War and Decision


I wrote about Douglas Feith’s 60 Minutes interview when it aired.

Wednesday, Feith enjoyed a 3 hour interview on the Hugh Hewitt Show (Pt1, 2, 3. Transcript here).

Friday, I bought the book from Borders bookstore in Westwood. Check out the website for the book. There are important documents to peruse through, there.

Douglas Feith’s website (check out the documents and myths vs. facts pages).

Also blogging:
American Power
Hugh Hewitt

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Feith’s a scapegoat for Democratic Party politicians who deliberately misused the Sen Intelligence Committee to deliberately mislead their constituents, the nation, and the world all for their own political gain (see also Rockefeller Memo). It’s disgusting, sad, and the only thing worse than this fact is that people who dislike the Bush Admin + are afraid/too lazy to read the actual facts & then face them.

Cool post, Wordsmith.

Way to get the info out there!