Political Hack Bill Moyers Spews More Bias

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Bill Moyers plans to run an impeachment special tonight on his show Frontline based on this poll done by American Research Group, Inc.:

A public opinion poll from the American Research Group recently reported that more than four in ten Americans — 45% — favor impeachment hearings for President Bush and more than half — 54% — favored impeachment for Vice President Cheney.

Unhappiness about the war in Iraq isn’t the only cause of the unsettled feelings of the electorate. Recent events like President Bush’s pardoning of Scooter Libby, the refusal of Vice President Cheney’s office to surrender emails under subpoena to Congress and the President’s prohibition of testimony of former White House counsel Harriet E. Miers in front of the House Judiciary Committee have caused unease over claims of "executive privilege." In addition, many of the White House anti-terror initiatives and procedures — from the status of "enemy combatants" in Guantanamo to warrantless wiretapping — have come under legal scrutiny in Congress and the courts.

Bill Moyers gets perspective on the role of impeachment in American political life from Constitutional scholar Bruce Fein, who wrote the first article of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, and THE NATION’s John Nichols, author of THE GENIUS OF IMPEACHMENT.

The fact that Bill Moyers would air a special on a Bush impeachment should surprise no one.  He conveniently includes a poll which oversampled Democrats by 9 points (38% Dems – 29% Repub) and ignores the fact that Bush has not committed a high crime or misdemeanor.  What matters to Bill Moyers is keeping the word impeachment in the public eye.  Why?  Because Bill is very much involved in that Shadow Party I have been writing about. 

The same man who said this on election eve 2004:

"I think if Kerry were to win this in a – – in a tight race, I think there’d be an effort to mount a coup, quite frankly. . . . I mean that the right wing is not going to accept it."

Is the man who puts out the news, who spews his political beliefs to the world and wraps it up as if it is fact.  Someone to be "trusted" by the populace. 

But in fact he is one of Soros closest confidants, a former trustee of the Open Society Institute, and the man who provided great help to Soros in orchestrating the campaign for the McCain-Feingold legislation which opened the door for the Shadow Party to come into power. 

Does the name Pewgate mean anything to you?  It should.

It was a program which for all intents and purposes used fraud to push through campaign finance reform, all to get McCain-Feingold passed so the group of non-profit foundations that Soros controls could wield their influence on the Democrat party.  It would never had been discovered except for the videotape obtained by Ryan Sager at the New York Post which showed Sean P. Treglia, a former program officer of the Pew Charitable Trusts, admitting that he masterminded the plan.

Here is the plan in his own words:

Addressing an audience of journalists, academics and other experts, Treglia said, "I’m going to tell you a story that I’ve never told any reporter. Now that I’m several months away from Pew and we have campaign-finance reform, I can tell this story."

According to Treglia, proponents of "campaign finance reform" faced a problem – Americans did not want the kind of "reform" they were proposing. The movement "had lost legitimacy inside Washington because they didn’t have a constituency that would punish Congress if they didn’t vote for reform," Treglia explained.

And so he devised a plan. Since the "reformers" had no constituency, they would simply create one – or rather, the illusion of one. They would use foundation money to buy "experts" and front groups across the nation, to generate outcries for "campaign finance reform." Some front groups were created from scratch. In other cases, existing non-profit groups were paid handsomely to climb on the "campaign finance reform" bandwagon.

Flush with foundation money, these front groups would beat their breasts unceasingly for "campaign finance reform," putting on an energetic show for a tiny audience of 100 Senators and 435 members of Congress. Says Treglia:

"The target audience for all this activity was 535 people in Washington. The idea was to create an impression that a mass movement was afoot – that everywhere they looked, in academic institutions, in the business community, in religious groups, in ethnic groups, everywhere, people were talking about reform."

from 1994 to 2004, Pew and its allies dispensed $140 million to promote campaign finance "reform," of which 88 percent – a cool $123 million – came from just eight foundations

Those foundations were:

  • Pew Charitable Trusts
  • Schumann Center for Media and Democracy
  • Carnegie Corporation of New York
  • Joyce Foundation
  • George Soros’ Open Society Institute
  • Jerome Kohlberg Trust
  • Ford Foundation
  • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

The WSJ:

But the results were spectacular. Not only did the effort succeed in bulldozing Congress and President Bush, but it might have played a role in persuading the Supreme Court, which had previously ruled against broad restrictions on political speech, to declare McCain-Feingold constitutional in 2003 on a 5-4 vote. "You will see that almost half the footnotes relied on by the Supreme Court in upholding the law are research funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts," Mr. Treglia boasted.,

Bill Moyers was president of the Schumann Center at the time, and that foundation was the number two Pewgate donor.  Not only that, he received Pewgate money and promoted front groups funded by Pewgate foundations.

From "The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party":

Through his Public Affairs Television company, Moyers produces documentaries for PBS newsmagazines such as Frontline.  As a Pewgate operative, Moyers’ special relationship with PBS provided him with a bully pulpit for getting the message out about campaign finance reform.  Journalistic ethics took a back seat to the political cause.  In a June 1999 PBS special "Free Speech for Sale," Moyers interviewed three campaign finance reformers – Bert Neuborne of the Brennan Center, Charles Lewis of the Center for Public Integrity, and Bob Hall of Democracy South – without disclosing that all three represented organizations funded by Moyers’ own Schumann Center.  By that time, Moyers had personally produced eight hours of programming promoting campaign finance reform.

So we can see that Bill Moyers CANNOT be trusted to put on any programming that is unbiased.  He is a political hack dressed up like a journalist and should be treated as such.

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Before you type something, shouldn’t you look up what it means? Typical, really. What is a high crime? Maybe you should look that up with respect to the constitutional meaning(oh, I know, there goes the discussion of that damn 200-year-old document again). Good luck with that rapture, thing.

Since President Bush has not committed ANY crime then discussing this with someone with so few braincells such as yourself is a waste of time….

Let’s go to the tape (and the Constitution):

The President’s commutation of Scooter Libby – the presidential authority to pardon and commute sentences is unfettered, spelled out in black and white in the Constitution.

The use of executive privilege to protect privileged communications between the president and his aides have been asserted by every president since George Washington and upheld by the SCOTUS. The only exception, if a crime has knowingly been committed and executive privilege is asserted to cover up that crime.

All of Harriet Miers communications with the President are covered by attorney-client privilege. This privilege has been upheld by SCOTUS.

In the immediate aftermath of September 11th, the Congress gave the President the broad authority to pursue terrorists and other national security threats as “he sees fit.” The Democrats joined overwhelmingly in granting that authority.

Shall we go on? Better not, Flopping Aces will run out of bandwidth. Moyers should retire as promised on more than one occasion or two, or three, or four …

Thanks Rubberneck — thanks for showing us why left wing kooks know very little about conservatives (enjoy the rapture?) and also very little about truth.

Perhaps you should change your name to Rubberspine? Jackass!

PBS, the network which runs Moyer’s programs, is funded by the U.S. taxpayer.

Considering all the hoopla Democrats have made about the Fairness doctrine, surely we should be permitted equal time and equal funding for every program Moyer’s runs on PBS.

Well, of course that’s a joke isn’t it? Just like all the other rules, standards of conduct and ethics they are only meant to be applied to the disadvantage of Republicans and conservatives.

Liberals are too afraid of a level playing field in the arena of ideas to permit us the same access they continue to enjoy.

Bruce Fien is a true conservative. He drafted the articles of impeachment against Bill Clinton for god’s sake.

If a constitutional lawyer of his history and stature has this much of a problem with the current administration, perhaps we should all take notice.