Saturday Night Video



I’m not a Heath Ledger fan; nor am I an anti-fan. I just seldom get out to the movies these days, and I only know of his work from reading about it on the printed (i.e., pixelated) page (although, I think I just may see the new Batman movie, just around the bend). The following video is by Scott Malensek, and is only peripherally related to Heath Ledger. I mourn his passing, only from the perspective that a fellow human being, influential and taken too soon from this world, has passed on into the next, leaving behind friends and fans, including his 2 year old daughter, far too soon, when he had so much more he could have done in this life. I suppose we can only be grateful for what he accomplished in the time that he was given. May he rest in peace, and may his daughter grow up, knowing the love of her father lingers in the hearts of many adoring fans, to comfort her in his physical absence.

Oh, and as a bonus….just can’t resist:

Frankly, I really dig this fan-made trailer.

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