Reading this drivel from the New York Times can only be compared to reading the latest soap opera digest. Lots of flowery prose for their future President (which you just know they are on bend and knee praying for) and her letters to some guy she knew way back when.
2,229 words about old letters from a Senator (and former First Lady to an impeached President.)
Do you think the New York Times will spend any time writing about the long lost love letters written by Thompson? Guiliani? Hunter? McCain? I’m doubting it.
Oh, they may spend a few paragraphs on it while they stab away with a butcher knife at that "terrible" legislation they voted on in the past, or this "power hungry" wife, or this and that. All secondary to politics.
But not this article. It’s written with love. So elequent, so pretty. The whole article is almost it’s own love letter to Hillary.
Good stuff Mark Leibovich….you did your profession proud once again.

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