The Democrats Posterchild


You know Nancy, maybe….just maybe, you should try leading with resolve and a bit of a backbone.  Instead of putting your finger to the wind and seeing which way the wind blows why don’t you lead by doing what you feel is right.  Instead you lead the House by following the bidding of MoveOn and the rest of the nutcases. 

Real leadership means doing what is right for the country, not what the polls tell you. (via Michelle Malkin)

Pelosi Comes Unhinged, Spews Pete Stark-like Vitriol: Republicans “Like this War”

Washington– With plummeting approval ratings and no legislative
accomplishments to point to, Nancy Pelosi is melting down in the final
days of the first session of the 110th Congress. Military success on
the ground in Iraq also seems to be agitating the San Francisco Speaker
who appears to be despondent over the fact that General Petraeus’ surge
is working.

In a press conference today, Pelosi’s frustration manifested itself:

“The grassroots are justifiably disappointed, and I am too, that
we could not do something to end this war. The assumption that I made,
that the Republicans would soon see the light and listen to their
constituents, was not an accurate one.”

They like this war. They want this war to continue…” (Press Conference, 12/13/07)

Pelosi’s desperation continues to grow as the clock appears to be
running out on the Democrats. Their failure to address the nation’s
problems like rising prices, the seemingly inevitable return of the
alternative minimum tax, and their gross abdication of their
responsibility to our troops in the field have left the Americans
restless and angry at their incompetence.

Will Nancy Pelosi apologize before the House for her Pete Stark-like remarks? The American people and America’s men and women in uniform are waiting.

Instead of doing real Congressional business she will push forth bills that her and her cohorts understand have no chance….NO CHANCE of becoming law.  Instead of working with those on the other side of the aisle she has allowed bills to languish or go down to defeat all to send a message.

A message of complete and utter failure.

Then she has the gall to say Republicans “like” war.  No, we understand war.  We understand sometimes you have to go to war to ensure that our country is safe and sound.  We did that, as we should have, in Iraq and now we cannot just up and leave.  I mean really.  Can people be this ignorant?  Do they really believe you can just up and leave a warzone without it affecting anybody or anything?  A million Vietnamese and Cambodians dead because we just up and left, but whatever…not our problem right?


Oh, and get this winner:

Nevertheless, she did question the need, born of Senate filibuster rules, for 60 votes to pass legislation.

“I don’t even know how it is constitutional,” said Pelosi.

Course she wasn’t complaining about it when the Republicans were in power pre-2006.  Funny how that works huh?

The lady is an embarrassment, and a perfect posterchild for the new Democrat party but I will give her and Reid this, we Republicans could not have asked for better gifts then those two.

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Arguing with liberals on a mostly liberal blog I came to believe that they actually think that those who support the war are bloodthirsty murderers who enjoy hearing about body counts. She is just speaking to her base.

We like winning a war. There is a difference. We do not believe that capitulating to the enemy is good for America. We recognize evil.

Understanding liberal thought, is impossible for a sane logical mind. They used to get away with their lies and bull, not so much any more with great blogs like this and others.

It’s not about liberal thought. It’s about Bush hate and years of political alienation. If we had a President who was a charismatic Dem, he could be bankrupt of all management ability and morally repugnant, but anything he said or did would be accepted by the left. They don’t care about truth or reality-just partisan Bush hate to comfort their years of political alienation. On almost every issue where we hear “this administration” from the left, Democratic Party leaders either took the administration’s position as well, or they failed even worse. 911 intel failures, Iraq, Katrina, waterboarding, more troops to Iraq, etc….Dems were right in line with W or failed even worse, but those Dems who were are given COMPLETE free pass by the left. Why? Because it’s all about Bush hate (BDS), not the issues and/or reality.

The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 12/14/2007 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

“The grassroots are justifiably disappointed, and I am too, that we could not do something to end this war.”

Hey, pssst, Nancy, here’s a free clue for you. Go ahead, get this clue: Winning the war will also end it. Also, the winners get their way. Far better that the individual rights-backing U.S. wins, defeating both Islam’s al Qaeda and Iran in Iraq at the same time, and Iraq emerges as a free country that serves as a model example for other Arab societies to follow, than to lose and have Islamic entities like al Qaeda or Iran, who do not respect an individual’s God-given inherent rights in the least, dictate their terms.


Great point, but you have to remember, the left was brainwashed from Day 1 to despise and detest the United States. They would rather have the Freedoms we are working for crushed and us humiliated than people freed and given a chance to change for the better.

As long as the violence and destruction the left’s ignorance and arrogant denile of reality enables stay away from their front doors, the left is fine with it (Rwanda, Dafur, Indonesia, Mayanmar, Iranian despotism, etc as examples). The former pro-defense leftists (i.e. “neocons” which may explain why the left hates them so) and a vast majority of conservatives would rather we ended the threat of global Islamic totalitarianism on OUR terms (i.e. WIN) BEFORE one or more of our cities is reduced to plague-ridden ash. Leftists MIGHT act afterwards, but would still blame America for everything and would still be hampered by their moronic PCisms and lack of resolve.

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