Brian Baird: We Need To Stay In Iraq

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There’s dissension in the ranks today, as DEMOCRATIC Congressman Brian Baird writes this op-ed piece in the Seattle Times. I write this today as a counterbalance to a report in the Washington Post that Senator John Warner is calling for President Bush to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq.

The main premise is this: we live in a topsy-turvy world when a Democrat issues a call to maintain our hefty presence in Iraq when a Republican calls for a pullout. We’ve castigated the Democrats for pandering to the anti-war, far-Left fringe groups, but we must cast a disapproving look towards Senator Warner as well.

“The invasion of Iraq may be one of the worst foreign-policy mistakes in the history of our nation. As tragic and costly as that mistake has been, a precipitous or premature withdrawal of our forces now has the potential to turn the initial errors into an even greater problem just as success looks possible.”

“As a Democrat who voted against the war from the outset and who has been frankly critical of the administration and the post-invasion strategy, I am convinced by the evidence that the situation has at long last begun to change substantially for the better. I believe Iraq could have a positive future. Our diplomatic and military leaders in Iraq, their current strategy, and most importantly, our troops and the Iraqi people themselves, deserve our continued support and more time to succeed.”

“I understand the desire of many of our citizens and my colleagues in Congress to bring the troops home as soon as possible. The costs have been horrific for our soldiers, their families, the Iraqi people and the economy. If we keep our troops on the ground we will lose more lives, continue to spend billions each week, and, given the history and complex interests of the region, there is no certainty that our efforts will succeed in the long run. We must be absolutely honest about these costs and risks and I am both profoundly saddened and angry that we are where we are.”

But we must take issue with the Congressman’s statement above. Our military consists of the most proficient, highly-trained, VOLUNTEERS in the nation. Granted, I have never served, so I cannot speak to the suffering families nationwide experience when a loved one is gone for a significant period of time, often two to three times. With that said, any invocation to previous conflicts, notably Vietnam, cannot occur. We are discussing an all-volunteer army…brave men and women who knew what the potential ramifications would be when enlisting.

Regarding the Iraqi people, many have shown considerable fortitude in the face of endless suicide bombings, sectarian violence, and targeted killings. Yet, the government has failed to hold up its end of the bargain and should be held accountable.

And yes, we have spent an exorbitant amount of money. Any call for withdraw based purely on economic factors may carry some weight. Our country is bankrupt; the Fed prints money as if it were merely Monopoly money. That is the only reason that SHOULD be considered. Any arguments that we are creating more terrorists due to our presence in the region, or that we invaded for oil should IMMEDIATELY be disregarded.

“It is just not realistic to expect Iraq or any other nation to be able to rebuild its government, infrastructure, security forces and economy in just four years. Despite the enormous challenges, the fact is, the situation on the ground in Iraq is improving in multiple and important ways.”

Note the Congressman’s statement below. When invading Iraq, we dismantled, with surgical precision, the country’s entire infrastructure. Those elected officials, particularly the Left call for troop withdrawal, are they essentially wondering why success was not achieved overnight?

“Our soldiers are reclaiming ground and capturing or killing high-priority targets on a daily basis. Sheiks and tribal groups are uniting to fight against the extremists and have virtually eliminated al-Qaida from certain areas. The Iraqi military and police are making progress in their training, taking more responsibility for bringing the fight to the insurgents and realizing important victories. Businesses and factories that were once closed are being reopened and people are working again. The infrastructure is gradually being repaired and markets are returning to life.”

Therein lays the crux of the argument. Note the points above:

  1. Our soldiers are reclaiming ground and capturing/killing high priority targets on a daily basis.
  2. Sheiks and tribal groups are uniting to fight against the extremists and have virtually eliminated al-Qaida from certain areas.
  3. The Iraqi military and police are making progress in their training, taking more responsibility for bringing the fight to the insurgents and realizing important victories.
  4. Businesses and factories that were once closed are being reopened and people are working again.
  5. The infrastructure is gradually being repaired and markets are returning to life.

“From a strategic perspective, if we leave now, Iraq is likely to break into even worse sectarian conflict. The extremist regime in Iran will expand its influence in Iraq and elsewhere in the region. Terrorist organizations, the people who cut off the heads of civilians, stone women to death, and preach hatred and intolerance, will be emboldened by our departure. In the ensuing chaos, the courageous Iraqi civilians, soldiers and political leaders who have counted on us will be left to the slaughter. No American who cares about human rights, security and our moral standing in the world can be comfortable letting these things happen.”

We have rightfully castigated the Left for pushing for immediate or precipitous troop withdrawal. Regarding the statement above, the Democratic Congressman seems to understand the ramifications of the resulting vacuum.

So tell, those who oppose the surge…why should we remove our presence?

crossposted at The Twin Cities Conservative

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Trackbacked by The Thunder Run – Web Reconnaissance for 08/24/2007
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

An obvious reason why I’m sticking around this hell-hole is because of this idiotic push for non-stop warfare. If I wasn’t a conservative and didn’t think I could talk these retards out of spending our money on a foreign nation, I wouldn’t be here. This is simply stupid.

Don’t make me angry you little bitch, chicken-hawk wanna bees

“The main premise is this: we live in a topsy-turvy world when a Democrat issues a call to maintain our hefty presence in Iraq when a Republican calls for a pullout.”

You stupid idiots, the Dems and Repubs want the same thing overall! They want the welfare and warfare state, because the profit handsomely off of it!

If you dont’ call for the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, you are a fucking traitor! Go over there and fight, or shut the fuck up! You silly stupid, wanna be a hero, retards! Don’t forget your pink helmets@!

Typical leftist debate. Some obvious anger issues and name calling. You obviously bring nothing to this discussion so your gone. Buh bye.

Truth is, the whole thing is a war crime, and the criminals are trying to cover their tracks, by hanging on to the dim hope that somehow, someway, they are going to kill off enough Iraqis, that they can take over the oil fields.

Turkey is breathing down their throats, though. In the end, it may be Turkey, holding the Kurdish fields of black gold, and grabbing that ball away from the private oil cartel.

Worse, it appears that Israel is disintegrating.
All of a sudden, American Jews are getting fed up with the Zionist fascists. They lost, when Sharon succumbed to that poison wine, served up to him by the bloody Olmert.

It’s too late, little NeoCons. You lost. Soon you will have to move to those 18,000 acres that Bush bought in Paraguay. Otherwise, you will face tribunals for war crimes and crimes against humanity. We will try you for treason.
Don’t think that you are so great, that nobody can bring you down. They are naming names, now.
These men and women have names.
Call them out.
BTW, if you are protecting them, you are part of the problem. By lying about Iraq and Afghanistan, you are nothing more than covering for thugs.
You can have a carpet of gold, or of bombs…..said the corporate master…….we see who you are.
You acted so outrageously, that now we know all about the things that you do.
Viva the USA.
Down with the North American “Amero” and the Fed.
We see all of you, now.
One hot dog, and the rest are exposed by the mendacity of their actions.

“If you dont’ call for the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, you are a fucking traitor! Go over there and fight, or shut the fuck up! You silly stupid, wanna be a hero, retards! Don’t forget your pink helmets@!”

Pink-NO BLUE!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Democrats discuss the Iraqi threat and their plan for the vaunted/non-existent “New Direction in Iraq” strategy

Democrats’ final plan for success in Iraq:

There’s the “logic” of the Left; they can’t wage an information wage with facts or rationale, so instead they resort to name-calling. What’s sad is that they truly believe we invaded for oil, or for imperialist purposes…It’s pretty sad, because a significant portion of people have been swayed to such extremes by the far-Left and MSM.

I don’t think anyone here advocates “nonstop warfare,” we just don’t advocate waving the white flag, or turning tail and running at the first sign of conflict. Nor do we advocate appeasement and negotations. Nor we do we believe in repeating the past (i.e. late 1930’s Czechoslovakia, post Vietnam Killing Fields)…

…the killing fields like Dem Congressman Webb describes on his site? Hmmmm

In the end, the opponents of the war are too often mistaken that somehow this is W’s war, and not America’s-surely not Democrats’. Too often they can’t get over the 98 impeachment, the 00 election, the shock that 911 reveals law enforcement isn’t a primary national defense strategy that works against terror, the 02 midterms where DEMOCRATS ranted and raved about what a threat Saddam was, then authorized the war and promoted it right up until the leadership became Presidential candidates and needed to steal Gov Dean’s support 4 months after the vote. There is a vast crowd of alienated, disenfranchised, frustrated, and ticked off people who are so ticked, so frustrated, etc., that they’ll believe anything the left’s leaders tell them, and in the end…the message is always the same: blame Bush (ie, remove W and all will be well). If that’s not campaign spinning I dunno what is, but they buy it because they’re still upset about this or that-so blinded they ignore history and fact.

I don’t which one is loonier: that Lost in Space guy or “D” who CLAIMS to be a conservative.

Doesn’t “D” know by now that claiming to be the real conservative is an instant giveaway that you’re nothing of the kind?

It amazes me that these idiots think everyone else is as stupid as they are.

And that Lost in Space loon is in serious need of a new tin foil helmet. The old one is clearly letting in too many thought control rays.

For you all that are for us pulling out of iraq and like saying shit about or country, and people that are laying down there lives so you can be free and sleep at night not worrying about being attacked by teerorist. you all are fucking dumb ass’s and need to leave this country so you can see how much better thise country realy is. unless you wannt to go fight for thise country dont say shit not even the soldiers complain.

NIE: Withdrawal Discussion Frustrates Iraqi Politi

Democrats are shifting focus from a failing surge (since itÂ’s working and working well) to the Maliki government in order to sway public opinion against the war. ItsÂ’ clear that #Â’s 1 & 3 are on the side of the ”we need to complete the mission” argum…