Surrender Monkeys


Oops!  I meant Donkeys…surrender donkeys!

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Add 50,000 more troops to Iraqi Theater

Try this logic out for size. If, when we added 20,000 troops and the strategy of “clear and hold” accomplished stability in those regions, then another 50,000 for a six month all out “super-surge” just might do the trick. Of course, the only way to add these numbers to the theater would mean deploying troops stationed in other parts of the world that would weaken the strategic positions for a short period of time. It would be like moving all your houses and hotels onto Boardwalk and banking on your opponent to land there. Once is all it would take and blammo, game over.

But this is not a game, I know. The real game is going on in congress with the democrats attempting to find some footing as to what’s the next best thing to their cut-n-run policy that has failed as miserably as the Move-ON ad in the New York Times. Questioning the integrity of a 4-Star General with impeccable credentials may not have been the most brilliant move the Soro’s/Anti-war crowd has made, but it sure puts their feet (stance) firmly in the cement. We know exactly where these cowards stand. And there’s a bunch of democrats standing on the edge just waiting to see how deep the hole is before they decide to step in.

Linked and track-backed the old fasioned way here

I see the sense of what you propose but I would suggest that the General knows what he has available to him and what he can reasonably use. The whole operation will take an unknown but mostly immutable amount of time to complete and I don’t think that trying to “super surge” it will work and will make the exhaustion of the finite resources he has available both inevitable and rapid. It’s like turning up the oven to bake the cake faster. It ends up ruining the cake and wasting time and ingredients.

see the sense of what you propose but I would suggest that the General knows what he has available to him and what he can reasonably use.

TB, While I have always advocated a larger military presence in Iraq, (which one can understand is nearly impossible at this point), I usually save my suggestion of ramping up the numbers for our anti-war “friends” that are complaining about current troop levels.

That said, we can certainly hope that the General’s lean, mean, fighting machine, (and his new ROE’s) will continue to progress in the fasion of Anbar and other provinces with the tactics of “clear and hold”. I am concerned that what is transpiring in the southern provinces will not have turned into an uncontrolable situation before Petraeus can focus his attention and mobility in that direction. Maybe even the treat of sending a few divisions down there would convince Sadr and his militia’s to pause and reflect.

I would even guess that the one thing Bush and the Pentagon did advise the General was not to ask for more troops, which I’m sure he would love to have a dozen more divisions under his direction for a short period.

The problem with your “baked cake” analogy is time is not on our side. Fighting a war with a democratic timetable is a recipe for defeat—–but that’s what the left are banking on.

Maybe even the treat of sending a few divisions down there would convince Sadr and his militia’s to pause and reflect.

should have read threat not treat