The New Taser Incident


So the latest big story is the fact that an attention whore has received his attention by getting himself tased:

At about 1 p.m., Kerry was nearing the end of a forum at University Auditorium, a large facility beside UF’s trademark Century Tower. At that point, audience members were allowed to ask questions at a microphone, university spokesman Steve Orlando said.

The person in front of Meyer was told he would be the last person to speak, Orlando said. Meyer said he was upset with that, so Kerry gave him the OK.

When he took the microphone, Meyer asked Kerry several questions. On amateur video linked from Meyer’s website, his questions included why Kerry conceded in the 2004 presidential election, why not impeach President Bush now, and whether Kerry was a member of the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University.

When reminded that he was only supposed to ask one question, Meyer responded in the video “He’s talked for two hours. I think I can have two minutes.”

”He had used his allotted time. His microphone was cut off then he became upset,” Orlando said.

At which point the police were ordered to remove him from the auditorium, he resisted, and got himself tased:

Video being video there is no view of what happened before the tussle but some emails into Michelle Malkin shed some light:

So I went to the John Kerry town hall forum this morning trying to get students registered to vote. I run a student government organization called Chomp the Vote. Anyway I went inside to watch the event. Senator Kerry took the podium and began delivering a speech about the Middle East, Iraq, dimplomacy, etc. Anyway, after he was done, a university ambassador asked Kerry a few premade questions. Once that was over, Senator Kerry announced he would take questions from the students. There were two microphones placed on each side of the aisle. One on my side and the other on Andrew Meyer’s side. Senator Kerry began answering the student’s questions from each aisle. Eventually it was announced that there would only be a few more questions answered. Since Meyer and I were both in the back of each line, it did not seem likely that our questions would be answered.

However, while Senator Kerry was responding to a student’s question, all of a sudden Meyer rushed to the microphone with cops in pursuit. At that point no one knew what was going on. Could he have a gun, a bomb? Immediately, Meyer began yelling into the microphone that he had been waiting in line forever and that Senator Kerry should “spend time to answer everyone’s questions!” Senator Kerry tried to calm the student down by telling him that he would “stay here as long as it takes to get the questions answered.” The police approached Meyer who began taunting them by saying “what! are you going to taser me? are you going to arrest me?!” The police grabbed Meyer, but Senator Kerry asked the police to let him go and that he would answer his question. Senator Kerry finished answering the other student’s question and then proceeded with Meyer. (*This entire scene is not in any video I can find so far. This is why 2 cops are seen right behind Meyer at the start of some videos*).

Meyer approached the microphone and began to talk about a book he had which stated that Kerry won the 2004 election because of disenfranchisement of black voters and faulty voter machines that produced “Bush” as the winner. He then posed another question about why President Bush had not been impeached. “President Clinton was impeached because of a blowjob, why not Bush?”. The third and strangest question he posed to Senator Kerry was asking him if he was part of the skull and bones society with Bush at Yale. Meyer’s mic cut off after that, probably because he had mentioned the word “blowjob”. The cops grabbed him, but Meyer was able to get away several times. Eventually more cops were brought in to help subdue Meyer. Meyer continued to resist arrest, scream, curse; however he was enventually subdued by about six cops up around the entrance. As he is on the ground, he is told several times to put his hands around his back. He is also warned that he will be tasered if he does not comply. Eventually he is tasered twice. The video does not show whether he complied or not.

Senator Kerry was trying to answer his question to the audience, mostly the one about faulty voter machines. I am a die hard conservative Republican but I do respect Senator Kerry for trying to soothe the situation as best he could and trying not to escalate the situation. He DID intervene by letting the student at least present his question. I never received an opportunity to ask my question, but when Senator Kerry ended the show after the Meyer incident, he did come off stage to shake hands and give autographs. At that point, I was able to ask him my question, shake his hand, and get a autograph at the same time. Now why couldn’t Andrew Meyer do that?

I don’t know if this is relevant or not, but Andrew Meyer is a former sports writer for the school newspaper The Alligator. In his columns, he has been known to make ridiculous statements in order to gain attention for himself. Was today a publicity stunt?

Now take it from one who has used tasers to subdue combative suspects, this guy could very well have had some long term damage done to him if the police HAD NOT used the taser.  That’s what the tool is for.  They receive some zaps and ta da!  They comply.  If they didn’t have that tool then they have their fists, their batons, their flashlights.  It’s called pain compliance.

If they guy didn’t think he should of been arrested the time to fight it is NOT during the arrest.  It’s after the arrest in a court of law.  Once we have come to the conclusion that a person needs to be arrested you must comply.  No if’s, and’s or but’s about it.   There is plenty of legal recourse to fight it later but physically fighting the police is not the way to go about it.

Given all that, this whole story appears to be a set-up from the beginning.  He wanted his two minutes of fame and is now getting it.  Quickly to be forgotten in a week.


Another good take on the situation:

U.S. Sen. John Kerry’s speech at the University of Florida came to a dramatic close Monday, shortly after a vocal audience member was hauled off by police and shot with a Taser gun.

The audience member was preliminarily identified by UF officials as Andrew Meyer, a UF student in the College of Journalism and Communications.

Toward the conclusion of Kerry’s UF forum, Meyer approached an open microphone at the University Auditorium and demanded Kerry answer his questions. The student claimed that University Police Department officers had already threatened to arrest him, and then proceeded to question Kerry about why he didn’t contest the 2004 presidential election and why there had been no moves to impeach President Bush.

A minute or so into what became a combative diatribe, Meyer’s microphone was turned off and officers began trying to physically remove him from the auditorium. Meyer flailed his arms, yelling as police tried to restrain him.

He was then pushed to the ground by six officers, at which point Meyer yelled, “What have I done? What I have I done? Get away from me. Get off of me! What did I do? … Help me! Help.”

Police threatened to user a Taser on Meyer if he did not “comply,” but he continued to resist being handcuffed. He was then Tased, which prompted him to scream and writhe in pain on the floor of the auditorium.

And John Kerry’s shock and indignation:

“In 37 years of public appearances, through wars, protests and highly emotional events, I have never had a dialogue end this way,” Kerry said in a statement. “I believe I could have handled the situation without interruption, but I do not know what warnings or other exchanges transpired between the young man and the police prior to his barging to the front of the line and their intervention. I asked the police to allow me to answer the question and was in the process of responding when he was taken into custody.”

“I was not aware that a taser was used until after I left the building,” he continued. “I hope that neither the student nor any of the police were injured. I regret enormously that a good healthy discussion was interrupted.”

Interrupted by a man on a mission. 

Some are questioning why the police were so quick to get him out of there.  I have to question what occurred prior to the video.  It sounds like this guy barreled his way to the front of the line which he cannot do.  That would be justification enough to remove him as being a nuisance, but they comply with Kerry’s demand to allow him to speak.  He goes on a rant and says "blowjob," which appears to be the catalyst for the facility turning off his microphone.  If I had been the cop there I would have taken that as a signal the guy had overstayed his welcome and taken him out of there.  The exact same thing these cops did.

Meanwhile the video is out, the guy gets his two minutes of fame, some cops are now under investigation sitting at home wondering about their career and the left are cheering for their heads.



Slimguy in the comment section has taken apart the video bit by bit and come to the conclusion the whole thing was staged from beginning to end, of which I have no doubt:

Points from curts video (from main video edited short not my link)

1) note gal to speakers right with cell phone taking video from the start

2) note camera guy squatting on floor next to her till action started

3) at 20 sec mark note guy in coat and tie next to police signals someone (sound people? to cut of mic)

4) at 1 min mark note those close by are laughing a giggling about staged incident and seem to sense the speaker is under no duress. 

From the video on Youtube that is longer and starts early in the rant

1) angle of video and proximity conclude it must be from the cellphone video to the speakers right

2) the earlier video showed no cameras behind her position

3) the short stage shot of Kerry show low video quality of a cellphone

4) the audio lag is consistent with a cellphone video.

5) early in his rant people on the far side of the room start exiting the area with looks of seeming disgust on their faces

6) the female officer (hatbill intrudes on video) tapped him on the shoulder when he was getting out of line

In both videos the speaker appears to have been trying to provoke an incident and his confrontation with the police when reviewed shows he does not try to break contact completely, but stage plays the scene to the cameras

From the mannerisms of the spectators on either side of the isle, there seems to be apparent realizations of this staging and no threat or duress to the speaker based on the facial expressions and relaxed demeanor. It would seem to appear that the lady taking video with the cellphone and the squatting camera men may be friends/class members of Mr Meyer.


Even more confirmation that the whole thing was staged:

During Monday’s forum, Meyer came to the microphone to question the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee from Massachusetts. 

"You will take my question because I have been listening to your crap for two hours," Meyer told Kerry, according to the police report of the incident.

He then turned to a woman and said "Are you taping this? Do you have this? You ready?" the report said.

Clarissa Jessup, who contributed I-Report video of the incident to CNN, said Meyer gave her his camera and asked her to shoot video of him posing his questions to Kerry.


Police noted that his demeanor "completely changed once the cameras were not in sight" and described him as laughing and being lighthearted as he was being driven to the Alachua County Detention Center.

"I am not mad at you guys, you didn’t do anything wrong. You were just trying to do your job," Meyer said, according to the police report.

At one point, he asked whether there were going to be cameras at the jail, according to the report.


Meyer was carrying a business card advertising " ‘Speak My Mind,’ " the police report said.

The only form of identification this retard was carrying was a business card to his website.



Michelle Malkin has copies of the reports written by the officers involved.  And via RightWingSparkle comes a shocker.  Andrew Meyer is a Ron Paul supporter.

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That’s what the tool is for. They receive some zaps and ta da! They comply. If they didn’t have that tool then they have their fists, their batons, their flashlights. It’s called pain compliance.

If they guy didn’t think he should of been arrested the time to fight it is NOT during the arrest. It’s after the arrest in a court of law. Once we have come to the conclusion that a person needs to be arrested you must comply. No if’s, and’s or but’s about it. There is plenty of legal recourse to fight it later but physically fighting the police is not the way to go about it.

It’s so obvious, Curt. And yet, those points need to be said because of fools like this one.

It’s also irritating to hear background voices that sound like they are angry at the cops for using the taser. Even without seeing the very beginning, before the video begins, I’d say Meyer was completely out of line, not to comply to authorities. He has only his own self to blame for this.

you guys r sick. i hope u all get tasered in your sleep.

Three things are readily apparent early in the video.

1) the lady to his right is capturing with a cell phone from the start of the tape

2) a guy to his right is squatting on the floor with a camera at the ready

3) the police are already in position (likely because of his prior action)

At about 20 seconds the guy in the suit and tie signals someone (assuming the sound person to cut the mic) and then the police go into action and the camera guy pops up off the floor.

Due to the fact of the two film/video documenters being pre positioned and with seemingly no interest in Kerry as an object and the behavior of the speaker, this give reasonable weight to the fact that this was a preplanned incident with the two people capturing the “evidence” likely accomplices in the process.


Here is a longer version from Youtube 

This apprears to be the cell phone video of the girl to the speakers right.

It starts earlier in his rant and more clearly gives the impression this was a staged incident planned in advance (including the gal with the cell phone video)

Also the speaker stage plays the confrontation with police milk the action for the cameras. 


Good catch Slim, and I have no doubt this was pre-planned. As I said, he wanted his two minutes of fame and now he’s got it.

Dennis Miller said on the Factor tonight that Kerry should have jumped off the stage and saved the kid, but he was probably waiting for U.N. approval.

I’m beginning to believe this was a staged incident. Too much theatrics. Look for this kid to be in the Keith Olbermann hall of fame.

Points from curts video (from main video edited short not my link)

1) note gal to speakers right with cell phone taking video from the start

2) note camera guy squatting on floor next to her till action started

3) at 20 sec mark note guy in coat and tie next to police signals someone (sound people? to cut of mic)

4) at 1 min mark note those close by are laughing a giggling about staged incident and seem to sense the speaker is under no duress. 

From the video on Youtube that is longer and starts early in the rant

1) angle of video and proximity conclude it must be from the cellphone video to the speakers right

2) the earlier video showed no cameras behind her position

3) the short stage shot of Kerry show low video quality of a cellphone

4) the audio lag is consistent with a cellphone video.

5) early in his rant people on the far side of the room start exiting the area with looks of seeming disgust on their faces

6) the female officer (hatbill intrudes on video) tapped him on the shoulder when he was getting out of line

In both videos the speaker appears to have been trying to provoke an incident and his confrontation with the police when reviewed shows he does not try to break contact completely, but stage plays the scene to the cameras

From the mannerisms of the spectators on either side of the isle, there seems to be apparent realizations of this staging and no threat or duress to the speaker based on the facial expressions and relaxed demeanor. It would seem to appear that the lady taking video with the cellphone and the squatting camera men may be friends/class members of Mr Meyer.

The guy in the coat and tie identified (see Michael Malikin’s post

Accent Speaker’s Bureau president, Stephen Blank (in some videos, front row left side of right aisle), signals the AV guys to cut Meyer off.

ASB coordinates all guest speakers at UofF

As usual, these college coppers are going to be hung-out-to-dry by their administration.

The Sgt. and the female officer that drive-stunned the idiot are on admin leave pending the results of the investigation.

Look for them to be fired at the completion of it.

The more I see of this incident, the more I see a sophmoric buffoon out for publicity who set the police up so that he could get his 15 minutes of national fame on CNN. He needs to pay for what he did and the police must NOT be, as theBronze aptly states, “hung out to dry”.

Now I despise Kerry, but he is a senator and causing a commotion at an even where a high-profile senator is will make the security force act. That is a given. The police seemed to use A LOT of restraint in dealing with this moron.

Add to this that Meyers was more interested in the taping and the fact that it was clearly a set-up could imply that Meyer was doing more than disturbing the peace, he was inciting a riot among sypathetic students.

Yet what was CNN focusing on today? They focused on the taser and only briefly mentioned that Meyer was a publicity hog. If only the media would pay attention to the video and motives like others have. Though, with all the set-ups that the media does, they may not want to advertise this.

Meyer’s lawyers state the video is their best defense. From the review SlimGuy did, I think they might want to take that back.

The entire episode would have been avoided if John Kerry had the good sense to cut the guy off when he started his rambling trash talk.

But you know Democrats, they LOVE wallowing in garbage, so Kerry just stood there, which gave Meyer all the license he needed.

Kerry could have shut him down with one word and he didn’t.

It’s the same deal as these Code Pink circus freaks. Dems don’t just tolerate these nuts, they ENCOURAGE them.

Through Karen (a blogging friend), I discovered this blogger is a friend of one of the officers.


Wow, all this fuss over some loudmouth kid. Why ? Wouldn’t it be better to look at all the cases where police actually kill someone unjustly. Sean Bell anyone ?

Of course, police never make mistakes, just ask them. That’s why the civil protections eliminated in the patriot act don’t matter, police are always right, they are always following their training, and, of course, they never lie.

Siding with the loudmouth, John? I guess you are the company you keep. Maybe Chris Matthews is a fellow Ron Paul supporter, like you and Meyer?

I don’t know, maybe I should become a flopping Ace, then I’d have the right to taser people that annoy me. I might get to like that.

Police make mistakes, just as doctors do, just as every human on the face of the earth does. That fact does not make this incident a mistake. He was ordered to comply by a police officer to remove himself from the auditorium, when he did not he was arrested. When he resisted this arrest police officers don’t have a choice to use force, they MUST use the necessary force to ensure compliance with the arrest. It’s that simple. A taser is one of the least intrusive pain complaince methods out there next to pepper spray. But its a bad idea to use pepper spray in a large hall with many people in it. Now they could of used their fists to knock him senseless, or their flashlights to the joints and pressure points, but they choose not to.

If the suspect believes it to be a unlawful arrest he/she can fight it in court, both civilly and criminally. But to fight them is not a choice.

Your comments are childish and inane, typical police hater. I do believe your kind is more welcome at DummiesU tho, might try there.

I don’t know, maybe I should become a flopping Ace, then I’d have the right to taser people that annoy me.

Hey! Don’t taze me, bro!

Are We Tasering People Enough?

I am 100% in favor of tasering obnoxious people, whether they are conservative, liberal or radically moderate.

Been Tased and Confused…

We’ve been hearing the name Andrew Meyer all day today, betwixt meaningless OJ coverage, of course. He’s the moron that got himself tasered by University of Florida Police Officers at a John Kerry event yesterday. Anybody who watches the video

At John Kerry’s Florida rally, Andrew Meyer wasn’t “shot” by a Taser, but merely shocked by one used in “drive-stun” mode

Michelle Malkin, James Joyner, and lots of other bloggers are posting about University of Florida student Andrew Meyer being Tasered (to take a fairly elegant product name and make an inelegant verb out of it) at a John Kerry political rally. Michelle …

VIDEOS: “Don’t tase me bro!” – Andrew Meyer

(TIP: For those who just want to watch the videos, I’ve embedded 3, and linked to another. So scroll down and skip my pontificating if you’re simply here for the vids)
By now it would be shocking if you hadn’t heard about the antics …