The Jose Padilla Conviction


So Jose Padilla was convicted a few days ago and the left cried.  Jenny Martinez in the WaPo says that the case proves our legal system is capable of handling the war on terror.  Of course she doesn’t believe there is a war and she doesn’t believe his case was handled very well so her conclusion is, well, wrong. 

This leftist doesn’t care what Padilla’s ideology is, only that his rights are maintained.  Whether he wanted to set off a dirty bomb and kill thousands matters not:

I have no interest in Padilla’s ideology, but an abiding interest in his rights.

This anarchist is pissed off that he was convicted of anything:

If upheld, we now live in a Minority Report country. You can go to prison because someone thinks you might commit a crime in the future. No proof of wrong doing needed. Just the possibility of future crime.

Of course there was plenty of evidence of wrongdoing, that is the reason 12 of his peers convicted him.  But it wasn’t the ruling he wanted so it must be unjust.  They complain because he wasn’t getting a trial then complain when he gets a trial but is convicted. 

Par for the course from our left.

This guy is "horrified" that he was convicted of anything at all:

I was absolutely horrified when I read that Jose Padilla was found guilty on extremely vague conspiracy charges by a jury of his peers, fellow Americans.

Because to try anyone on something he was planning to do is just wrong you see.  We must allow them to commit the crime first, kill as many people as he can, and THEN take him in.  Don’t you understand the Constitution man? 


But the real problem here is not the conviction, but the fact that this case proves terrorist cases should NOT be handled by our legal system.  Lawyers and leftists are saying this proves the opposite:

the verdict proves that the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is unnecessary to deal with terrorism suspects.

But the charges that were leveled were not the ones he should of been convicted of.  Namely the dirty bomb accusations.  Why?  Because that would entail using classified intelligence which cannot, nor should it ever, be used in our legal justice system.  The reasons for his detention and that of every single terrorist in Gitmo is because we are at war.  They are a threat to our security.  They are not there to be punished or rehabilitated, they are there to ensure they cannot harm our nation and our troops again.

That is the reason Padilla’s day in court was a travesty.  He is a terrorist, he is the enemy, but we treated him like Clinton did, as a law enforcement issue, and look where that got us.

But these lefties wish to try ALL of our enemies under our court system, to allow them access to lawyers and classified intelligence.  All because they care so much for the rights of our enemies rather then the lives of their countrymen and women. 

The day a Democrat ever gets into the White House again, and the closure of Gitmo occurs, will be a dark day indeed…..but a great day for our enemy.

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So you thing this conviction is legit? They tortured this guy for 3 years in the brig. He was convicted in the press back in 2002 when the “dirty bomb” story was attached to him. There isn’t any evidence of that original story, nor is there any evidence of the subsequent plot to blow up apartment buildings.

That information was achieved through torture, of KSM, Abu Zubadyah and a couple others. People who are being tortured will say anything to get it to stop.

Celebrate and insult liberals all you want, but this fetish for torture on the right is sick. I can understand denying global warming a lot more than I can denying the established science regarding torture.

Tortured! You guys take the cake man.

I’m betting you believe Osama is an innocent man also, Bush just put the case on him.

What fools you people look like.

Obviously Al has spent too much time in the liquor cabinet.

Those at Gitmo have it made — in fact, some of them don’t want to be sent back to their host countries because they know that real torture will then ensue.

The left is so morally blind — anything to get back at George Bush for stealing two elections. Must have been stolen — who could vote for such a moron? Right? You leftist nitwits do indeed take the cake!

First off, I’ve never been accused of being a member of the left before. I guess when you live in polarized society you have to figure being put in one camp or the other.

It is convenient for you to dismiss what I say based on my being either right or left, (sorry I meant to say wrong.)

The fact is, Jose Padilla wasn’t convicted of terrorism and there was no evidence presented otherwise.

I really love your “Don’t you know your Constitution, Man?”

Surely you can point to something that upholds your view of our legal tradition.

My understanding is that the US Constitution prohibits indictments, let alone convictions based on the *prosecutor’s allegation* that Padilla wanted to commit a crime in the past or may have wanted to, somewhere in the future.

Sorry right wing guy, but Padilla never harmed anyone.

There was no evidence that he made an agreement with anybody to harm anyone whether for money or ideology or whatever.

He was convicted based on hearsay, not facts.

This conviction did more to damage the authority of the Constitution than anything Padilla was accused of.

When law becomes a weapon, liberty dies.

From the left of you righty.