The Turkish prime minister tells crowd to resist assimilation.


In the News From Around the World post, I highlighted terror networks in the EU. In previous posts, I stated events in other nations show patterns. Patterns point to outcomes. Outcomes which will directly affect America. I pointed out more terror cells in the EU being broken up, non-Muslims persecuted in Islamic lands, and attacks by Islamists in the EU against those who resist becoming dhimmis. I also went into detail about who we should believe on Islam months ago.

We are told that the “youth violence” in Europe and the increasing violence among Islamists in America stems from a failure of the Islamists to assimilate into Western Culture. We are told it is somehow our fault this does not happen by some and that we need to be even more accommodating to the Islamists coming to the West, even when these people overtly state they are here to colonize and conquer.

As a further exhibit on this, I give you remarks by the Turkish Prime Minister speaking in Cologne, Germany.

Cologne, Germany — A crowd of 16,000 expatriate Turks cheered Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a vast indoor auditorium in Germany on Sunday as he told them to resist assimilation into the West.

The political rally by Germany’s biggest ethnic minority upset German politicians, who objected to a major public event on German soil being advertised on posters in Turkish only.

Erdogan indirectly addressed those concerns, saying it was right for Turkish immigrants to learn German and other languages so they could integrate, but wrong to abandon their Turkish heritage and assimilate.

“Assimilation is a crime against humanity,” he told the crowd. Many Turks had travelled from France, Belgium and the Netherlands to hear his hour-long address in the shiny venue, the Koelnarena.

“A crime against humanity”?? Peacefully becoming part of European Society, abandoning honor killings, military jihad, and respecting other religions and the non-religious and allowing all to practice their beliefs openly is a “crime”? I wonder what the city fathers of Constantinople would think? Or the Berber Christians? Or the Jews in Mecca? Oh, I forgot, they were slaughtered by Islamists for not converting to Islam.

“I can well understand that you are against assimilation,” he said. “It is important to learn German, but your Turkish language should not be neglected.”

He said ethnic Turks abroad should be more confident in standing up for their interests, and should win election as mayors and members of European national parliaments.

Anyone see the writing on the walls? Do not assimilate, remain true to your country of origin, and actively seek political rule. Do I need to go into the multiple stories of Islamist taking over sections of London, Berlin, Minneapolis, Dearborn, Paris, etc and even declaring Sharia sovereignty over some of these areas?

Meanwhile, Danes Nab Suspects in Cartoonist Plot

Danish police said Tuesday they have arrested several people suspected of plotting to kill one of the 12 cartoonists behind the Prophet Muhammad drawings that sparked a deadly uproar in the Muslim world two years ago.

The arrests were made in pre-dawn raids in Aarhus, western Denmark, “to prevent a terror-related murder,” the police intelligence agency said. It did not say how many people were arrested nor did it mention which cartoonist was targeted.

However, according to Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that first published the drawings on Sept. 30, 2005, the suspects were planning to kill its cartoonist Kurt Westergaard. It said those arrested included both Danish and foreign citizens.

“There were very concrete murder plans against Kurt Westergaard,” said Carsten Juste, the paper’s editor-in-chief.

The cartoons were later reprinted by a range of Western publications, and they sparked deadly protests in parts of the Muslim world.

Islamic law generally opposes any depiction of the prophet, even favorable, for fear it could lead to idolatry.

Westergaard, 73, and his wife Gitte, 66, had been living under police protection because of the murder plans, Jyllands-Posten reported.

“Of course I fear for my life when the police intelligence service say that some people have concrete plans to kill me. But I have turned fear into anger and resentment,” Westergaard said in a statement published on Jyllands-Posten’s Web site.

PET, the police intelligence service, called the action “preventive,” saying it decided to strike “at an early phase to stop the planning and the carrying out of the murder.”

In the uproar that followed the publishing of the cartoons, Danes watched in disbelief as angry mobs burned the Danish flag and attacked the country’s embassies in Muslim countries including Syria, Iran and Lebanon.

Jyllands-Posten was evacuated several times because of threats and posted security guards at its office outside Aarhus and in Copenhagen.

The paper initially refused to apologize for the cartoons, which it said were published in reaction to a perceived self-censorship among artists dealing with Islamic issues, but later said it regretted that the cartoons had offended Muslims.

The Danish government also expressed regrets to Muslims, but noted that it could not interfere with the freedom of the press.

Kasem Ahmad, a spokesman for the Copenhagen-based Islamic Faith Community, a network of Muslim groups that spearheaded protests against the cartoons in Denmark, said he hoped Tuesday’s arrests would not rekindle the uproar.

“We urge Muslims to take it calmly,” he told the TV2 News network.

The rage over the caricatures resonated beyond Denmark. In Germany, two men were accused of planting bombs aboard a pair of German commuter trains in 2006 that failed to explode.

One of the men, Youssef Mohammed el-Hajdib, a Lebanese citizen, is on trial in Duesseldorf. The second man, Jihad Hamad, was convicted in December in Lebanon and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

El-Hajdib told the court last week that Hamad planned the attacks as revenge after some German newspapers reprinted the Muhammad caricatures.

Hamad, however, testified at his trial in Lebanon that el-Hajdib was the initiator of the failed plot. He said el-Hajdib brainwashed him and exposed him to extremist videos and propaganda.

Let us be very clear, “Islamic law generally opposes any depiction of the prophet, even favorable, for fear it could lead to idolatry” is a whitewashed statement. Islam currently VIOLENTLY opposes ANY critique and representation of their prophet and religion, especially by infidels. In the past, Islam has not been restrictive on this, but the resurgence of what amounts to Islamic Fascism , declares all “aposated” are automatically sentenced to death. No other religion operates like this, despite what the religious relativists state.

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Just more reason to STOP any and all immigration from ALL muslim countries. IF they don’t want to assimilate and become CITIZENS, let them stay in their home countries. Why should western society support this leeches just to have them try and change the culture/freedoms of the host nation and turn them into the muslim shitholes they came from. I can feel the “backlash” in the air and it ain’t going to be pretty. Better the “turks” go home to their beloved ass backwards country. The same goes for the “mexicans” who won’t assimilate in this country. Go the hell back to where you came from and don’t let the door hit you in the ass should be the official policy of all western nations

I hope there are a lot of American people reading this and getting their education because it is sorely needed, and in a hurry.

I randomly stumbled across this post when I searched for the Prime Minister’s speech. I am half-Armenian so I am not exactly an advocate of the Turkish people, however, the fact that you are using this speech about Turkish national identity to imply that Islam is, in some way, wrong or that all Muslims, in some way, are against assimilation is inaccurate. Yes, it is important for Americans (and anyone who wants to be informed about the world) to know that the Turkish PM has made these comments, they are a highly patriotic nation. I would argue that it is nationalism which is their fault, not Islam. Also, don’t make the mistake of stereotyping all Muslims as fundamentalists. If you preach these issues, you’re only enhancing the spread of misinformation about cultures that, albeit, you know nothing about.


I am sorry if you think I took one example and not thousands about a culture and religion I know QUITE A BIT about to form my opinion. Many of these are cited in the multiple links I provided. The remarks from the Turkish PM are just the latest example.

Taqqiyah does not work on me and a growing number of Americans and Europeans.

Hi all.
I have been warning all my English and American friends for the last twenty years that all this will happen but no one paid attention. I have visited Turkey at least fifty times for the last 30 years. I remember their poverty in 1972, I remember how they begged to be boarded on a ship to anywhere. In the 90-ties after the military coup US donated billions in cash and technologies and made a good friend in the region. Nothing wrong in doing that, but 25 years later the military in Turkey do not have the same support as they did in 1980. Many of them are in favour of the religious changes that creepily progress.The new leaders of Tukey even broke ATATURK’S laws for scarf and beard wearing. What Islamists have done, while the west was being democratic and tollerant is that they quietly copulated, gave birth to more and more children(typical for ethnic groups with low social ties outside theirs). The children’s health and education and life standard(which is the main issue when you decide how many children to have in the western world) was not important, what was important was the number that one day would bring votes. Do not be misled, this is all about ruling and finally annihilating Christianity. The demographic war has been going on for decades.
I have a lot more to say but there needs to be someone ready to hear it!


Like you, I and many others have been shouting this for years and suffered being called all manor of hate-filled and ignorant names by those who are truly ignorant (in the West) and hate-filled (in Islam).

Now we wake to hear that Europeans in almost every EU nation are being repressed in the name of “tolerance” and “multi-culturalism”. Islamists can protest and riot at the drop of a hat, but no counter protests, or protests against Sharia are allowed.

Will the proverbial “Tours” be sacked again and where is the 21st Century’s “Charles Martell”?

Nick, As ChrisG says there are people who have been sending the same message as you, and I think there really are more people willing to listen, send us what you have.

Seeing as the Democrats apparently have surrender feelers out to all the enemy, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to see the same thing here as ChrisG just outlined is taking place in Europe. In fact, I think to a large extent – It is already here.