Jonah Goldberg On The New Jew


Quite an interesting discussion Will Wilkinson had with Jonah Goldberg on his new book, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning. One of the more interesting parts of the book, and the one most wildly attacked on the lefty sites is the section dealing with the white male being the new Jew. Here is a 3 minute segment of a longer 75 minute interview between Will and Jonah on this subject:

He writes a bit more about this subject after the interview:

One of the more under-appreciated motives of the Nazi extermination campaign against the Jews was how it was driven by paranoia. Nazi anti-Semitism wasn’t merely bigoted, it was conspiratorial. The Nazis and affiliated intellectuals firmly believed that the Jew was behind the scenes, pulling strings, manipulating events, rigging the system ā€” even the language ā€” in profound and pernicious ways. Carl Schmitt ā€” quite popular on the left today ā€” was tasked with the job of purging the Jewish spirit from the law. Other similar projects were launched across the political, economic and intellectual landscape. Jeffrey Herf recently wrote an absolutely brilliant book on this exact point, bringing to the fore what was long considered mere background noise of the 12 year Reich. I wrote about his book, The Jewish Enemy, here.

This paranoia itself had roots in Marxist thought ā€” though hardly exclusively so. Marx himself was one of many ur-socialists who considered the Jew, figuratively and literally, to be the fullest realization of everything that was wrong with capitalism or the status quo. The Jew, as the classic middle-man minority (as Tom Sowell would say), seemed to stand in the way of every utopian and nationalist aspiration. When you read Nazi intellectuals discussing the influence of Judaism on Germany it’s deeply metaphysical. The Jew and by extension the “Mediterranean religion” of Christianity had poisoned the authentic German spirit and mind to the very foundations. Politically, the Nazis insisted that “the Jews” had attacked Germany first. Every bad circumstance or inconvenient fact could be laid at the feet of the Jews. Hitler even proclaimed that the conscience itself was a Jewish invention designed to keep the oppressed Aryans and others down.While still a Nazi collaborator, Paul de Manā€” the revered postmodern theorist who eventually taught at Yale and Cornellā€”wrote of the Jews, ā€œTheir cerebralness, their capacity to assimilate doctrines while maintaining a cold detachment from them,ā€ is one of ā€œthe specific characteristics of the Jewish mind.ā€

I could go on, but you probably get it.

Now look at today’s culture. In academia you have the proliferation of “Whiteness Studies,” simply the most absurd discipline dedicated to purging the “white mind” from society. Here’s the full and subsequent paragraphs where I begin to explain that sentence that has annoyed so many:

The white male is the Jew of liberal fascism. The ā€œkey to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race,ā€ writes the whiteness studies scholar and historian Noel Ignatiev. Whiteness studies is a cutting-edge academic discipline sweeping American higher education. Some thirty universities have WS departments, but many more schools teach the essentials of whiteness studies in other courses. The executive director of the Center for the Study of White American Culture explains, ā€œThere is no crime that whiteness has not committed against people of color . . . We must blame whiteness for the continuing patterns today . . . which damage and prevent the humanity of those of us within it.ā€ The journal Race Traitor (ironically, a Nazi term) is dedicated ā€œto serve as an intellectual center for those seeking to abolish the white race.ā€ Now, this is not a genocidal movement; no one is suggesting that white people be rounded up and put in camps. But the principles, passions, and argumentation have troubling echoes.

First, there is the leftā€™s shocking defense of black riot ideology and gangsterism. The glorification of violence, the romance of the street, the denunciations of ā€œthe system,ā€ the conspiratorialism, the exaltation of racial solidarity, the misogyny of hip-hop culture: all of these things offer a disturbing sense of dĆ©jĆ  vu. Hip-hop culture has incorporated. On college campuses, administrators routinely look the other way at classically fascist behavior, from newspaper burnings to the physical intimidation of dissident speakers. These attitudes ultimately stem from the view that the white man, like the Jew, represents every facet of what is wrong and oppressive to humanity. As Susan Sontag proclaimed in 1967, ā€œThe white race is the cancer of human history.ā€ Meanwhile, Enlightenment notions of universal humanity are routinely mocked on the academic left as a con used to disguise entrenched white male privilege.

The discussion goes on for a while, addressing the tendency of the left to conflate white male privilege with traditional religion and the like. Then I move to Hollywood where I discuss how in movie after movie white men are the problem. Itā€™s only by getting over their white maleness that they are redeemed

The liberals consistently try to reinforce the notion that the white male is the evil of our world. They have caused all the pain and suffering and that whiteness must be driven out.

Kinda like the Jews huh?

A perfect example of this is the Duke case where the white male students were practically strung up 5 minutes after the allegations were made.

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Will Wilkinson, not Wilkerson.

Hmm, I see I can’t use html to embed links any more…

Looking at photos and videos of “anti-war” protests, the radical National Socialist/Maoist/Stalinist left seems to hold the Jewish faith and Christian faith in equal distain, bordering on outright viseral hatred.  White males, especially Christians, are demonized as much as Jewish peoples by these radical leftists.

In the end, there are now “neo-Nazis”, who moronically spout “racial purity” and “ayrian” whatever (just how many “people” in their tree-house club even qualify as “pure” is a good question), and “paleo-Nazis” of the far left mentioned above.  Both just as pathetic and worthless.  Both stating terrifyingly similar things.  Both one step shy of violently advocating the same dark path.  Both holding solidarity with militant Islam.  Both seeking the subjegation and/or destruction of America.


One of the intrinsic problems to both the turn of the century socialist movements as well as the rise of fascism in Europe was the deliberate turning away from unsavory facts, positions, and actions on the parts of those who fell under the spells. I wonder if perhaps the deliberate ignorance, the turning of one’s eyes from the icky parts of their ideologies…I wonder if perhaps that aspect is not only the most dangerous part about the failed and flawed ideologies of the past as well as the primary problem with today’s modern American left?

For the past six years I’ve been amazed at the opposition to the war on terror, the war in Iraq, and in general their opposition to anything and all things Republican. At the core of any political discussion, rather than daring to critique or examine the Democratic party or modern faux-progressive positions, it seems there is little more than Bush hate or Republican-hate. Oppose FISA, oppose Patriot Acts, call for Sen Intel Com phase II investigations, oppose the war in Iraq, blame for pre-911 intel failures, oppose pork spending, culture of corruption, and the list of themes seems endless, but then when asked about Democratic party support for FISA, support for Patriot Act, the Sen Intel Com phase II rpt, failure to substantively oppose the war in Iraq, and so on and so on…the left/my family and friends cannot and will not stomach an examination of their own party.

Taking the holocaust I’m reminded of how the soclialists and facsists of the 30’s turned a blind eye towards anti-semitism, and how an entire nation of Germans seemed to have no knowledge at all of the holocaust until US forces forced the people to visit the camps themselves. What does one call this phenomenon? Calling it deliberate denial simply doesn’t do justice imo to the danger, the scale, and the importance of the problem; a problem clearly demonstrated (to those who were open-minded/”liberal” enough to see) in the interview as well as in our day to day lives’ discussions with those who oppose primarily for opposition’s sake.