Truther Interviews Ron Paul

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Alex Jones, the man who for over 10 years now has profited from a apocalyptic message of the world, interviewed Ron Paul on Thursday and we see once more why this Ron Paul is a fruitcake.

For those of you who don’t know who Alex Jones is, he has produced 14 documentaries on the coming doom of the world due to the New World Order.  His message is that World War III is eminent, that the NWO is planning on killing off 80% of the population, and that 9/11 was an inside job put in place by the NWO.  He wrote a book entitled 9/11 – Decent into Tyranny which I’m sure you will have no trouble discerning the message of, and he has a radio show that is popular with the conspiracy freaks nationwide.

Well, Ron Paul appeared on his show on Thursday and stated he believes that Iran will be the new Gulf of Tonkin for the NWO to keep control of the populace.  Then Alex Jones equates Bush and conservatives with Hitler (big surprise there) and asks Ron Paul if what we are seeing with Iran and Iraq is the equivalent of Hitler turning east into Russia.  Ron Paul’s answer?

I don’t know if it’s THE equivalent but it certainly psychologically means that when these people get their back up to the wall their not going to reverse their thought process, they will not change policy, and they just get more aggressive.

When in doubt, always throw the Hitler reference in there, that always gets the leftists into a cheerful mood.

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Ron Paul does say that he believes the war will end soon though, after the total collapse of the United States economy which will happen after we bomb Iran and close the Persian Gulf. 

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He then goes into the Democrat talking point about the poor.  Jones asks him when massive standard of living reductions will occur to which Ron Paul says that the poor are already experiencing it but the wall street rich folks aren’t yet.  They will after the new Gulf of Tonkin incident tho.

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But hey, Ron Paul is the TRUE conservative.



I love it when a Ron Paulbot backs Alex Jones like this commenter did today on this thread:

Wasn’t Alex Jones That Nut who perdicted 9/11 before it happen?? and din’t he say that they would probably blame 9/11 on Bin Laden???…(Nice try neo cons but it isn’t going to work!!!!)

He means this video:

In which it is quite apparent he DID NOT predict 9/11 (only a real truther and nut would believe this….but we are talking about Paulbots here) but in fact all he did was warn his nimrod listeners to call the White House and warn them if there was an attack then they knew it wasn’t Osama.  That is called hedging your bets.  If an attack happens he can claim he is the all-seeing omniprescient grand poo-bah of wacked out conspiracy nuts OR if a attack does not happen he can claim it was his minions who prevented it by calling the WH and warning them not to attack (because you see, it was the Guvmint all along). 

Any of us could do the same right now.  Claim a attack is being orchestrated by the left and then beg our readers to burn up the leftist phone lines warning them that "they better not….or else"….if an attack happens I can then claim sainthood, if it doesn’t it was because of the great work my readers did.

Sigh….it’s sad how gullible you truthers and Paulbots are.

There is a reason he has stayed atop the heap all this time.  He is a shrewd self-promoter with a message that those with only two brain cells left in their brain flock to.   Which explains Ron Paul and his bots.

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If you want to know whats really going on with all of this, all you have to do is look at energy markets. There is a catastrophic problem headed our way and the upper class dont want you and I to know about it until there is a solution or it is simply too late. If there is no solution in place, then Alex Jones is correct 80% of the worlds people could perish due to the lack of food and drinking water. Go to a website called life after the oil crash .com. You will be enlightened. It is easy to see how all of the elite class are struggling for an answer to this coming danger, Nau may be one way they think we can avoid widespread famine and disease, just a guess.
Myself, I would rather have a man with integrity and a history of following his principles, in office so that when he sounds the alarm, people will listen and act. by the way, LATOC.COM doesnt use sources that are in any way hard to verify, that is the truly scary part!!

36 minutes for the first Paulbot to discover the post, you zombies are falling down on your job.

If you listen to and actually “think” about what Ron Paul is saying…and cannot understand how accurate he is in everything he says…then I am afraid the fruitcake is not Ron Paul…it is you!

How much do the neocons pay you to write this crap, anyway?

Sorry I did not get to this sooner – I was out organizing a sign wave for Dr. Paul..
He’s the most wonderful candidate we’ve ever had, he speaks the truth…

By the way did you read what Michael Chertoff said the other day?

Heh heh.

I guess you can look at it here…

Ron Paul is a revisionist psycho and his fan club consists of paranoid spammers with merde for brains. That’s the REAL truth, Truthers.

How to Whip This Ron Paul Character and All His Stupid Followers.

Ron Paul can be defeated by ignorance. Ignore him if you can.
By lies. Misrepresent his positions whenever possible.
By word gaming. As Lenin advised, “First, confuse the vocabulary.”
By contempt. Dismiss him as amusing and pathetic.
By smearing his supporters. Find the worst and spotlight them. Call them a cult.
By consensus. Dismiss him with peer-pressure ridicule.
By false accusations. Spread them quickly and far.
By never discussing his policies. Change the subject to his person.
By the polls. Ask the right people the right questions and get the answer you want.
By reporting his most unpopular votes. But don’t report his reasoning.
By rudeness. Wreck any debate where his ideas are winning.
With all these tools, he can be easily defeated. Use them generously.
But Ron Paul cannot be defeated by refuting him in an honest and courteous technical debate. Avoid that.

– Moderno Machiavelli

“By smearing his supporters. Find the worst and spotlight them. Call them a cult.”

Ron Paul has 0% support in the latest USA Today/Gallup Poll. That is a fact. Do you Ronpaulians understand that you cannot spam the voting booth?

The relentless spamming activities of the Ronpaulians has been noted widely. Ronpaulians have been caught in action many times. Google “Ron Pall spam” and read it for yourself.

It’s all well and good when grassroots activism is used by the people YOU support… Oh wait… That was election fraud… My bad….

I don’t understand your claim that Ron Paul is emulating a “Democrat talking point about the poor” when he says that poor people are suffering disproporitionately in our economy. Paul is a radical free-market libertarian, so this means that what he wants is nothing close to the Democratic Party. Paul is following standard ‘Austrian school’ economics here, I think. The boom-bust cycle that has been caused by central banking (and accompanying rampant inflation) and the dissolution of a hard currency puts the poor at a special disadvantage to the rich. Soft money is contstantly being injected into our economy, causing inflation. But who gets their hands on inflated money first? The wealthy do (and to some extent, the middle class through credit). By the time all this new money gets into the hands of the poor (by ‘trickling’ through the rest of the economy), inflaction has taken its full effect and the money isn’t worth as much.

Ron Paul is not a socialist. He doesn’t blame ‘corporations’ for the plight of the poor. But he does believe that the poor suffer disproportionately from the economic problems our society faces (and, no matter what your view of our current economy, it has problems, right?) And that the rich have little motivation to give a crap. I don’t see how any of this can really be disputed.

Wasn’t Alex Jones That Nut who perdicted 9/11 before it happen?? and din’t he say that they would probably blame 9/11 on Bin Laden???…(Nice try neo cons but it isn’t going to work!!!!)

It’s going to be funny. Ron Paul and Truthers can’t exist without eventually criticizing those in power in Washington. With the Democrats in power in congress. Attacks will need to be made their way, eventually.

When that happens the media will so bring on the ridicule for both. I mean back when we were bombing the piss out of Serbia’s civilian infrastructure the anti-war groups were motivated. And they were promptly ridiculed by the MSM because they were working against a Democrat President. They got just enough airtime to trivialize them and then they were never heard from again. Well until there was a Republic President and their movement gets a featured seat in the MSM all the time.

The same thing is happening with Ron Paul and the truthers. Once they take on Democrats, they will be ridiculed, trivialized, and shutout by the MSM and Democrats.

Enjoy your time in the sun.

Ignore us if you will, but make no mistake, there is a storm a brewin!

Curt- What a lame way to drive up site traffic! You know the Paulbots will go absolutely whacko if you use his name in a way that isn’t similar to worshiping God.

Guilty as charged. Need a traffic boost, post gibberish with Ron Paul and God in the same sentence, ta da! Traffic boost.