VIDEO: Dems Admit They Lied About Iraq To Seize Congress

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Gosh, who would have ever guessed that their “New Direction In Iraq” plan was a lie, or that they’d oppose American success in the war in Iraq just to get more political power for their party?


  • Democrats lied about the causes of the 911 attacks
  • Democrats lied about the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden after 12/12/01
  • Democrats opposed the removal of the Taliban, marched by the tens of thousands, and demanded more “talks” with the Taliban
  • Democrats lied about the war in Iraq’s effect on the hunt for Osama Bin Laden
  • Democrats lied about terror attack threat warnings-claiming they were political and not real
  • Democrats called Al Queda, the Taliban, Saddam holdouts, and insurgents FREEDOM FIGHTERS while describing US military prisons as Gulags and comparing US troops to NAZIs
  • Democrats claimed that the military is filled with people who are not smart enough to live lives without getting sent to Iraq
  • Democrats opposed the removal of a mass murdering, genocidal dictator
  • Democrats lied about the wmd threat that was found in Iraq
  • Democrats lied about Al Queda not being in Iraq before the invasion\
  • Democrats lied about the closeness of the relationship between Saddam’s regime and Al Queda leadership
  • Democrats lied about Al Queda being any part of the post-war insurgency
  • Democrats lied about how many people have been killed in the war
  • Democrats lied about the dollar cost of the war
  • Democrats lied about the war having been “lost”
  • Democrats lied about having a plan or even an intention of succeeding in Iraq/ending the war
  • Democrats lied to get more political power for their party

Democratic voters do not hold their own to account for these lies even though Democrats hold power in the nation now. Is it easier to oppose than support? Is it better to complain than to solve? Is it better to mislead rather than lead?

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They love the Democrat Party. They hate America.

I wouldn’t expect Democrat voters to hold their elected officials accountable for their lies and phony promises to get us out of Iraq. It’s clear that to them, Iraq and every other issue are nothing more than political footballs to be played for advantage in the effort to secure power.

It’s clear that the only principle which drives Democrats is power and as the old saying goes, power corrupts.

Democrats have corrupted themselves to the point where power is the only thing that matters.

they want to “win” at all costs, they then blame the republicans when they had no real plan to begin with. they jump around and claim that their hands are tied and blah, blah, blah. the only thing they are actually good at is splitting their own party and lies.

I predict a Moonbat landing in 3,2,1…..

And a corrupt media promotes their lies.

The democrats lie. So what else is new?

The poor have voted democrat for 50 years and they’re still poor”. Charles Barkley
We know where those who rode the ‘short’ bus are, and who they vote for.

Unfortunately the Republicans have not been good at calling out these liars. The only weapon that Democraps have is fraud in word and deed. They can’t win an argument! Than attack the one they argue with. There is nothing new under the sun for these losers.

Both parties lie. “Read my lips, no new taxes” and “smaller government” have both been used recently by the Republican Party. Politicans will even swap parties just to stay in power.

I agree both parties have members that lie. The “Read my lips” one is a bad example though since that was a legislative trick that he fell for-more an example of gross error than deliberate propaganda aimed at subverting American war efforts, and to that end the Democratic Party is ruling the day.

“Read my lips” could constitute as a technical lie, only if he knew that there would be new taxes, and still promised otherwise to his constituents.

A lie is a deliberate act of deceit.