2 Million Contest – Polls Open


Ok, the captions are in for the Flopping Aces 2 million contest and here are your choices. You can only vote once for each picture.


Voting will stay open another 24 hours, closing on 02-12 at 2:00pm PST. After the top 3 are chosen another poll will go up between those three to decide the winner.






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As a Flopping Aces contributor, I wish to avoid any possible conflict of interest. Therefore, I renounce any claim to the Flopping Aces store should my three contributions win.

However, unlike Romney, I encourage everyone to vote for my contributions:

#1Obama to Hillary: “Girl, who does your nails? I can’t get mine to look like that and I went to same gal John Edwards uses.” (22%, 11 Votes)
#2Hillary: “You think my ass is big now, you should have seen it before the diet.” Men sitting behind her thinking I like big butts and I cannot lie. (15%, 8 Votes)
#3Hillary hisses through her teeth: “You keep this up Barack and you’ll end up in Fort Marcy Park.” (13%, 7 Votes)

Is there a Flopping Aces Speedo?

Wordsmith can stand in for me in the swim suit competition.

Not the Speedo… Anything but the Speedo!!!

I say if there is a calendar, and I WILL purchase one, YOU ALL have to wear a SPEEDO!


I once used a Speedo when I was younger and thinner. Then someone stole it out of my locker. He did return it at the end of the semester, but I didn’t want it back. 🙂 Hey, at least he had a conscience I guess…