USS Cole off Lebanon is a Declaration of War


A senior Lebanese Shia cleric has said that the new US move to deploy a US warship off the Lebanese coast amounts to a declaration of war. Seyyed Mohammed Hossein Fadlallah said, “The deployment of the USS Cole to the area is no less than a declaration of war and a new attempt to break the resistance and anti-American groups in the region.”

No doubt, Democrats will claim that Bush is sabre rattling, and that if he had just left the USS Cole farther out in the Med, then anti-American Islamic groups wouldn’t be anti-American (ignoring that fact that they already were anti-American). And if there is combat, the blame will be on the presence of a US ship in international waters rather than on those who actually do the killing (anti-American Islamic holy warriors).

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Choke on it

Thank you Scott, for an excellent post bringing the very real danger America is faced with back into focus.

I meant I hope the unnamed Lebanese Shia cleric gets his panties in a bunch because the Cole is off shore

I couldn’t think of a more appropriate warship to get this gig. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Chosen One and MM

Fully Agree with that. One little destroyer has their panties in a bunch. I wonder what a ship like the USS Battaan, USS Iwo Jima, or any of the LSDs backed up by a carrier battle group would do?

If only.

These mad mullahs declared war on us long ago when they sent jihadis to bomb the USS Cole and kill American Sailors. I was happy to be on hand when the Cole visited Savannah the year before. I’m glad she’s back on the point in the Middle East and I hope she has the chance to give the mullahs a taste of their own medicine.

Sounds good to me. Let’s agree with the “cleric” and commence launching tomahawks from the Cole. I suggest the first target is his very own mosque during friday prayers with him leading them.

I say we give credence to this “holy man’s” claim.