Ron Paulbots Demand Censorship!

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The creepy freakzoids are at it again.  This time the Ron Paulbots have demanded, and received, censorship of a blog post that just so happened to be posted on a local news station website.  The same zombies that whine that their 0% popular candidate be included in ALL debates, and that he not be censored now demand censorship of a post that points out how alike Ron Paul is with the Twoofers:

As many of you know, this blog is syndicated onto North Dakota’s Reiten Broadcasting television station websites.  As with all my posts, this post about Ron Paul and the John Birch society was put via the syndication on the Reiten Broadcasting website.  But if you try to view that post there now, you’ll see an “Article Removed” message.

Why?  Because Ron Paul’s nutty online brownshirters issued forth a dictum in one of the forums to “educate” me.  Sounds…Orwellian, doesn’t it?

You can view the offending post here:

I’m shocked that Rep. Paul would be a Bircher:

Asked about the John Birch Society Society by the author, Paul responds, “Is that BAD? I have a lot of friends in the John Birch Society. They’re generally well-educated and they understand the Constitution. I don’t know how many positions they would have that I don’t agree with.”

Of course, Ron Paul thinks 9/11 was a plot to create an excuse for war in Afghanistan/Iraq (and thinks a staged attack to create an excuse for war with Iran is imminent).  Just as the Birchers thought FDR planned Pearl Harbor as an excuse to get into WWII:

Gotta tell ya, I’m not shocked at all that he is a Bircher.  I mean, he is a regular on the Alex Jones show, the big dog of conspiracy nuts, so it wouldn’t be surprising that he is a Bircher.  Judging from the comments we all get from his fans I’m sure most of his Paulbots are also.

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I saw the blog thread. It did not say anything about taking the article down. It merely suggested that the writer was an imbecile that needed to be educated. He never provide any proof to his assertions and accusations. He lied in the article. So it stands to reason that he’s lying again. And author of this blog is perpetuating the same lie. With this much lying going on someone is going to hell.

Is it true that there are no records of Ron Paul until the Roswell crash in 1948? Is he a grey in disguise? Who’ll be his running mate? Bigfoot?

Hi. I am pretty sure that the blog was taken down because the author had made up a significant portion of it. I dont think Reiten Broadcasting wanted lies on its website as it is a news organization.

This is a sad excuse for impartial writing. The writer’s statement is false. I was one of the ones who commented on his ill-researched and biased opinion piece.

He states that all the commentators requested that his post be deleted. This is untrue.

There were many who opposed the writer’s point of view but I did not see one post demanding the removal of his post. Instead, they questioned his lack of research, uniformed opinion and apparently prejudiced viewpoint.

I urge the writer of this “opinion piece” to do some research before writing. You might educate yourself before trying to educate the public. Making statements that are true would be a good place to begin your writing.