Not these troops – Not this war – Not this time.


Not these troops – Not this war – Not this time.

IVAW – Iraq Veterans Against War plan on revisiting past shame by taking a page from the 1971 VVAW Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI). The IVAW is holding its own Winter Soldier Investigation this month at the National Labor College in Silver Spring, MD.


The unverified allegations by the original Winter Soldier Investigation were made famous by John Kerry’s congressional testimony where he characterized American soldiers as “razing villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan”. Unproven statements from the membership of the VVAW and John Kerry managed to smear the reputation of an entire generation of honorable soldiers. Decades later, Vietnam Veterans are still reeling from the egregious mischaracterization perpetrated by the VVAW.

The Iraq veterans Against War (Formed under Veterans For Peace) are attempting to do the same to this generation of men and women serving in our military. Select IVAW members are scheduled to make statements, and will do so without swearing an oath or signing legally binding depositions, affidavits or official reports. In essence, the IVAW are denying these individuals the basic right of American citizens to due process.

Not these troops – Not this war – Not this time.

The Gathering of Eagles is spearheading a campaign to counter the forthcoming IVAW Winter Soldier Investigation. This video is a compilations of GOE supporters from across the nation speaking out against this upcoming travesty of truth.  This new generation of winter soldier’s will NOT have the opportunity to smear our troops with impunity. They will be held accountable for their statements.

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I take it you believe that these Americans should only have the right to express their opinion if it is an opinion of which Conservatives approve?

No Steve,

Like the lies of the last “winter soldier” idiocy, if these people have charges to make, then they need to make them under sworn depositions and file official charges.

If some of these “winter soldiers” were officers/NCOs and stated they saw/allowed such actions and did not report/prosecute it when in command, then they are also guilty of violating UCMJ.

Steve sides with those who have the worst view of American soldiers. Such beliefs stem from a basic liberal self loathing that reminds me of the old Wayne’s World mantra: “we’re not worthy”

Steve, you’re not worthy. And neither are the nobodies who slander our troops.

IVAW’s name is misleading and has often mislead the media to call the organization one made up of veterans of Iraq. Service in either OIF or OEF is NOT a requirement for membership. Of the 800 or so members claimed by IVAW somewhere between 25% and as many as 50% have not served in either theatre, while over 1.7 millions Americans have so served.

Military investigators of the 1971 WSI found almost all the charges made then to be unsubstantiated or were repudiated by the claimants, yet no action was taken against anyone for false “testimony”. On the various CID reports that I have read, not one of the original WS would give names – why is that? If they truly were after justice, then bring to just those that committed these allleged war crimes. I strongly suspect that if they gave up a name and the individual was made aware of this alleged complaint – the 1971 WSI would have become the 1971 Lawsuit-palooza!

Not only are the IVAW copying the WSI – they are attempting to recreate the VVAW ‘A US Infantry Company Just Came Through Here” Campaign. However, unlike in 1971, were the unwashed VVAW members harrassed the public with impunity – this generation of VVAW wannbe’s (IVAW) are getting their a## arrested with this stunt:

Tuscaloosa, AL – Four protesters from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
and Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) were arrested here, Feb. 29, at the
University of Alabama for performing a mock raid meant to demonstrate the
effects of the U.S. occupation on Iraqi civilians.

A bellweather of things to come for IVAW??

Steve, you’re not worthy. And neither are the nobodies who slander our troops.

Not to mention an embarrassement to Philadelphia. The city already has an image problem without Steve adding to the mix.

“I take it you believe that these Americans should only have the right to express their opinion if it is an opinion of which Conservatives approve?”

You are free to lie, slander and smear.

And we are free tot tell the truth.

We win.

You lose.

We at Eagles Up are proud to lead Americans against lies, slander and smear. And we are proud to stand with our partners Move America Forward, Rolling Thunder, GoE and others to be certain that if wrongs have been done, they are documented, sworn to and testified to under OATH as well as any consequences accepted for prior misdeeds.

Think Title 18 USC Chapter 212 – Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.

Re: “Like the lies of the last “winter soldier” idiocy, if these people have charges to make, then they need to make them under sworn depositions and file official charges.”

Then you do believe that they do not have the freedom to speak their mind.

Re: “Steve, you’re not worthy”

Worthy of what? To speak my mind? Are my words to be the subject of Conservative editing prior to my being allowed to speak (write) them in public? Is that the “freedom” that Conservatives wish to impose on the United States?


You missed the second part:

If some of these “winter soldiers” were officers/NCOs and stated they saw/allowed such actions and did not report/prosecute it when in command, then they are also guilty of violating UCMJ.

Bottom line in the Military. If one is in command, one is responsible no matter what. If witnessing an illegal act, one is responsible, reguardless of rank, to report it. IF there were acts witnessed by these people while on active duty and they did not move to either stop it or report it, then they are guilty of violating UCMJ also.

If they wish to accuse others of wrongdoing, then the freedom of the accused is to have their case stated with both accuser and defendent in sworn testomony. Unless you do not feel the defendents in this case are free to legally rebuke slander.

Or are “conservatives” (which encompasses a majority of the military) not allowed such rights?