PBS Frontline: “What Really Happened in Haditha?”


Haditha in my judgment is a metaphor for how the press unconsciously, being in opposition to the war, will take an incident and simply by reiterating it and reiterating it and reiterating it build it into something that it wasn’t.
– Bing West, former Marine, warrior-scholar, and Iraq analyst

Feb. 13: Marine Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, center, arrives for his motions hearing at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Wuterich is being charged for his alleged involvement in the death of Iraqi civilians in Haditha, Iraq in 2005. Mike Blake – Reuters

The program airs this Tuesday night. Bruce Kesler received an advanced copy, and gives a great review of the contents, here.

Curt has followed the story since its inception, and you can see his previous 41 blog entries here.

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