The Libby Pardon & Bush’s Legacy

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The Democrats are in full head exploding mode after todays news that a pardon for Libby may still be forthcoming:

Democratic presidential contender Hillary Rodham Clinton drew a distinction between President Bush’s decision to commute the sentence of White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby – which she has harshly criticized – and her husband’s 140 pardons in his closing hours in office.

“I believe that presidential pardon authority is available to any president, and almost all presidents have exercised it,” Clinton said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. “This (the Libby decision) was clearly an effort to protect the White House. … There isn’t any doubt now, what we know is that Libby was carrying out the implicit or explicit wishes of the vice president, or maybe the president as well, in the further effort to stifle dissent.”

Libby, a former chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney, had been sentenced to 30 months in prison as well as two years’ probation and a $250,000 fine for perjury in connection with the leaking of CIA agent Valerie Plane’s name to reporters.

Just hours after a federal appeals court rejected Libby’s appeal, Bush announced his decision to commute the prison term portion of the sentence, which he labeled excessive.

As she campaigns with her husband for Iowa’s leadoff precinct caucuses, Clinton has joined other Democrats in ripping Bush’s decision. In the interview, she said it was “one more example” of the Bush administration thinking “it is above the rule of law.”

Her husband’s pardons, issued in the closing hours of his presidency, were simply routine exercise in the use of the pardon power, and none were aimed at protecting the Clinton presidency or legacy, she said.

Protecting the Bush Presidency?  From what?  Apparently from the man who was railroaded because he forgot some dates.  Nevermind that the Special Prosecutor found nothing to charge anyone with regarding the Plame idiocy.  No, Libby going to jail would somehow harm Bush.

Of course we know the legacy of the Clinton’s quite well and if anyone should be worried, it’s these two hacks.

The real Bill Clinton pardoned two of the biggest tax cheats in United States history who had renounced their citizenship and had traded with the Iranians during the hostage crisis, all because Marc Rich’s daughter gave a million bucks to the Democrat party and gave plenty to the Clinton campaign.  He commuted the sentences of 14 convicted terrorists.  He pardoned Rick Hendrick, who was convicted of mail fraud in 1997, once his good friend Hugh McColl, CEO of Bank of America at the time, pleaded for a pardon and gave $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation.  In fact it took exactly 14 days from the day the check was delivered until Rick was a free man.   Or how about the Drug kingpin who made millions transporting Cocaine and other various drugs across the border, Mr. Carlos Vignali.  The man who was represented by Bill Clinton’s brother-in-law, who gave money to the Democrat party and incidently enough gave plenty of cash to our current Mayor in Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa.  He served 6 years of a 15 year sentence and was set free by Clinton.

Hell, it was just a few months ago that the Gregory case reared it’s ugly head again:

A court-appointed bankruptcy trustee asked a federal judge this week to schedule a new court date in a case against Tony Rodham, the brother of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., accused of failing to repay $109,000 in loans from a carnival company whose owners received controversial pardons issued by President Bill Clinton in the last hours of his presidency.

According to documents filed in the case, Rodham received the loans, before and after the pardons were granted, from United Shows of America, Inc., owned by Edgar Gregory and his wife, who had been convicted of defrauding several banks.

A congressional report by the Republican-controlled House Reform Committee concluded Rodham "had tried to sell his access to the White House" and that "but for Tony Rodham’s lobbying efforts, the Gregory pardons would not have been granted."

The Clinton Presidency was for sale to the highest bidder.  If anything can ruin the legacy of a President that fact would be one of them.

Let see, Libby forgets some dates while Bill forgot about a BJ…..which one is more plausible?

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How quickly they forgot Susan H. McDougal.

She didn’t have a different recollection as a reporter a year after the fact. She refused to answer specific questions about Bill Clinton in front of a Grand Jury.