ho House. This shows the old ass like the Gooks.

This is a real nice site with lots of name calling. You people need to chill and accept difference of opinions. I am not going to vote for a known racist and a man who calls his wife a cunt. I don’t care if the was a war hero. Racial slurs is not PC. I do not want that in a president. I believe the Republican party is racist too. As far as a tape goes for Mrs. Obama. I don’t give a f–k if she said whitey. I hear white people say that word. It just like the n-word younger generation use. It’s not right but some people use it. For the most part blacks don’t go around saying whitey. I might say cracka or honky but not whitey. That shows me it’s a hoax and someone playing on her words to make it sound like whitey. Most white men do stuff in the dark. They don’t want to be seen in the light. White men like black , Asian and other women of color. I am not surprise to find McCain like so called gooks coochie. I heard McCain second wife had a drug problem with cocaine or something like that. These people are no angels or the Clintons I am so tired of Hillary and John’s supporters calling Obama’s supporter a cult. You guys are a cult with all the made up name for Obama. I don’t give a f–k about operation chaos. Why do cons have to do stupid sh8t like that vote for Hillary? That some white stupid sh*t. You say you are the better party but have to stooped so low with fear and hate tactics. No way in hell will I ever believe the Project for Excellence in Journalism for Fox Racist News. I feel people who listen to this racist crap Don Immus, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck etc, etc are racist assholes. Back to the topic If there is a tape, I want to hear about it on major news stations not just a rumor and hearsay on the net.

Racial slurs is not PC.


I might say cracka or honky but not whitey.

I thought you said racial slurs were not PC. I’m confused.

I don’t give a f–k if she said whitey.

Now I understand it. Using racial slurs is OK if the person using them is someone you agree with.

That some white stupid sh*t.

Isn’t that a racist comment?

This is a real nice site with lots of name calling.

Pot, meet kettle.

23 year old black undecided independent voter

1) The tape doesn’t exist. If it did the Obama campaign would have leaked it already.

2) Black people can’t be racist and I think MOST white people are falsely labeled as racist. Racism is a system of privilege (something black people don’t have). People have different experiences with different races and it unfortunately garners hostile feelings towards the whole race. EVERYONE says racially insensitive remarks but that doesn’t equate to being a racist.

3) An educated person should only watch FOX for comic relief

4) Obama seriously worries me. All of his plans and initiatives will increase spending but I’ve yet to hear how he is going to cure the economy. We don’t need another term of empty promises. I don’t know about McCain either. He is definitely no Bush, but is he a liberal or a conservative? I sure as hell can’t tell. I really don’t even know what he stands for. IMO Obama talks too much and McCain doesn’t say enough. I’m waiting to decide because I will only vote for the candidate with the best economic and educational policies, and right now I can’t tell you who that is.

5) A lot of white people don’t understand what Obama means for black people. I grew up in a predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhood and went to a high school of 5000 people in Texas. I was the only black person to go to either UT or A&M (I chose UT of course). In all my AP classes I was one of 2 black people. That is pretty sad. Until now black people haven’t had much hope. We are just crabs in a barrel. We think the only way to advance in the world is to do so at the expense of our race. Obama stands for the leaps and bounds this great country has made post slavery. If a black man can be president, maybe black people can wake up and realize, no matter the circumstances, our race doesn’t predefine our future and you can live the “American Dream” no matter what race you are.

6) HRC supporters seriously disgust me. The differences between HRC and Obama are cosmetic. But yet you would vote for McCain out of spite? Makes no sense. But if she is Obama’s running mate, now its alright to vote for Obama? Hypocrisy at its finest.

From Victor:

If a black man can be president, maybe black people can wake up and realize, no matter the circumstances, our race doesn’t predefine our future and you can live the “American Dream” no matter what race you are.

Spot on, Mr. Victor. In present day times, living the American dream comes from within and your own drive and ambitions. It is not handed to you, gifted by govt, nor denied to you by the white community at large. You were one of two blacks in your AP classes because you were one of two who wanted the prize enough to go for it. Admirable.

Overall, a good post, guy. Might disagree about racism being tied to privilege, and that blacks are not privileged. Most importantly, I have a problem with “privileged” in itself, as it does not fall along the lines of “all men (as in mankind) are created equal”. Elitism is not a valid part of our foundation…. tho racism and elitism do shamefully exist in practice. There is, however, legal recourse nowadays for improper application.

You might want to read Larry Elder’s most recent column, and some of the statistics he ticks off about the achievements of blacks in America. Just some of the 35 notable he mentions are:

Nearly 80 percent of blacks live above the poverty level, contrasted with 65 percent 40 years ago.

The greater percentage of blacks live either middle-class or better lives.

The employment rate for married black men equals the employment rate for married white men.

The average black woman with a college degree makes more money than the average white woman with a college degree.

And also, as I pointed out to another impressive poster, David Manning, the black community does not hold a monopoly on 20th century and earlier oppression. Women did not get the vote much earlier. And actually, after the Civil War, blacks were granted citizenships where women were not. Women did not get equal rights and pay until the early 60s.

Immigrants (legal thru Ellis Island) also had their fair share of discrimination. I am the granddaughter of Ellis Island immigrants from the Ukraine and Hungary. I well remember their stories. However they did not let it deter their dreams in the slightest, lived fabulous lives and were owners of modest businesses. And I, with the memories of such, have never looked back to what was… but ahead to what is and all the possibilities.

Looks like you have done the same.

Elitism is not a valid part of our foundation

I agree. It is not valid but it is for sure part of our history. The electoral college wasn’t established for nothing. People call Obama an elitist but so are most politicians. Doesn’t really make him any better or worse of a candidate.

Larry Elder’s column is okay, but I think he is marginalizing Obama’s accomplishment. It is much bigger than anything he has listed or anything he can think of another black person doing. But what else would you expect, it’s Larry Elder.

Yes black people are making many strides but it isn’t about isolated incidents, It’s about that group as a whole. (He says 80% are above that poverty line. What the hell does that mean? With rising gas and food prices being right above the poverty line doesn’t mean much. Shit, it has never much. I laughed when I read that. “Congrats black America, you can feed yourself!”)

the black community does not hold a monopoly on 20th century and earlier oppression. Women did not get the vote much earlier. And actually, after the Civil War, blacks were granted citizenships where women were not.

True but women and immigrants weren’t segregated. Nor were they sprayed with water hoses. Nor were the attacked by police dogs. Black people had to literally fight for their rights. Please don’t compare black oppression to that of immigrants and women. Please.

However they did not let it deter their dreams in the slightest, lived fabulous lives and were owners of modest businesses.

And this is the harvest of slavery. I’m going somewhat come clean. I’m really Nigerian-American. Meaning I was born here but my parents are Nigerian immigrants. Anyone who knows anything about African immigrants can tell you they are closer to Asian immigrants than to black Americans. It’s not even close. Work ethic, values, etc. I am a strong believer in a person being a product of their environment. That being said black people aren’t behind in this country because they are lazy or because they are stupid. If you think that you are ignorant (not racist though). They are that way because the foundation of their culture (and it isn’t African culture cause African people and black people are different) is based on oppression, and because of that there aren’t that many things around telling them they can hope for a better future. Immigrants come to this country with the hope of making a better life for themselves. What is a person without hope? It may seem moot to more educated people like you, but to a person in that environment it means the world. That why education is so important to me. Educating black people to what they can become instead of what they were and what they are is they only way to cure this problem.

Like I said, If Senator Obama or Senator McCain don’t have a good plan for our economy and educational systems, neither of them deserve to be president.

Sorry for the long-windedness.

There are many truths in your post, Victor. However again, Irish and Jewish immigrants were indeed the targets of violence in the 30s here in the states. Needless to say Jews in Europe suffered abominably as well. Other violence was practiced not by the government, but by neighborhood mobs, left unchecked by law enforcement. So again, oppression with violence was not confined only to blacks.

The electoral college was not established for elitism, but to combat elitism. It ensured the more populated areas did not run roughshod over more sparse rural population, that has different interests. Were we to go pure popular national vote, you might as well only have elections in the major urban centers, and 9 or 10 states. And yet how democratic is it to have so few states and cities decide for the nation?

Transportation for national campaigning back then was cumbersome and time consuming. And since Colonial American’s communication paled compared to today, there were few ways to communicate information about the candidates. Lacking specifics, the voters were apt to just go for the local “favorite son”, so to speak. Thus the Electoral College answer by the Founding Fathers.

Oddly enough, our Electoral College is based on the Centurial Assembly system of the Roman Republic… where the (male only) population was divided into classes of wealth. Each group got to cast 1 vote for each 100 of it’s members. We differ today since our groups are not divided by wealth, and the delegates are proportioned by size of each State’s Congressional delegation. But it was created, and remains, an elitist equalizer.

I agree that cultural differences while growing up has much to do with attitudes. My grandparents had their fair share of discrimination and oppression, altho not violent. However I, as a 2nd generation American, did not adopt their apprehensions since I grew up in a changing world. The further removed from those generations, the resentment should diminish. But there is a concerted effort by too many to keep that resentment fresh. Very counterproductive.

I would never suggest that blacks are “behind” (to use your word) because they are “lazy” or “stupid”. Perhaps a better description is uninspired to achieve. Certainly allowing affirmative action “handicaps” does not promote inspiration or drive. This is an issue Bill Cosby has been promoting for years, and he is an eloquent spokesman.

Your own personal ambitions to inspire – ala what “they can become instead of what they were” – is also an admirable quest. And I hope very much that you succeed in touching many with this message. I’m just quite sorry that they can’t look around for themselves and recognize that such inspiration is everywhere.

I understand that you feel Larry Elder short changed Obama’s rise. As for me, with multi-cultural friends and business acquaintances for most of my life, I see both he and Hillary not as anomolies, but a sign of that times that we (hopefully) view candidates as people and politicians, and not as a race or gender.

However it was evident during the HRC/BHO battles, race and gender became a big deal in the same party that proudly touts it possesses none of those judgments. So apparently, many hang on to historic resentments – despite not being personally victimized themselves – after all.


I’m glad you have decided to spend some time reading and discussing things with us here.

You make some very good points and bring a bit of a different perspective to the discussions.

I do have to disagree with you here however:

Black people can’t be racist

Any human being, regardless of their skin color or racial makeup can indeed be racist.

We’ve seen racially motivated horrors throughout history and, unfortunately, every race has been guilty at some point.

Obama , great American Resume and he may need a little magic to Lead America in a new direction. We may not know all there is to know about BO. But we do know McCain has’nt lead anything but the pledge to the flag in all of his 70+ years. Even with an head start he’s finished out of the money. If the Richest Man In the World is , drives “93” Volvo , and lives in the same house he purchased 40 years ago thinks Obama’s a good bet . You might want to “get in on it”

great American Resume

That’s funny. What does BHO bring to the table other than a speech he made at a Dim Convention?

We may not know all there is to know about BO.

We agree on that one. I do, however, know enough about both of them to know which one should be avoided.

But we do know McCain has’nt lead anything but the pledge to the flag in all of his 70+ years.

You would benefit from a review of his extensive record of both military and public service. In a parallel vein, would you mind expounding on what BHO has accomplished please?

If the Richest Man In the World is , drives “93″ Volvo , and lives in the same house he purchased 40 years ago thinks Obama’s a good bet . You might want to “get in on it”

No, not so much.

I prefer not to follow along.

That’s the lamest endorsement of Obama yet Rentamob. And I’ve seen some lame endorsements.

Yours is about as disjointed and unconvincing as one of Obama’s off script remarks.

Obama , great American Resume and he may need a little magic to Lead America in a new direction.

He’ll need a boatload more than “magic” to lead me, Rentamob…. I guarantee you, I will go kicking, screaming, biting and fighting into that gentle Marxist night.

…. or would that be “rage… rage against the dying of the” right.

The truth about Michelle

On May 30th, Rush Limbaugh said he had heard a rumor that a tape exists of Michelle Obama using the word “Whitey” from the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ.

No such tape exists. Michelle Obama has not spoken from the pulpit at Trinity and has not used that word.

Blogger Larry Johnson wrote on May 31st that he would add “New and dramatic developments. This is a heads up. I’ll post the news Monday morning by 0900 hours. Now I know why people who have seen the videotape say it is stunning. Barack’s headaches are only starting.”

Johnson posted no such update.

Proven GOP sleazemeister Roger Stone said on Fox News on June 1st that “there’s a buzz, which I believe now to be credible, that some indelible record exists” of a tape of Michelle Obama using the term “whitey.”

Stone conceded on June 2nd that he hasn’t met anyone who has seen the tape and that it therefore may be a hoax.

“The Michelle Obama Rant Tape was filmed between June 26th – July 1st 2004 in Chicago, IL at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Conference at Trinity United Church: specifically the Women’s Event.”

Michelle Obama was not on a panel, and the Rainbow Push Conference was at the Sheraton.

I think all of this is garbage and whites are just scare of a black man becoming president. I know whites are scare because of all the dirt they have done to blacks and other people of color over the years. I DON’T UNDERSTAND THE NAME CALLING. Why can’t people post their comments without people attacking them and calling them names. Yes. I am Democrat and believe GOP is racist and hateful party. This is a lie on Mrs. Obama. No body say “whitey’ anymore. Frankly I am really scare of some of the people on here voting. You are calling the Obamas racist but yet voting for a racist McKlan. That doesn’t make sense. I guess it will because he’s WHITE!

If BO does not pick HRC as his running mate, I and so many many many more people will vote for JMcC!

I am so sick and tired of white Democrats saying that they will not vote for Senator Obama if HRC is not the VP. Good don’t vote. Hillary and her supporters are very mean and disrespectful to Senator Obama. Hillary implied she wanted him assassinated. You gurl lost. It’s time to move forward to beat McCain oops I mean McKlan. If you don’t want to be apart of that,step off. History is about to be made! I think Obama is expanding his voting base anyway. He ahead in the polls over McCain. I hope and pray Latinos and other minorities will not be fools as vote for a known racist. If you want to switch party and vote for that racist McKlan and continue to kill our troops. That’s something you are going to have to live with. I don’t want four more years of hell and hard times of the failed Bush Administration. Frankly I think Obama will be better off with some of the racist bigot people on this site. Just like most of Hillary’s supporters are so racist. How the hell they are going to vote for McKlan and he’s the complete opposite of what Obama and Clinton stands for. It’s because he’s white.

How the hell is Michelle Obama racist or Obama? Please tell me? Please don’t say it’s her thesis. I don’t think that should have been put on the net for the whole world to see and you dissect things you think is racist. I believe that was over 25 years ago. Don’t say it’s the church because I believe that is cultural difference. I also believe white America, media, Faux News is attaching the black church and black people. We are all racist or have racist preference to some point. No one is perfect but blacks or any otter minority group can oppress another race like whites have and are still doing. In the privacy of my home if I want to walk around butt naked that my business if I want to say cracka all day in my house. That’s my business. You say Michelle is a racist but you attitude is just as racist. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Why did you say anything when Hillary played the white racism card? I think the tape is a hoas. We know Fox News hate the Obamas and I am sure HRC or anti-black racist fuc*in Fox News would have used it already.

Juanita said:

I don’t want four more years of hell and hard times of the failed Bush Administration.

And I don’t want a second term of Jimmah Carter, Juanita. Believe me, I’m not thrilled with McCain. But I’m considerably less thrilled with BHO’s plans for this nation.

Frankly I think Obama will be better off with some of the racist bigot people on this site. Just like most of Hillary’s supporters are so racist. How the hell they are going to vote for McKlan and he’s the complete opposite of what Obama and Clinton stands for. It’s because he’s white.

If you’d stop thinking black and white for a change, and start thinking policies, you’d realize that there are two reasons the majority of McCain voters will choose him over Obama…

1: They either don’t want to go the socialist route in our government, or
2: HRC supporters don’t want BHO to win so she can run in 2012

Most of the commenters on FA have specificially stated they are unenthused with Obama for radical associations, questionable judgment, his lack of will to confront the global Islamic jihad movement in the world, his penchant for defeat in Iraq, his inexperience, and sundry other reasons. I have seen NOT ONE PERSON on this site who has stated he doesn’t like Obama because he’s black.

I swear, Juanita. When I see your name pop up, I really try to ignore you. But you are so blatantly hostile and abusive, it’s difficult for me to hold my tongue. So I suggest, while you’re spewing the charges of “bigot people on this site” and “McKlan” you may want to have a good look in the mirror to see what a racist actually looks like.

But if you’d like to actually be productive, why not take your bigoted hate rant over to No Quarter and try out your race tirade there? It appears it is the Hillary supporters with whom you have your biggest beef. You’ll find few of your targeted group here. But you can be sure, the No Quarter posters will chew you up, and spit you out like cheap baloney.

MataH: Juanita may not even remember how depressing the Carter Administration was and the negative effects with which we are still dealing as a result of that fiasco (Iran!).

So, reminding her that as bad as she thinks the Bush Administration has been there could be something much, MUCH worse probably won’t work.

Anyone else notice that there will be a full moon tomorrow night?

Full moon, eh Aye Chi? Now I know why my tongue doesn’t want to stay in check with it’s usual patience! LOL

Ya know, Mike’sA, she may not have been alive during Carter. But as a responsible voter, and a citizen, she is responsible for casting an intelligent vote. And much of that is having some modicum of American history knowledge. If she doesn’t know about Carter’s economic debacles, she oughta start learning before November.

But all in all, I don’t expect any revelations from Juanita. She’s a lost cause that I usually ignore. But today, reading that assault of FA bigots, just crossed my keyboard line in the sand.

# 85

Why do you think I am white?
Why do you think I am a Democrat?

MataH: “she is responsible for casting an intelligent vote” Since when? If only there was some kind of standard, perhaps not requirement, that voters inform themselves fully on the issues and learn more about history and how the candidate’s positions relate to what has, or has not, worked in the past.

If we had Public Education in this country that took that as their mission instead of the indoctrination of hapless students into liberal orthodoxy we might get responsible and intelligent votes cast.

But that’s not going to happen anytime soon.

There is a distinct difference between “responsibility” and “mandates”, Mike’sA. Much as I’d love to have an idiot test as a prerequisite for voting, it cannot happen. Even citizens a step below human amoeba have voting rights.

However it is our responsibility to safeguard our freedoms. And part of that responsibility is making informed choices for our future. Otherwise we pay dearly for the irresponsibility.

We can only hope that the reponsible outweigh the Juanita’s of the world. But with the successfull dumbing down of America by the public education system the past few decades, that ratio is likely to change in favor of those that want socialist programs to pay for their lives from cradle to grave.

I, however, (or my ashes, at least) will have long been sprinkled across this beautiful country. At least I hope.

No I don’t remember Carter administration. I am living in the president and you fools voted for this nut in office. I think anything can be better than Bush and McCain. I will even have Billary.

No I don’t remember Carter administration.

That explains a lot.

I am living in the president

You’re living “in the president”? Like a demon?

Let me call a priest.

I think anything can be better than Bush and McCain.

That’s because you don’t remember the Carter administration.

MataHarley ~ My dear or sir. I see your name all over this post spewing hate. I am stating my opinion like you. Are your the one to say what people can post and not post. You want to go back to slavery? By the sound of your name I am assuming you are a person of color. You can’t speak for each and every one of the Hillary-ites. Obama polls number are coming up daily with former Hillary-ites who said they will never vote for Obama. A change is going to come, baby. If you see my name, you don’t have to reply. No body has to reply. I am posting my two cents. I don’t want to hear any of your negative racist rants anyway. Do you think I am going to sit at my computer and let the likes of you disrespect Senator Obama by using BO, Obambi, Oback etc, empty suite and all that crap you get from racist Fox and conservative talk shows? Get the f–k out of here. I should be able to post my opinion without getting attack by the likes of you. I guess you’re not use to liberal coming to this site. If and when I want to post something, I will. I come just like I watch Fox News to hear all the crazy shyt white folks are thinking. There so much hate for the Obamas not just on this site but others too. I don’t know what the f–k is No Quarter or gives a dayum. Yes. I believe that shyt that white dems are voting for McKlan simply because he’s WHITE!!!!! Most of Hillary-ites are racist. You say your not but action speaks louder than words. Billary bet not try to run in 2012. Just like you say so many Hillary-ites will not vote for Obama the same is true. Many of Obama’s supporters will never vote for Billary. She better sit her asz down somewhere. You know what I don’t give a f— about all this McMee 2, McSame, McSane, Obami, Oback etc. etc. I think most of you guys get this crap for Rush Limbaugh and the likes. I believe in my heart McCAIN is a racist. I’m sorry I can’t go there. I can’t believe blacks and other of people of color will vote for this man. Vote for whoever the hell you want and let the election run it course. You can agree to disagree in a calm matter.


Actually 61% of Sen. Clinton’s supporters are planning to vote for Obama. (NBC/WSJ Poll) That less than two weeks after she suspended her campaign.

Aye Chihuahua – very cute and dumb. This is what I am talking about no one is perfect. I made a mistake. I AM LIVING IN THE PRESENT!! BIG FUC*IN DEAL!!!

You can agree to disagree in a calm matter.

Considering the incoherence, racism, profanity, insult and invective hurling you’ve engaged in on this thread alone you should take your own advice.

I’m going to take great pleasure in canceling out your vote in November.

I’ll think of you fondly as I cast my ballot.